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Everything posted by Antmo23

  1. Antmo23

    Is it a cheater or a drop tine?

    IDK what to call it, maybe a drop down cheater? Whatever you end up calling it, it's awesome! Great buck!
  2. Antmo23

    Your two cents

    Ah, the age old argument, 270 vs 300... I have a 300 so you know where I stand. But a lot of people can't handle a 300 and that's fine, a 270 will take anything in North or South America, and everything except the big stuff in Africa. I mentioned the 270 to save weight and to save money cuz you shouldn't need a muzzle break. Go with what you like, I'll never argue against a 300, but to each their own. I would, however say to stick with the Remington in whatever caliber.
  3. Antmo23

    Your two cents

    Oh, we carry ear plugs, but we never seem to remember them in the heat of the moment...
  4. Antmo23

    Your two cents

    For the sake of your hunting partners ears, don't put a break on it. My lil bro has one and it's an ear shredder. Shoots like a dream but really rings your bell. I say buy the remmington and put what you save into the scope. You could also put a thumbhole stock on it to reduce the felt recoil instead of a muzzle break. Or buy a 270 and you won't have to worry about taming recoil. It's plenty big enough for elk and lighter than a magnum. Plus, it's a heck of a coues/mule/javalina/antelope/bear rifle.
  5. Antmo23

    Sitka Camo

    I bought some of their stuff, was not impressed at all. I wore the attack pants once and they got ripped to sheds by cat claw. I loved the fit and feel of them, but I hunt coues whitetail and there's no getting away from cat claw. I like the vest and the bandit gaiter a great deal, but I'll never buy another piece of Sitka gear again. I switched to Kuiu after sitka wouldn't do anything to fix or replace my torn up pants, and have never been happier! WAY better product and cheaper too!
  6. Antmo23

    Precision guided firearm ---- Oh my!

    Crazy... And with a starting price of only $17500 for a 300 WM, what a deal! No thanks, I think I'll just practice or get closer.
  7. I think it was said on here in 1 of the original posts ( correct me if I'm wrong) that salt kills the disease or something to that effect. James Really? I guess I'll re-read and do some research. I don't bait, but loosing the option to bait stinks. I hope this isn't the first step to take away OTC archery deer tags...
  8. What do they have against the Pakers? Lol, did some take "their" buck over c'mere deer or something? Lol.
  9. I guess I'll just stick with spot and stalk, or hunting over water. I never did any baiting but this is still kinda pointless IMO... Correct me if im wrong, but wasnt this put into place to stop the transmission of a disease that doesnt exist around here? And if it did, then wouldn't the salt licks able to spread it around? I understand the concern about stopping the spread of disease, but this seems like it won't stop anything.
  10. Antmo23

    San Carlos Tag Filled Part 2

    Congrats man! How did the 38 other tags you got this year go?
  11. Antmo23

    Florida Mountains Ibex

    Good luck finding him, stick with it, he'll turn up.
  12. Antmo23

    Javelina Calls

    Lol, yeah, I wouldn't recommend it... I had told my buddy that I was with not to move, lol, and sure enough, he didn't! I didnt think he'd let it get that close to him! All he said was "well, you told me not to move!" Lucky for me, it was closer to him, hahaha!
  13. Antmo23

    Happy New Year,My Birthday Buck

    Man, I'm super jealous! I've always wanted to tag a buck for my birthday, I hope I can get it done this year. I'll be going out Jan 30th. Congrats and happy birthday!
  14. Antmo23

    Javelina Calls

    +1 on the Circe, I use mine every time I see pigs. I just like messing with them and seeing how close I can get them. As it turns out, 3 yards is too close, lol.
  15. Antmo23

    Little brother is looking for a pair of 15s

    I'm not sure about the price, was just trying to help your little bro. If he's got $1600, I heard from a lil birdie that ziess was FINALLY coming out with a pair of 15x early next year from right around that price. I'm saving up to finally replace my old pair of ziess 15x. I inherited them from my Father and they've been in continuous use for 27 years! And before anyone's asks, no, I'm not selling them, lol.
  16. Antmo23

    Little brother is looking for a pair of 15s

    http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/37392-swarovski-15s/ does that price work for him?
  17. Antmo23

    3 blade 100grain muzzy broadhead

    I use them, they fly great and zip right through whatever you shoot.
  18. Antmo23

    Most Useful Christmas Present?

    BEST. PRESENT. EVER. Well, this and an archery deer tag, lol. I am really hoping to tag one for my bday this year, January 30th.
  19. Antmo23

    300 wsm

    No, It's not too big. I shoot the 168 TTSX out of my 300 wm, so does my lil bro. My hunting buddies use 165 accubonds out of their 300 shorties.
  20. Antmo23

    Cardiac Cats

    Gotta hand it to uofa, they showed some guts in that comeback win over Nevada. I changed the channel after the first half, thought YHWH were done...
  21. Antmo23

    WTB 9mm compact or subcompact.

    The sound of a pump action shotgun cycling a round is the best deterrent ever made. That and a big dog.
  22. Antmo23

    Easy Meals while camping?

    Carne con chili verde, spaghetti with meat balls, venison stroganoff, albondigas, foil wrapped quail, you know, basic stuff...lol
  23. Antmo23

    road hunters

    I have 15x56 ziess, I can see a lot of roads from the top of the mountain, lol. Heck, we watched some road hunters stop and glass from the bed of their truck and we were 2500 yards away. The best part was, behind them, in the same view of our glasses, was a forky WT! It had to be less that 75 yards from them, just feeding and watching them. They had no clue, we laughed our butts off at that one, lol. We tried to get a good pic but was too far, lol.
  24. Antmo23

    2013 elk recomendations

    More like WTF cardinals?!?!!!? C'mon man....
  25. Antmo23

    2013 elk recomendations
