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Everything posted by az_shooter

  1. az_shooter

    My 2013 Rifle Buck

    Awesome buck, huge congrats to you.
  2. az_shooter

    My Daughter Awesome Hunt!

    Great job and congrats to the both of you!
  3. az_shooter

    goter done in 35b 3 out of 4

    Dang, cleaning em out! Hope you saved some for us, a good buddy and I are gonna be in that unit the day after thanksgiving. Congrats to all of you.
  4. That sounds like a great deal, too bad I can't afford this right now cause I would love to hunt in Mexico, hope you get someone to fill that tag for you.
  5. az_shooter

    Cabelas on Black Friday!

    If it's recent enough take it back and they will give you the refund for the discounted price.
  6. az_shooter

    Last Day Buck for Dad

    Awesome forks! That boy has width for being a forky, congrats to your father.
  7. az_shooter

    140" Rumors...

    Wow, have to respect that they don't want to post but man I would love to see those pics, I don't care where they were killed.
  8. az_shooter

    Melissa Bachman has Anti's coming out

    Too bad for her, some people just never see the world outside of their tv and they seem to know it all. Why don't they ask all the people in Africa that got a hot meal for a change from that lion how they feel about it, bet the response would be a lot different. Reason #432 why I'm not on Facebook or other social media sites.
  9. az_shooter

    Cabelas on Black Friday!

    I'm with the majority, I'll be camped out under the stars going to chase Coues in the morning. Good luck with the crowds though.
  10. az_shooter

    46 Rail Camo

    Kings Desert Shadow Camo is the best by far, I don't need to spend 50 bucks on a fancy shirt just cause it's some special material, nothing wrong with a cotton long sleeve t in camo print.
  11. az_shooter

    A little late - Early Hunt

    Way to get it done, like the skull.
  12. az_shooter

    Nov. San Carlos Rez Bucks Taken

    Great looking bucks there, congrats to the hunters.
  13. az_shooter

    Seen Heinz57

    I know, but I've been here my whole life and have been sporting that sticker for almost two years! Haha but yes sir, I have a late November, early December rifle tag for 35B. I can't go through my person messages but I'm pretty sure you and I talked about hunting on Ft. Huachuca a little while ago, I think you mentioned you have a rifle tag in December on the fort.
  14. az_shooter

    Seen Heinz57

    Nice looking sticker you got there!
  15. az_shooter

    Dec Buck BACK!!!!!!

    RAM, great looking deer, but I like your shelf you have it on, did you make it yourself? Cool design.
  16. az_shooter

    First buck for new gun

    Nice job Robert, hunting with family and friends is always worth it weather it's a bruiser or a dink. Congrats on your deer and successful hunt.
  17. az_shooter

    WTB stihl Chainsaw

    Why such a big saw? You gonna move to Washington or something? 036 is still a great saw and can take down anything up to 30" DBH comfortably.
  18. az_shooter

    Poacher Ruined my hunt - still upset

    I was in 34B in the early bow season looking for mule deer a few years ago and witnessed a group of people out driving around and stop to take shots at a cow with an AR. Stupid people, glad you turned him in, I never called on those guys even though I should have and thankfully they were horrible shots and missed the cow who I found and made sure wasn't hit.
  19. az_shooter

    finally got to use my havalon.

    Hey, I got to use mine for the first time in a year too! Although it seems I'm a little more rusty than you were!
  20. az_shooter

    Mule deer opener pictures and stories

    We didn't see not one buck all morning and afternoon, it wasn't until late evening that I finally glassed up two spikes but my girl friend didn't want to shoot a spike on the opener. Not a good day in 30B
  21. az_shooter

    Mule Deer and Golf Courses

    I would say yes.
  22. az_shooter

    Anyone else eating tag soup??

    Well my hunt isn't until December but my girl friends hunt starts on Friday and I've been helping a couple buddies and out of two tags with two friends this week we've only filled one. Got one of the guys a little fork horn for his first deer this week. But with the warm afternoons it has been a little difficult but fun non the least.
  23. Congrats on a sweet buck, great job.