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Red Rabbit

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Everything posted by Red Rabbit

  1. Red Rabbit

    Dream Hunt?

    What has been your dream hunt? Still dreaming, or did it come to fruition? For me, after I got out of college and started teaching in 1980, the hunting magazines lead my mind up into the northern mountains of the Yukon for a dall sheep hunt. I thought they were beautiful creatures. The hunt was out of my meager budget back then, and now the active geology has made the mountains too tall and steep for my legs.
  2. Red Rabbit

    Marsupial enclosed bino chest pack

    PM sent
  3. Red Rabbit

    And the Card hits will begin

    no hits, no runs, no errors
  4. I had never hunted deer in Arizona before. I asked my friend how big Coues deer were. He said if you can see antlers, it's a good one. This was about 1985 near Geronimo's Surrender Site.
  5. Red Rabbit

    Elk Apps due 2/4/2025

    After many years of being due on the second Tuesday, the deadline is indeed sneaky.
  6. Red Rabbit

    Elk Apps due 2/4/2025

    Wapiti Wednesday. "Kickstand" says to get those elk applications in by next Tuesday to AZGFD.
  7. Red Rabbit

    WTB 270 wsm brass

    Check with Ravenrocks. That is where I purchased my Norma brass. https://ravenrocksprecision.com/rifle-brass/?_bc_fsnf=1&Caliber=270+WSM Powder Valley also has 270 WSM Norma brass in stock. https://www.powdervalley.com/product/norma-brass-270-winchester-short-mag/
  8. Red Rabbit

    7 mm Backcountry

    Spomer's video showed single digit ES but with data from only 3 shots of one ammo. The AllTerra video was not so rosey with higher ES and SD that equated to poorer long range accuracy. (see the last half of the video.) Sportsmans is showing the ammo prices for 7prc and 7bc being the same at $65 with the Terminal Ascent bullet. The 7bc is using about 55gr powder, which would equate to about 10% less recoil than a 7prc with equal rifle and bullet weight and velocity. We'll see how it shakes out when more factory ammo becomes available and is shot/analyzed.
  9. Red Rabbit

    2025 Elk Regs up

  10. Red Rabbit

    2025 Wyoming Antelope Hunt

    The GoHunt app should let you see what units you can draw with only 3 points and give unit profiles. wgfd.wyo.gov will do the same. The winter of 2022-23 took a big toll on the deer and antelope in southwest Wyoming. I have 14 points for WY antelope and will see how this winter plays out. It will take a few more mild winters and no droughts for the herds to rebuild.
  11. I have not seen any discussion about the proposals to be bantered/approved at this Friday's AZGFD commission meeting. https://azgfd-portal-wordpress-pantheon.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/21115346/AZ-Hunt-Recommendations-Nov-20-2024.pdf
  12. Red Rabbit

    Black Friday Sales

    Have you seen any good Black Friday sales to share? Some pre BFsales at Sportsmans Warehouse and Cabelas, but nothing to garner great attention yet. I noticed that Kryptek has some good discounts. https://kryptek.com/ Kenetrek boots 20-50% off https://kenetrek.com/
  13. Red Rabbit

    A Day for Thanks

    Family, friends, God's grace, help from a stranger, the smile from a child, the beauty of nature...
  14. Red Rabbit

    270 WSM sizing issues

    Raven Rock Precision has Norma 270 WSM brass on a Black Friday Special. https://ravenrocksprecision.com/norma-270-wsm-brass-updating/
  15. Good friend's son drew a desert bighorn tag. Any recommendations for a taxidermist in the Phoenix area who does good work on desert sheep?
  16. My 6.5 WSM has a Bushnell LRHSi 4.5-18 mounted on it.
  17. Red Rabbit

    Taxidermist Recommendation?

    Thanks all for the comments and suggestions. I am passing them along.
  18. Red Rabbit

    Aurora and Comet?

    Did anyone catch the aurora last Thursday night? Also, a comet should be visible about 45 minutes after sunset low above the horizon looking west southwest the next few evenings. It should be visible with the naked eye, but binos would help.
  19. Were you able to swap scopes and retest?
  20. Since I was recently in Estes Park, Colorado for an art show, a few days before and after the show were spent in Rocky Mountain National Park photographing the rutting elk. Sometimes the elk cooperated and were close, and other times the bulls and their harems were too far away in the middle of Moraine Park. The Nikon 200-500mm f/5.6 adapted to the Fuji GFX 100s was used. Many of the images suffered from often having to use a high ISO of 6400, but the Denoise in ACR did a reasonable job on mitigation. More images may be seen on the website. https://www.plateaulightphotography.com/New-Work/Rocky-Mountain-National-Park
  21. Put the original NF back on and recheck groups. My hunch is that it is the used scope.
  22. Red Rabbit

    Elk, Elk, and More Elk

    He is the one named Split 5. He is rumored to have gotten in a fight one night with another large bull with a drop tine. The droptine had his right beam broken and cows stolen.
  23. Red Rabbit

    Elk, Elk, and More Elk

    Thank you Hector. That top bull (same one in the third pic) was impressive.
  24. Red Rabbit

    Catching Up

    Looks like it has been over a year since I posted any images. So here is a sampling of what has happened on some Arizona photo trips using the Fuji GFX 100s during the past dozen months.