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Everything posted by Antmo23

  1. Antmo23

    Exo Mountain vs. Kuiu Icon Pro

    Not me personally, but my hunting partners have packed out a few elk with them and they love them! They did one trip with the Icon 1850, switched to the pack frames for one trip, then switched back to the Icon for the rest.
  2. Please tell me that was from a southern unit....
  3. Yeah, I saw the spike too, 800+ yard shot.
  4. I have a buddy that was on a buck, lost him in the thick stuff.
  5. Antmo23

    Exo Mountain vs. Kuiu Icon Pro

    I run the 1850 Icon and absolutely love it! Every time i see my buddies with their pack frames, i chuckle a lil... It has a very well thought out pocket design, is very comfortable, and handles a heavy load with no problems at all.
  6. They'll get her. They got that dumbass that knocked down that rock formation (boyscout troop?), they'll get her too.
  7. High 80's this weekend. For my hunt in the same unit in 2 weeks, mid-60's and cloudy, lol.
  8. Antmo23

    Is it Friday morning yet?

    Grrrr.... I have to wait 15 more days till I get to chase the buck I've been watching... 15 DAYS!
  9. Antmo23

    Best 10x42s under $500?

    Vortex is going to be your best bet and Camera Land has the best prices.
  10. Antmo23


    I carry a CRKT M-16 everywhere i go, i have a Havalon and a Swing blaze in my pack. those 2 knives replaced the 4 knives i used to carry around. I also have an Old Timer Honing Steel for splitting hips.
  11. Antmo23

    Just wondering . . .

    Lol, they are more than welcome to follow me to my parking spot. Good luck trying to follow me to my glassing location.
  12. Antmo23

    Just wondering . . .

    BAHAAHAHAAA! Now that's a good question. Road hunt maybe? i switched units 3 years ago, I've been out scouting 6 times so far this year, going again Sunday. Went 6 times last year and 9 the year before that. I wish i would have been able to get out a few more times...
  13. I've used 168 gr TTSX on the last 2 WTs I've shot, one went 10 yards, one was DRT. I watched my lil bro make an absolutely horrible shot on a buck, hit him right in the pelvis, and that buck went down and expired within 20 seconds. My rifle likes that round and I like the carnage it creates, works for me.
  14. Antmo23


    I've seen pics of bloody rocks on fb, but no grab and grin pics yet...
  15. Antmo23

    Liar's Corner

    I love that store! It's small but it's packed to the gills with everything you need to catch some bass. It's one of the last places you can get minnows as well, at least, that I know of.
  16. Antmo23

    Zeiss Binos 15 X 60

    I love mine! They tend to find bucks on the farthest hillside I can see, but hey, that's what off season workout are for right?
  17. Antmo23


    Well, our spot started off slow, mostly singles, then got HOT right around 830. I was done by 8 due to some darn good shooting, 1 whitewing, 14 mornings, and 9 euros. We got into the euros, had a few of our group get 15 euros to go along with a limit of doves. Anyone else get into the euros like that?
  18. Antmo23

    spring regs online

    Well, its been 15 years since my last stink pig, guess ill go smoke one with my bow. if you insist...
  19. I agree, a mixed group is the best. I will never not have 15's with me on a Coues hunt.
  20. Antmo23

    First hunt in 24A

    Put your binos pn a tripod and stay behind them all day. And make sure you have good boots.
  21. Antmo23


    That's all carp.
  22. Antmo23

    Opening Day Zen

    He who stand on toilet high on pot
  23. Antmo23

    shooting under stress

    I shoot and arrow, run and get it, run back, nock it and shoot again. over and over again.