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Everything posted by sherman

  1. I hope this is the right place for this I have a Italian made beretta 12 ga o/u I might be getting rid of it is a 7 out of 10 what would it be worth. Thanks for all input, sorry it is a BL 4
  2. sherman

    need help on value of gun

    Sorry cant figure out how to turn the picture
  3. sherman

    Rifle for Sale

    Trades or no trades
  4. sherman

    What's your most important piece of hunting gear?

    Knowledge (of the land and game)
  5. sherman

    .22lr for fox

    When I was a kid I saw the rancher next door to us kill a 600 lb cow (it did belong to him)with one shot to the head witha 22lr so I think they get deeper then most will give it. I know for us 4 boys whom where just hunting rabbits with them gave that little gun alot more respect then we had. It was all of 30 feet away but a cow skull is hard and it dumped her right now so I would say it is good on fox and bobcats.
  6. sherman

    Firearms for sale Sig Sauer and Remington!!!!!

    Interested in trades or no
  7. sherman

    predator competition

    Check out the weekend worrier calling contest you missed one but he has some great prizes and it is not as far as the other contest is
  8. sherman


    Could you send me pictures at 520 686 0838
  9. sherman

    predator competition

    Where are you located
  10. sherman

    is a 25-06 to much for javelina

    Well I will use the ol 25-06 with 117 gr sst. And see how far I can stretch it out
  11. sherman

    is a 25-06 to much for javelina

    Hey thanks for the info now I know it will notmbe too much
  12. From what I have seen was he was giving his opinion and hes gave another statement saying he dont hate gays he loves them as gods children but it still don't make it right. I say stand your ground Robertson's and find a new home for your show if they stay on they will deny there god matt 10:33
  13. All I can say is god bless him. He has that right just like a&e has
  14. sherman

    is a 25-06 to much for javelina

    Thanks everybody for the info.
  15. Are you stuck with that gun and cal my dad has a left handed 270 ruger he wants to get rid of. If you might be interested in it I could even get with you to let you see it and shoot it pm me if interested
  16. sherman

    What to do... what to do

    Congratulations on your deer you have harvested one of the hardest animals to get. So where are the pictures
  17. sherman

    What to do... what to do

    I would take him if you havent seen anything bigger.
  18. sherman

    Xmas wish/want list

    A Remington 700 maybe a 243 or 7mm 08 something for my kids to shoot there first deer with
  19. Went for a drive today in 30b and saw 4 white tail doe going to be good for you all
  20. My wife loves pink and wanted pink grips for her gun I didn't want to spend$100 or more so what do you think.
  21. Where about will you be camping I live in 30b and might get board
  22. sherman

    you think the wife will like these

    I gave them to her and told her they where lighter before I sealed them. She loved the fact that I made them for her and they are to only set like them out there. They are more pink looking then the the picture shows. She showes them to everyone. I guess I should be happy my wife is an easy keeper. And yes I made them from scratch.
  23. sherman

    1 for 2 in early December

    Way to go nice write up and good luck with a bow. Did you get pictures of the mulie your friend got