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Everything posted by az_shooter

  1. az_shooter

    Wife's Dec buck

    Congrats to her on a great buck!
  2. az_shooter

    First archery coues

    Great job!
  3. az_shooter

    Big buck

    Awesome buck, hope you get em, and if your not chasing him just let me know where he is at! Haha
  4. az_shooter

    first coues buck with a bow

    That's what I shot my first archery coues with a few days ago, although I never found him and I'm still out looking. Good to know they work!
  5. az_shooter

    first coues buck with a bow

    Is that the arrow you killed him with? No broad head, the new most interesting man in the world. "I don't always use arrows, but when I do, I always shoot without broad heads." Just joking, congrats on a great trophy!
  6. Hey y'all, I need some input and some serious advice. I arrowed a little 3x3 this morning at 35 yards and I saw and heard the arrow hit. I'm not sure if I hit him in the shoulder or just behind but when he ran off I could see about 10 or so inches of arrow sticking out of him. I immediately went to where i hit him and there was minimal blood and the blood trail only went about 20 yards before it turned almost non existent. This was semi-open country with scattered mesquite and juniper so I watched him run quite a ways before I couldn't see him anymore. I could see though that when he was running away that the shoulder I hit him in was in bad shape as he wasn't using the front leg to run with. My question is why is there so little blood? Is it because the arrow is stuck in him so the bleeding is more internal and not a lot external? Another thing is that he ran into the direction of some newly developed houses and I actually found more blood a ways from where I shot him but it's just a few drops and still no arrow. From what it looks like, he did run into the housing area where there is more cover. I don't want to give up on this deer but with seeing how injured he was and then seeing how little blood there was I just don't know how to go about it. Also the military base property bounty real close so he could have gone in there to.
  7. az_shooter

    Do you wear gloves when cleaning game?

    Blue surgical gloves are always in my hunting pack, they are awesome.
  8. az_shooter

    My first archery buck no good

    Oh no for sure I'm going to report I shot a deer, even if I don't find it, it's the right thing to do.
  9. az_shooter

    Cleaning Gloves

    Just go buy some blue surgical gloves, they are disposable and there are 100 pair of gloves per box. I just keep 3 or 4 pair in a sandwich ziplock baggy in my pack. The take up nothing for space and they work great.
  10. az_shooter

    My first archery buck no good

    I've grid searched, I looked all day yesterday and even had a buddy bring out a dog that tracks. The dog got on the trail and took me about another 300 yards before he lost the scent and couldn't pick it back up again. While I was tracking behind the houses yesterday a home owner came outside and said there was an injured deer in her front yard that morning with a bum leg. Then she proceeded to call me names and yell at me for being a jerk for hunting helpless animals. I'm not giving up on this deer yet though.
  11. az_shooter

    My first archery buck no good

    I was thinking the same thing, but then it would be a double edged sword because something like that would be expensive and every time we miss it would probably ruin the devise or if you did hit and the arrow passed all the way through then it would be useless. I was thinking more of a real time, high def google earth with playback capabilities. That way I could just zoom in and watched where the deer went and find it without trouble. Kind of funny what crazy ideas you come up with when something like this happens haha.
  12. Here ya go again haha, let me know if you run across that leica 1600 I'm looking for!
  13. az_shooter

    little cousin

    Cool buck, congrats to your cousin.
  14. az_shooter

    what animals eat barrel cactus?

    I watched a cow eat one for about 5 min while I was glassing one time. Dang thing would just chew away on it thorns and all, cows are idiots.
  15. az_shooter

    My first archery buck no good

    Not at my house and that's the problem. I wish I knew where he was at.
  16. az_shooter

    Monster Lion Kill

    That is super cool, awesome character on that thing.
  17. az_shooter

    My first archery buck no good

    Yeah, I didn't go after him right away, I watched him run out of sight and then I went to just go check where he was standing when I shot. I didn't actually start blood trailing until about 30 minutes after, which was still probably too soon.
  18. az_shooter

    My first archery buck no good

    The shot didn't seem high, if it was then it's not by much.
  19. I wanna learn how to hunt and kill a deer! Just kidding, heck of a trophy that young man has, fantastic job.
  20. az_shooter

    Find the lion-

    I see it! It the red highlighted thing in the pictures! Did I get it?
  21. az_shooter

    Only If.....

    Wow, sweet looking buck.
  22. az_shooter

    payson hotels

    +1 budget inn on the beeline
  23. az_shooter


    Snow is only up high on the peaks and only on the shady spots on the mountains, it's been in the 60's the past couple days.
  24. az_shooter

    How you bow hunt coues

    Since this was the first year I have purchased and used trail cameras I have combined the two methods and so far I've been having decent luck. Since I know from the trial cams when and where they are moving I have been sitting back just far enough of their area that I can stay hidden well. Then when I find that they are moving in that area I am watching, I switch to spot and stalk and try and move in on them, playing the wind the whole time. I usually keep it to a short stalk, 100 yards or less. By doing this I have gotten withing 50 yards of two different bucks but a shot was never presented. I find that sitting off of their popular areas keeps them calm and the short stalk makes it good because you don't always feel rushed to cover long distances in short time. I guess it helps me remember to take my time with every move I make and hopefully soon I will also be able to arrow a nice buck.