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Everything posted by ctracingraptor

  1. I have a couple of loads worked up, with major help from lance. I will tell you my sendero will take way over the manuals MAX load with H1000, with no issues. I dont know how your ruger will like it though.
  2. ctracingraptor

    .308 Hornady 208gr ELD Match

    The eld match is rather easy to come by. Now the eld-x are hard to find.
  3. ctracingraptor

    Gun Safe

    Lance, the safe outlet is right down the street from you. I know you've seen the safe from the I-17 and Bell
  4. ctracingraptor

    The Hit is ON!!!!

    Either this is a sick joke, or my card just got hit
  5. ctracingraptor

    7mm Rem Mag Ammo For Sale

    Where ya located
  6. ctracingraptor

    Best Bipod under $100...

    Ill add to this, for your budget, without a doubt get a Harris
  7. ctracingraptor

    WTB/ Rent house in Sierra Vista

    My fiance is a realtor, let me know if you need help.
  8. ctracingraptor

    High Volume 223/556 reloading

    I load mine on the dillion, if you get two people, one checks every 3-5th charge, and keeps the machine fed lol. as long as you dont use the extruded powder, mine will really crank some out on blc-2, its just not nearly as consistant when using varget.
  9. ctracingraptor

    Gunwerks LR 1000 7 LRM rifle package for sale

    I just fell in love before my eyes, and this would definitely cause a divorce : (
  10. ctracingraptor

    Gong stands

    I use t-posts from home depot, i weld them together, Grand total is $12. I drive them into the desert and leave them there. I've found thieves dont want to waste there time trying to remove them from the hard desert. Pm me if you want more details.
  11. ctracingraptor

    Trade 17HMR for 22 Mag

    Where are you located?
  12. ctracingraptor

    ELD-X load data

    Berged VLD to ELD Match 7MM
  13. ctracingraptor

    ELD-X load data

    So i finally got into some eld-x 30cal 178gn bullets, i cant find any load data. I contacted Hornady and they have no load data for the 178gn, they only have load data for the 200gn bullets. I contacted Hodgdon because I will be using Varget powder, and they told me they have no load data, and to contact Hornady. So im kinda at loss, and dont know which direction to go. Should i start a powder around a 178gn A-MAX and work up from there?
  14. Your Leupold will work just fine, i run a Vortex Diamondback 4-12-40, i can stretch to 600 yards. I will be switching to a Strike Eagle eventually.
  15. ctracingraptor

    ELD-X load data

    I dont have any AMAX to compare them to sorry, and 208gr is way to heavy for my barrel. Maybe someone could cross reference an amax with the pic I provided
  16. ctracingraptor

    ELD-X load data

    Thanks for posting this! It appears the bearing surface is quite a bit longer on the ELDs. Can you confirm? Yeah like 308nut stated, the bearing surface is much longer, the base to ogive length is different, and the ogive profile is different when compared to a 175 SMK or TMK. I was on 43gr Varget and was drilling my plate at 600 yard plate right out of the box. I'll try and post another side by side comparison when my 7mm ELD Match bullets show up later this week.
  17. ctracingraptor

    ELD-X load data

    Here is a little side by side comparison for fun
  18. ctracingraptor

    reloading made easy

    Ugh i agree, i just spend all day prepping 120 7mm cases, by the time I got 20 rounds loaded i was exhausted lol
  19. ctracingraptor

    WTT for Big Game Powder

    If you own a 3006 it gives excellent velocity with 150/165 grain bullets. At 54 gr. 150 gr. Nosler Accubond, Fed. 210M, Rem. case my sons rifle gets 2975 to 2983 fps. The starting load is 51.5 and 57.5 is a max load=3040 fps Sounds like you have some lying in a box next to your Federal 210M primers.
  20. ctracingraptor

    ELD-X load data

    They are available if you know when and where to look. I'll be working on the ELD match bullets on my 7mm next. But the 30 cal is going in a DPMS AR-10, I've been really happy with 168 SMK. Just wanted to give these a shot and see how they come out. I will tell you the bullet OAL of the eld is alot longer than the bullet OAL of a SMK, i would be willing to bet it will get into a compression load alot quicker than others. I dont have a side by side comparison, but ill get a pic over the weekend, and i would say they are an 1/8" longer.
  21. ctracingraptor

    WTT for Big Game Powder

    Ok ill bite, what's so magical about Ramshot Big Game Powder
  22. ctracingraptor

    7mm Rem Mag Memorial Build

    Looks like its coming along nicely lance, i would say keep it light, go with the Vortex PST, or the new Vortex LD-HL only 17 oz
  23. ctracingraptor

    1.3 billion lottery let share some $$$$$

    ok im in, best of luck to everyone
  24. ctracingraptor

    Rwd Angus beef cow

    I thought all cows were rwd, but i guess they are all wheel drive
  25. ctracingraptor

    Hornady ELD-X

    So today was the day Hornady relased their info on their long range bullets, that they have been designing for 4 or so years. They have some interesting concepts, that i myself have questioned about polymer tipped bullets. Sounds like they are releasing a match grade bullet, match grade hunting bullet, and a match box ammo. They are claiming some high B.C. numbers. Any initial thought? http://www.hornady.com/new-products