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Everything posted by sherman

  1. I will take $400 or a good nice pair of 12×\15× binoculars
  2. Yes I have made that mistake before! i reversed order on rings before on m77 and could not figure out what the heck was going on. this is a ruger no.1 and since all the action happens up top it would be nice just to have little more space. im gonna call ruger cuz 1 offset in back for more eye relief would be nice scope tub has space up front but zero aft. Save youself the trouble and give it to me and let your problems become mine. That is just how good of a friend I am to you mike. I don't like seeing you all frustrated and upset. I can even come pick it up so that won't be a bother to you. Just saying bahahaha
  3. sherman

    Got it done!!! #3

    Would this be considered a non-typical? It is awesome deer and I am in awe of the deer you three have put down.
  4. sherman

    WTB 1911 in .22

    I don't have one for sale but look at the sig they are like $500
  5. Put pictures up price is without scope can work out price with scope if needed. I am in Benson
  6. sherman

    WTB Live Coyote trap

    Haha both dogs look a lot alike wonder if the are from the same area or it could be the same dumb look
  7. sherman

    New Zealand Adventure

    Looks like a fun time
  8. sherman

    New Zealand Shed

    Awesome you seem to find antlers wherever you go. How was the hunt i have always wanted a red stag
  9. sherman

    Isreal's Buck

    That is a sweet deer you don't see black antlers every day
  10. sherman

    2014 leftover love

    Creed this is one h€ll of a deer. All I can sa looking at the pictures you have posted over the last few years is you have a great spot/spots keep them to yourself lol. Or blindfold people when you take them in
  11. sherman

    Video of my November hunt

    Great deer love the video. I am about 98% sure it was the same one i saw last year and was going in after him this year. Thanks for saving me that hike in awsome deer
  12. sherman

    243 wssm selling ????

    The ones i have seen have been rust free and they where going for about $400.00 the one i got recently was almost new i paid that price but the gun selling sites say it is right in line with $400.00. With rust being present and the scope bing a nikon I would ask around $400 as far as the brass goes use it to make the sale do to the fact ammo just isn't out there. If he would like to sale the brass separately let me know. I hope this helps and this is a bad a $$ round.
  13. sherman

    Vortex Optics: A Question

    I would never own a vortex scope imo there is a reason the have the warranty they do I will almost always have a leupold scope on my gun as for the binos I have a pair but I will never own binos that cost more then my wife's wedding ring.
  14. sherman

    How to Spot A...

    Why are we so quick to judge he could be doing church stuff and that is hi mode of transportation like all the ones In the town I live in. Just saying my .02 bahahaha
  15. sherman

    Score one for the good guys

    I must ask where the cops looking as well or just hoping the was dumb enough to think the cost is clear. Do get me wrong I have respect for most cops but some are not the best people
  16. sherman

    Score one for the good guys

    Way to go I hate tweekers
  17. sherman

    Oct. Rifle Hunts 2 for 2

    What unit was it
  18. sherman

    Huge long distance typical!!

    Dang hoss looks like you being sick made you loose a bunch of weight I hope you get better before you srink to nothing. Haha
  19. sherman

    Hanging animals

    We hang our deer from a tree if we are camping if not then the man cave with ac
  20. sherman

    Huge long distance typical!!

    Way to stick with it being sick and all. Like I always say you can't kill'em from the couch. The porch is another story
  21. sherman

    Dan Nogales

    I didn't know him but if it where me I would want my friends and family to just what you did by taking my kids along and teaching them the right way. I think just by taking his boys along would make him smile. It would for me.
  22. sherman

    Lyman progressive press

  23. sherman

    Lyman progressive press

    Here it is