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Everything posted by Antmo23

  1. Antmo23

    Draw results delay

    I put in for 2 hunts in the same unit, so either it's a Dec WT tag, or a Nov WT tag. Either way, I'm getting out tomorrow to check out some water sources. I need to get on the mountain.
  2. Antmo23

    Draw results delay

    Lol, i put in for 2 hunts in the same unit, i know where I'm going, i just don't know when yet.
  3. Antmo23

    water sources in 24b

    I'm headed up this weekend to do that exact exchange.
  4. Antmo23

    Chuck Norris-isms

    Really? UH...yeah.. Have you read this thread? Yes I have, I I've also read a book that most of these have come from. Direct your homophobic mind to the author. Next we'll all be sexist for liking naked ladies... SMH...
  5. Antmo23

    Chuck Norris-isms

  6. Antmo23

    Need help Catfishing!

    Take a can of tuna or cat food. Poke a few holes in it, wade out and place it in some current at the head of a hole. Cast your bait in the chum slick. Just remember to grab the can before you leave.
  7. Antmo23

    Chuck Norris-isms

    Chuck Norris and Lance Armstrong once got into a "who has more testicals" contest. Chuck Norris won by 7.
  8. Antmo23

    Card Hit!!!

    Coues>carp deer.
  9. Antmo23

    Chuck Norris-isms

    Coincidently, Chuck Norris lives in a round house... Chuck Norris's tears can cure cancer, the only problem is Chuck Norris has never cried.
  10. Antmo23

    Chuck Norris-isms

    Chuck Norris's penis has a penis, and it's still bigger than yours.
  11. Antmo23

    Card Hit!!!

    We just got hits! I'm going huntIng for Coues!
  12. Antmo23

    10X or 15X

    15's without a tripod doesn't work. And if youre in the woods where you can't see a long long ways, I'd just up grade your 10's or go to a 12x maybe.
  13. Antmo23

    What shotgun to buy?

    +100 on the WingMaster, that's the best dang shotty I've ever had the pleasure of shooting. Coyotes, turkeys, quail,dove and duck all fell to my Dad's 870.
  14. Where did you see the changes ? Can't find it on azgfd.gov.
  15. Antmo23

    What wildcat would you build?

    Lol, well there ya go! pushing a TTSX, that'd be a nasty, nasty set up.
  16. Antmo23

    What wildcat would you build?

    Id like an ultralite 6.5 Leopard. That's a Coues gun if I've ever seen one.
  17. Antmo23


    that's old school right there!l
  18. Yep, 3 cases of 20 ga 6shot ought to do it... "in other news, shotgun shells are back ordered 4 months...."
  19. I have made the switch to the Gravedigger from Muzzys. so far i like them, they fly great, i just need to push them thru an animal now... they are a hybrid head, if they don't open, they are a 1" single blade with 1/2" bleeder blades. I like that built in "failsafe".
  20. Antmo23

    Draw is soon

    Finally! I've been fishing a lot but its not the fix i need...
  21. Antmo23

    Black River with the Boys

    I REALLY, REALLY need to get to the Black River....
  22. Antmo23

    Mesquite Bean Harvesting

    Anybody ever heard of a catfish eating mesquite pods? I had one today that was full of them.