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Everything posted by Vixen

  1. Vixen

    Hunt from horse back

    I think if they are YOUR horses, you should already know their limitations and what they are capable of. The trust between you and your horse(s) should already be there. Go tryin new stuff they are not use to and I am pretty sure they will let you know what they think about it.
  2. Vixen

    Some lake ram pics 7/7

    You have to in order to run around on cliffs like they do..
  3. Vixen

    Rattle Snake ID

    I honestly think a lot of people mistake a "Mohave Green" rattlesnake for the Arizona Black Tailed Rattlesnake. I also think a lot of people mistake the actual Mohave for a Western Diamondback. There are lots of the Arizona Black Rattlers that are not completely black. I have seen some with only half of their body black. I also think that the Arizona Black Tailed and Arizona Black are the ones people call Timber rattlers even though that is not their true name, just something I have always heard the good ol timers say.
  4. Vixen

    Rattle Snake ID

    Arizona Black Buzzworm
  5. Vixen

    Tips on fishing Upper Lake Mary?

    +1 on the swim baits. If you want to catch your first clam, just let your lure drag the bottom a bit and you can catch one of those also.
  6. Vixen

    AZ drivers....

    Everybody is a good driver in their own mind... I guess we are all guilty.. Have seen plenty of photographs of Sticker Sightings on this site taken while driving... Its always easy to blame everyone else when we all have the same responsabilites on the roads...People will never learn their lesson until it is too late..
  7. Vixen

    Ground Elk Recipes

    Have you ever added a little bit of bacon in on your grind?
  8. Vixen

    Custom built LH cari-bow

    You can't pass it down the family line?
  9. Nice pics....For future reference.... You might wanna be careful with some of the turtles...there are a few that aren't so kind...soft shells will turn your fingers into a meal pretty fast..and I mean fast by they are not like the tortoise and the hair racing...they can get along pretty quick
  10. Vixen

    Tim McGraw Anti-Gunner!1....What a buzzzz kill!!

    But can't he kill a deer or buffalo with just his arrow and hickory bow at a 100 yards? Don't ya know in his buffalo briefs.
  11. Vixen

    found gun

    Did you find those keys in 5B-S, near Clint's Well? I lost a set while riding my quad....maybe 5 years ago. No sir, was in Unit 23
  12. Vixen

    turkey loads

    TRKHNTR, Why the shorter barrels?
  13. Vixen

    coyote hunting

    Hunt them all you want when you want, kill as many as possible, just don't get divorced over it. Save that for a bull tag.
  14. Vixen

    found gun

    I found a set of keys one time out in the middle of nowhere and didn't know what to do with them, so I built up a pile of rocks and set them on top of them assuming someone would backtrack and find them. Its scary to lose a gun. I had my camper door open driving on a road and my gun fell out. I am just glad it was only a few hundred yards from where I camped.
  15. Vixen

    For my dad

    Few ways to get there.. Martinez canyon Rd and some others. You can Google Earth it, just type in Superior AZ Coke ovens and it should take you there.
  16. Vixen


    Yep... This is the ninja thread.
  17. Vixen

    Daughters first finds

    Uh oh...... Your in trouble now, especially since she found that little spike shed. Might wanna keep her outta elk country or you might not have the pack or backbone to carry everything out. Keep us posted on your future adventures.
  18. Vixen

    2015 archery desert mule deer

    Bad azz..... How long were you sitting?
  19. Vixen


    Gilly suits work the best.
  20. Vixen

    Rattling and calling coues

    I seen them respond to grunts. Never tried the rattling. Seems tough in AZ cuz you draw the attention to yourself as soon as you do that. Conditions gotta be right. Then the stare down starts.
  21. Vixen

    Ryan and Laura's first desert bighorn sheep hunt!

    Hats off to you guys/gal. What an accomplishment
  22. Vixen

    Havalon knife, which one?

    I haven't cut myself.....yet.. did get stabbed thru the finger tho. I was changing the blade out with my multi-tool and a piece broke off and buzzed right by my eye. That was the 60xt. I like the (A) blades, they are a bit thicker. I also point it down towards the ground now when changing them. I am still trying to figure out the best way to dispose of them. As of now I point them into the ground and hammer them in with a rock and leave the rock on top of it. They are bad news floating around in the pack. Maybe need to get an old pill container to put them in. Still gotta be careful disposing of them at the house tho.
  23. Vixen

    Minox 15x58 BD (the best model)

    Got pictures?
  24. Do away with the extended deadlines
  25. Vixen

    Late rifle bulls

    Nice bulls. Yep that's work alright