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Everything posted by az_shooter

  1. az_shooter

    some finds

    Nice bone, thanks for sharing.
  2. az_shooter

    It happened to me!

    Awesome buck, congrats!
  3. Neat looking rifle for sure, but yes, what is the barrel, no info or anything on that.
  4. az_shooter

    Ward's Outfitters 2013 Starting Out Great.

    Those are some great looking bucks, can't wait for the other pictures.
  5. az_shooter

    Thoughts on Cabelas 12x50 Euros

    The swaros are just the best and I've heard great things about the vortex, just remember, buy nice or buy twice!
  6. az_shooter

    First Coues find of the year

    Thanks Amanda! I see everyone else on here doing it so I thought I would join the cause haha!
  7. az_shooter

    First Coues find of the year

    Went out bow hunting with a friend to one of our spots and while hiking around i found this guy along with the rest of his bones. I'm thinking he was killed by a hunter who never recovered him because his nose and stuff isn't crushed like they are when killed by a lion and he was up in a thick area of trees and coyotes usually drag their kills out into the open so they can keep an eye on it. I also took a picture from the side because he's not very big but he has two little stickers on his right side that you can barely see.
  8. az_shooter

    First Coues find of the year

    Found this on AZG&F website: "If the cause of death cannot be determined and the wildlife part is fresh, meaning bone or tissue moisture is present and the part is not oxidized, possession will not be allowed. This also applies to parts, such as skulls, where the age cannot be determined because the finder has boiled and/or cleaned them. If the cause of death cannot be determined and the part is old (with no moisture and oxidized), possession will be allowed."
  9. az_shooter

    My 2013 Coues & Javi

    Sweet buck, congrats!
  10. az_shooter

    2013 Weekend Warrior Calling Contest.

    Well the first morning of the tourney is done, hope everyone is doing good and good luck for the evening, think its gonna be a good first day.
  11. az_shooter

    San Carlos Tag Filled!

    Very nice buck, cool lookin drop tine on that bad boy, congrats.
  12. az_shooter

    2013 Weekend Warrior Calling Contest.

    First day of the tourney starts tomorrow, good luck and good hunting to everyone who signed up!
  13. az_shooter


    How do you leave your own deposit on a scrape? Do you just pee on it? I've never thought of this before, has it ever worked for you?
  14. az_shooter


    How did they some one steal your bow? Either way it sucks that some people have to be such low life's to take something that someone spent their hard earned money on, I would call around to pawn shops and bow shops to see if some body has tried to come in and sell one, hope you get it back.
  15. az_shooter


    It all depends, I've found that some bucks will keep the same scrape for an extended period of time and I've also seen scrapes that any buck that's in the area will use to mark themselves. And if they are rutting where ever your hunting, a buck may completely abandon a scrape and just start a whole new one when they are done with the rut. Search the area and maybe the dominant buck will have more than one scrape you can watch. IMO all scrapes and patterns almost completely go out the window if they are rutting, but that's just my idea on it. I'm sure you'll get a lot of experienced hinters to comment on this with their own thoughts on it, you'll probably just have to find what works in your area.
  16. az_shooter

    Need help with 308

    Thanks for some good info so far, I'm looking at a few other cals and looking into the tikka.
  17. Hunting coues deer with a bow is always a challenge whether you're doing a spot and stock or sitting in a blind or stand. I'm fairly new to bow hunting but have been rifle hunting for years, so I thought I would post this topic and see what I can get. Has anyone ever had really good luck or can swear up and down by the use of scents or calls while bow hunting for coues? I have gotten the attention of bucks before by rattling but its only happened once, so I thought it would be fun to hear some of your guys tactics and things you like to do that you would be willing to share.
  18. az_shooter

    Is Anyone else like me?

    +1, very true HAHA!
  19. az_shooter

    Is Anyone else like me?

    A friend and myself have been chasing coues this January and we have also found scrapes and heavy trails and sign everywhere but are having trouble locating bucks. We to have found evidence of rut activity at night and have sat in trees for hours not seeing anything where we had found fresh sign. I even found a monster coues and wasn't able to get on him so I backed off and didn't spook him and went back the very next day and never saw a single deer. All I can say is that's coues deer and even though we haven't strung anything yet I still love the excitement of how nothing can be happening and in a matter of seconds you're off to the races trying to get around on bucks and as quickly as it started it all just stops and your back to nothing again. Welcome to coues deer, they are a rush.
  20. az_shooter

    35b? Monster Pics

    What a stud, awesome pics, nice to see public land hunts turn out deer like these ones, awesome.
  21. AGFD is proposing a ban on baiting, hasn't gone through yet, although it appears the vote will take place this friday at the commission meeting. Ok, I'm a little off on my rules and regs, thanks for the correction Amanda. Haha oops
  22. I heard from a buddy that azg&f put a ban on baiting, guess I need to be more current with my rules and regs.
  23. az_shooter

    December 2012 AZ Coues Hunt.

    Great job on two great bucks! Nice to see that stud come out of that unit, I recognize the area with all the fire scars and the mountain range in the back ground of the picture with the ford. Way to capitalize on what looked like a great hunt!