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Everything posted by az_shooter

  1. az_shooter

    Winchester Super X Pump

    +1 Not normal, defiantly get a hold of Winchester.
  2. az_shooter

    Eberlestock X1A1

    +1 on a good pack, I also own an X1A1 and I really like it, hope you sell. It's a good deal.
  3. az_shooter

    Christmas Eve OTC muley

    Awesome buck, I wish I could shoot the wrong buck like that!
  4. az_shooter

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family as well.
  5. az_shooter

    !!!!!!!!38M!!!!! BULL!!!

    What a load of crap, but you never know bud, this could be a blessing in disguise. You might find some new country and find yourself a new favorite honey hole. Good luck.
  6. az_shooter

    Check out this buck

    Wow... Amazing deer, huge congrats.
  7. az_shooter

    Son's first archery hard horned buck

    That's a story ending broad head right there, great job!
  8. az_shooter

    2013 12A West (late) hunt results

    Those are some awesome bucks.
  9. az_shooter

    Unit 32 toad

    Ha good one, I bit like a spawning bass!
  10. az_shooter

    105 December coues 3x3

    That is one sweet buck, great job on the hunt!
  11. az_shooter

    WTB Swarovski Tripod Adaptor

    Lucky me I found it in a parking lot I was recently in. I must have kicked it out of the truck when I was getting out and never noticed. I got lucky this time.
  12. az_shooter

    WTB Swarovski Tripod Adaptor

    Lost mine, looking for another one, anybody have one they don't need anymore, any suggestions or alternatives?
  13. az_shooter

    First Archery Mule Deer 37B

    Great job, awesome buck!
  14. az_shooter

    Shipping processed game

    Whether you ship it, make a flight and pick it up yourself, or drive down and get it, your still gonna spend a bunch of money. So why spend money when you can make money? Here's what you do, have your friend sell a bunch of the meat and with the profits you can pay to ship the little bit of good meat you want, back straps, some steaks, maybe a little burger. Keep 15 or 20 lbs for yourself and sell the rest.
  15. az_shooter


    That's one cool buck, I like seeing them with the nasty stuff on 'em.
  16. az_shooter

    December Tag Filled

    Great job, that's an awesome buck!
  17. Looks like too many "yuppies" out there have a problem with freedom of speech. Phil Robertson will no longer be a part of Duck Dynasty even though he created it all. Check it out. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/phil-robertson-off-duck-dynasty-indefinitely/
  18. az_shooter

    ** Helmets ~ Toshiba tv/dvd ~ (steel shot SPF)

    Maybe it's just the posts I check but you sure seem to be selling a lot of stuff haha! You wouldn't happen to have a leica 1600 you want to get rid of would ya, heck maybe even save ya the time to post it haha!
  19. az_shooter

    SV- seems like they are everywhere

    Black Chevy is Heinz57 and the red ford is my buddies truck, we we bow hunting and we left his truck at BK, check out this cool pic we took with my truck and my buddies truck that you saw at BK. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/45270-black-silverado-in-sonoita/?do=findComment&comment=427939
  20. az_shooter

    My late dec hunt

    Sweet buck, good luck to your pops!
  21. az_shooter

    Duck Dynasty looses Phil Robertson

    PRDATR - thanks for the heads up, I didn't see that thread. SWDesertRat - Respectfully, since you mentioned high school, do you remember those kids in high school that always went against the grain just to stand out? You know, those kids that thought they were cool by pretending to not care but really they always did and threw their two cents in whenever they could. You remind me of those kids right now, why even comment on the thread if you're just gonna be negative? We all come on this site to share and be accompanied by others who share the same interests. I'm not as into hunting in Africa as other people but you don't see me going into that thread and throwing out negative comments. No, I just keep scrolling down. So next time you have a thought like this one, don't type, scroll. "Just saying"
  22. az_shooter

    my cousins 2013 archery coues deer

    Congrats to the shooter. Definitely nice to see that someone is having some success in the archery season!
  23. az_shooter

    Black Silverado in Sonoita

    Saw you there while we were driving through so we had to photo bomb your truck.
  24. az_shooter

    Sierra Vista- red Toyota Tacoma work truck

    I've seen that red Toyota around as well.
  25. az_shooter

    Worlds fastest archer

    Yeah I'm not getting it either.