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Everything posted by sherman

  1. sherman

    Rifle scope ?

  2. sherman

    ISO: 7mm -08 stuff

    I will check the tucson sw thanks
  3. sherman

    ISO: 7mm -08 stuff

    Pm sent
  4. sherman

    ISO: 7mm -08 stuff

    Ttt for brass or dies any thing would be awesome.
  5. Here is mine for a remington 700 24" barrel remington brass fully sized cci 200 primers IMR 4831 54.5 gr Hornandy 130 gr sst or 130 gr sp I have used these in 5 or 6 weapons and all about the same results even some auto loaders
  6. sherman

    ISO: 7mm -08 stuff

    Thanks I will keep it in mind. Was just hoping some one on here had some empties and don't reload. I found some new hornandy brass for like $35-37 per 50. I will let you know I have to get the other stuff together and go from there.
  7. sherman

    The one that got away... Stolen.

    And I think you can see it on your faces. He is proud you are mad. But what what a way to loose a deer
  8. sherman

    ISO: 7mm -08 stuff

    I will keep this in mind but because it is for my wife I would like tho have the right head stamp to keep the confusion down to a minimum
  9. sherman

    New American Currency

    That is funny stuff
  10. sherman

    Thank A Veteran

    the place I work our CEO has made it a point to let everyone know employee discount may go away but military discounts will never go away and then he tells us to shake the hands of every active and retired military person that comes in and thank them. God bless
  11. sherman

    Thank A Veteran

    Yes indeed thanks to all that have served
  12. sherman

    need advice

    Thanks for the info it will give me something to work with
  13. So I have a buddy that has been doing some long range shooting contest. On the first one he tanked big time. The last one he used my mod 70 243 wssm and improved greatly and I would like him to finish better with just a standard gun (Nothing against custom guns). So I have a Remington 700 Sendero in 22-250 that will get 1/4" groups with factory ammo. I want to hand load something that will be somewhat flat to 400 yards. I prefer hornandy bullets and have some 53 gr v max. What would you suggest. Thanks
  14. sherman

    need advice

    I was getting about 1/2" groups or less the twist rate one the model 70 is like a 1:10. Maybe it was the shooter
  15. sherman

    Good Guy Buyer List

    Damm if you say he is ignored 6'6" I would feel like a little kid next to him
  16. sherman

    need advice

    Do you know what grain
  17. sherman

    need advice

    Not really "long range" but 400 yards
  18. sherman

    need advice

    Any help
  19. sherman

    need advice

    From the website and the cleaning rod test 1:14
  20. sherman

    Good Guy Buyer List

    People I have had the pleasure to deal with that are not on the list Muledeerarea33 wlkman Curtis25 Couesdeer
  21. sherman

    .22 LR

    I saw some of it at cabela's on Wednesday they had a lot I didn't buy any because I have some and I think $40 for bulk ammo is still outrageous. But they made the comment that the waited to put it out joking like fing with the coustmer
  22. My wife and I went without tv for 5 years it was good but she keep getting pregnant so it was cheaper for the cable TV. Funny but true
  23. sherman

    monster in the sticks

    My 3 year old was excited to see it he thought it was cool
  24. sherman

    monster in the sticks

    This guy was found right by my house the guy that found it I don't think he ever seen one before one of my favorite things to see
  25. sherman

    monster in the sticks

    It was a hair tie that was on the ground. I saw this guy yesterday and a horny toad on friday what a cool few days for my kids