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Everything posted by sherman

  1. sherman

    Looking for 223 wssm Ammo

    I was hoping hoghntr saw this I was sure he had a lead on some 223 wssm ammo
  2. sherman

    Quail season

    Well it last til February so maybe another time
  3. sherman

    Quail season

    That to bad you have to wait. I think it will be awesome this year. Thanks for the snake alert but down where I live we look for rattlers until it freezes good
  4. Thanks sounds like a good reason to get a dog
  5. Price. Would love to start hunting with a dog but don't know much about training
  6. sherman

    Looking for 223 wssm Ammo

    I just reload and brass is hard to find as well unless you have it already.
  7. sherman

    Looking for 223 wssm Ammo

    Good luck if you find it it will cost some good coin. I have a 243 wssm and it is the same story as the 223 wssm
  8. sherman

    Wtt vx3 for wingmaster new deal

    Top for new deal
  9. Like title says 12 gauge wingmaster with a barrel no longer then a 28" vent rib choke doesn't matter that much I have a vx3 4.5-14×40 I would like to trade scope is clean so gun must be clean as well ftf only Let me know txt will be best way to contact me# 520-686-0838 new deal along with the old one Xv2 3-9×40 has ring marks but perfect otherwise for an 870 express I will add a 325 box of Remington 22lr
  10. sherman

    Wtt vx3 for wingmaster new deal

    Still in search of
  11. sherman

    Unit 1 Bull tag filled

    Nice bull congratulations
  12. sherman

    Wtt vx3 for wingmaster new deal

    Unfortunately I don't think he was offering it just putting pictures up of what I am looking for. I would be over it as a trade
  13. Gave up on pink towel I like this one better
  14. sherman

    Wtt vx3 for wingmaster new deal

    Still looking
  15. Is there anyone in the greater Benson area that needs or would like to team up with me on Quail this year I have good spots with gamble's and scaled and even mearns. It is just not as fun and twice as hard to get on top of these guys alone. Hit me up with a pm if you would like to team up
  16. sherman

    Guns, ammo and scopes

    You don't have plans on coming down this way anytime soon do you. To Benson or Tucson
  17. sherman

    Guns, ammo and scopes

    I hear you on that
  18. sherman

    Wtt for a small carry gun

    So my wife wants to get a small gun to carry around. I have some Leupolds I would trade depending on what anyone has to offer and maybe even a Remington 700. What I have Leupold riffleman 4-12×40 $190 Leupold vx1 3-9×40 gloss $180 Leupold vx 2 3-9×40 mat $200 Leupold vx 3 4.5-14×40 $450-$480 Remington 700 adl sps 270 $390 Let me know via pm what you have she talked about a Walter p22 or a small 9mm like size of the p22 or even a small 38 thanks
  19. sherman

    Quail season

    Less then two weeks away will be taking my friends son out for the first time on opening day hope we can limit out but we will have fun. Anyone want to come along
  20. sherman

    Guns, ammo and scopes

    Wish I lived closer I would take the 20 gauge off your hands. Bump for good price
  21. sherman

    Wtt for a small carry gun

    There isn't a model# I see but 66215 is on the box
  22. sherman

    Wtt for a small carry gun

    I added prices of what I found them selling for. I don't mean to sound like an jerk but I would like it too be a fair trade. If you had a gun that was less then I would like cash added. I put the vx3 up for the slight chance the was something like a Springfield xdm 9 or of higher quality. But I do also want a wingmaster 12 ga. that could make me forget the pistol for a little bit. Thanks for all the offers but I will have to decline.
  23. sherman

    Wtt for a small carry gun

    I would like to trade a scope for it as close to a fair deal as possible for both involved