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Everything posted by Vixen

  1. Vixen

    Huge cat on the Navajo?

    That is a Liger.
  2. Vixen


    Good Luck.... your patience will pay off...either way
  3. Vixen

    Rocky Mountain MD in AZ

    I think there is some Kaibab strain/ Rocky Mountain in 23, if not, they would be really huge desert Mulies. I have seen Mulies over the 200 mark in 23 before.
  4. Vixen

    Very important question

    Sometimes if you go to where the animal was hit, you can start there and start making small radar like circles and start getting bigger.
  5. Vixen

    Bulls after the rut.

    Maybe start glassing some of the thicker cover towards some canyons..You will be amazed how they hang up in that stuff.
  6. Vixen

    lazy slob hunters

    You're right. haha.. dang internet
  7. Vixen

    lazy slob hunters

    This type of stuff shouldn make us argue amongst each other. We are hunters. We hear lots of stories. Soon enough the word will be out and someone will be caught. As long as we keep turning stuff in like this is all we can do.
  8. Vixen


    Some snakes are venomous. If we killed off every snake we saw, then we would be complaining about rodents which carry some wicked diseases.
  9. Vixen


    There will usually sometimes be a trace of venom, but most of the times your denims keep most of it from contacting the skin. Snakes will also more than likely induce a wet bite when they are shedding due to there lack of vision and some of there senses.
  10. Vixen

    Relaxing Tom

    Beautiful mount.. Excellent work. I love seeing these animals in the way you would usually see them in the wild.
  11. Vixen


    Your chances of getting a wet bite are going to be better trying to kill it than just leaving it alone. Especially when they back into brush. If your going to shoot them, at point blank, is introducing another safety factor. If you get bit just walking out in the sticks the chances of being struck by lightning are almost the same. 9 times out of 10 if not tampered with it is probably going to be a dry bite. The head after decapitation is extremely dangerous and the snake is very capable of injecting a fang in with full dose of venom without its body. The statistics show that the biggest percentage of people bitten are the ones messing with them without experience, even then your still chancing a bite no matter what experience. I think they are better off left alone in the wild. Different story around the house. I have came across people beating a rattlesnake to death in roads and stop and ask them if they have their hunting license. They almost all the time reply "No for what?" I would tell them for killing the snake. They would say that they didn't know you needed to have one. Guess one could be a real ***hole and turn them in, but that's not who I am. Just sayin
  12. Vixen

    Ever seen this.

    Swollen nose, eyes and the hair was missing. Not warts. Just curious if any one has come across this before. Seemed like some kind of mange.
  13. Vixen

    Ever seen this.

    I would buy that. Just that I have seen plenty of animals bitten by rattlers and never ended up bein that tragic. It is possible I guess. Looked as if it was some type of skin disease honestly. I have seen stuff close to this on cattle but it ended up usually bein warts
  14. Vixen

    Ever seen this.

    But don't you think after a month it woulda healed up a bit better. He almost acted as if he might have been a bit blind, kinda had the cloudy eyes like an old dog. His antlers were really bladed also. Is this indication of an older buck maybe?
  15. Vixen

    Ever seen this.

    It was almost bare bone on the bridge of his face. The blood on his snout is not from handling, that's how it was, also not one taxidermist wanted anything to do with the cape... can't blame them haha.
  16. Vixen

    Ever seen this.

    The deer was like this every time I glassed him up. This was immediately after he expired. Saw him like this for months and nicknamed him Scarface. Notified G&F next day and not much was said. Was guessing it was probably due to costs. Deer was taken in Oct. of 14 in unit 24a.
  17. Vixen

    Auto Electrical Wiring Help

    I have seen some work done by Audio Express that was pretty nice and cheap, was a few years back tho
  18. yes guess mine if you would, your prize is a like. best i can do. I try not to score the amazing critters photographed or harvested. I think they are all amazing to watch and see. The elk in your picture is for sure a unique trophy as far as the animals go, but for yours and greyghost height, I am not going to join in on that contest. Could be photo shopped, never know.
  19. Is this a guess the score thread? What are the prizes?, and is it feet or inches?
  20. Vixen

    Question About the Pack

    I think it all depends on the adjustment straps on the pack. Proper fit takes a lot of the weight also. Just from my experience, if my pack wasn't adjusted correctly while packing a load I noticed I was a hurtin unit by the time I got to my destination. Maybe look on Youtube about your pack or the Alps website to find out more. Sometimes just a minor adjustment can make your day go by much better.
  21. Vixen

    Replaceable blade knives

    You can get different thicknesses and sizes and shapes for the havalon. Just sayin. They have rounded ones that are perfect for caping. the thicker blades don't break near as easy. As said before. If you are breaking them, they are not getting used properly.
  22. Vixen


    T.A.G. seems to be the best I have used so far.
  23. Vixen

    this x-ray has me worried

    No harm intended, but I can't see any of their tails
  24. Vixen

    HEALY ARMS - New Store in Tempe AZ

    Do you guys do gun repair?