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Everything posted by az_shooter

  1. az_shooter


    Toad, congrats.
  2. Count me in, I don't even have a hunt up there, I'm in strictly for the fort building! Haha
  3. Do you have a lot of couch cushions and blankets? Because no slumber party is complete without the chance to build a sweet fort in the living room!
  4. az_shooter

    15 years of no harvest

    That's gonna be the best 17 year steak you've ever had, and probably the only 17 year steak. So enjoy it with a nice cold beer or wine, which ever you prefer. Congrats.
  5. az_shooter

    New bow limbs

    Anyone know of a place I can get heavier limbs for any bow? Does such a place exist where I could possibly buy an "aftermarket" set of limbs so I could ramp up my bow?
  6. az_shooter

    New bow limbs

    I have the problem that my bow is old enough now that the manufacturer stopped making limbs for my model.
  7. az_shooter

    Apparently we’re doing it wrong

    Maybe the rut was already over or maybe it was an early snow and the rut hadn't started yet. What I noticed was who ever uploaded this video is not an outdoors person at all. They referred to the deer as a "pack" of deer, not a "herd" of deer. Don't pack animals usually hunt? Maybe this is a carnivorous pack of blood thirsty deer, maybe he has been feeding them meat.
  8. az_shooter

    Got it done on Veteran's Day

    Awesome, cool tortoise, great buck, sweet ram.
  9. az_shooter

    WARNING!!!!!!!!! MUST READ!

    Haha I like some of those comments.
  10. az_shooter

    Apparently we’re doing it wrong

    Are you freaking kidding me... They ran to him like dogs in a yard.
  11. az_shooter

    Coues and Effect

    Great buck, congrats on your deer.
  12. az_shooter

    When will results be up

    I called and they said they are hoping to be out by the end of next week.
  13. az_shooter

    Big bucks... What does it take?

    Yes, I would also like to know these secrets. Haha
  14. az_shooter

    My buck

    Heck yeah, that's a great buck, congrats.
  15. az_shooter

    Got lucky in 28

    Congrats to your wife on her buck.
  16. az_shooter

    Grim Reaper Broadheads

    Do they still fly like field points out to 80 yards and further? Reason why I'm asking is because I'm wanting something that will fly consistently out to 100 yards.
  17. Anybody ever use these? What is your thoughts on these Broadheads and how do they compare to other high end expandable heads you've used?
  18. az_shooter

    When will results be up

    Hopefully soon, I need to start planning my second tag.
  19. az_shooter

    Full Draw Film Tour- Tucson

    I'll be going to the one in Tucson, first time going to one of these.
  20. az_shooter

    How go you all cook venison roast

    In a glassware pan in the oven at 300 degrees with thick cut bacon over the top and halved potatoes and chopped onions. I add a little bit of water in the bottom of the pan and a shot or two of JD then cover it in aluminum foil.
  21. Can you find the critter in the picture? If you do please simply post "yes" so it's not given away. Also I'm posting from my phone so if the pictures come out really big or really small then I'm sorry, I guess it will make it easier, or harder, since I can't resize them. I will post the answer tomorrow, enjoy. ANSWER: It's an owl that I glassed up on this past deer hunt, I must have stared at that spot for a few minutes before I even realized he was there, he is a pretty big owl to as this picture was taken from about 560 yards. Here is a close up.
  22. az_shooter

    Where's Waldo? CWT.com style **UPDATE W/ ANSWER**

    I'm not so sure that is another owl, or anything at that, but you never know I guess.
  23. az_shooter

    Your Thoughts??? (pic)

    I think johnnie is asking because this is a post from back in May. So, we're you able to get him killed BOHNTR? Edit: I have to agree with CaptainObvious on that one. His second on that left side isn't enough to make him over 105 and he isn't wide enough for that score either. He has good mass and good thirds and great fourths but I don't think he is even that much more over 100". Most definitely bigger than any buck I've ever killed but the 95" to 100" mark is where I believe this buck sits. Great buck no doubt though and would love to see what he added on this year, since this picture was last years antlers.