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Everything posted by Antmo23

  1. Antmo23

    Huge bears... how big do you think??

    The second pic almost looks like 2 bears together. Either way, looks like a diff bear, reddish spot on the butt in the second pic, not in the first.
  2. Make sure you check out cameralandny.com, they have some pretty good deals on optics.
  3. I'd go with image clarity over magnification. A coues in the shadows is dang near invisible sometimes and higher magnification doesn't always mean a sharper image.
  4. Antmo23

    Draw hopes...

    I put in for the same unit, dec, oct, and nov WT. the Oct and Nov are 92% & 100% so I'm pretty sure I'm going hunting, I even know where, I just don't know when.... And it's killing me!
  5. Antmo23

    What kind of track is this?

  6. Antmo23

    Bear load?

    Why not just use your 30-06 for everything? As the saying goes, "Beware the man with one gun, he knows how to use it."
  7. Antmo23

    Need a Good Hunting Boot

    I always used Danners but last year I bought some Kennetreks and I absolutely love them! They are pricey, but well worth it, my hunting partners thought I was part fly the way I stuck to the rocks. As with all gear, you get what you pay for. Try on as many different boots as you can and go with the most comfortable, regardless of price.
  8. Antmo23

    Post them velvet bucks

  9. I usually just field dress then carry it out whole. But last year, I carried out my cousins buck all quartered up and that was WAY better. Might start doing that from now on. As for aging, I'll hang it if it's cool enough, or age it in the refrigerator. Usually 3 days.
  10. Antmo23

    Lion killing Coues.

    Actually that buck in my Avitar is about 100 miles West from were most of my lion pictures are, so I think he's safe. However, I hear you, and I'm always looking for a lion to kill. I killed my first lion this March. Well, if you need any help killing them, I can be available, lol. No GPS, heck, Ill wear a blindfold!
  11. Antmo23

    Bear load?

    I'd use whatever your gun likes. If you use 150's for deer and they group well, stick with those. Good luck!
  12. Antmo23

    Bear Canyon Lake???

    I havent been there in years, but i absolutely KILLED the trout on a size 0 Mepps with a silver blade and brown Pistol Pete's last time I was there.
  13. Sound like you might have jumped the gun there a little bit Magnum PI. Next time you decide to go "viral" with your hot scoop you might wanna ensure not to slander people you dont even know. Why not just let the law handle these types of things Judge Dredd? Your case will hardly rival the State of Florida Vs Zimmerman on tv if that what you were hoping for. keep up the good work Columbo!!! One thread and I now have 2 on my ignore list. Seriously, where and how can I add people to my ignore list? No more drible from that rifleassclownman? Sounds awesome! Just go to your control panel (upper right of your screen, it's a pull down with your screen name) > choose manage ignore preferences > enter the user name = bliss AHHHHH.... So this is what bliss feels like? I like this.
  14. Sound like you might have jumped the gun there a little bit Magnum PI. Next time you decide to go "viral" with your hot scoop you might wanna ensure not to slander people you dont even know. Why not just let the law handle these types of things Judge Dredd? Your case will hardly rival the State of Florida Vs Zimmerman on tv if that what you were hoping for. keep up the good work Columbo!!! One thread and I now have 2 on my ignore list. Seriously, where and how can I add people to my ignore list? No more drible from that rifleassclownman? Sounds awesome!
  15. Antmo23

    Lion killing Coues.

    I'd do that buck in your avitar a favor and smoke that kitty kitty. He can't get to 100" if he's a turd.
  16. Antmo23

    Post them velvet bucks

    That bottom buck in the night pic looks like the buck that Flatlander took this year...
  17. Antmo23

    Trophy Coues Deer Episode!

    And you guys succeeded! You guys showed just how truly nasty coues country is, and what it takes to be successful.
  18. Antmo23

    Trophy Coues Deer Episode!

    I'm voting for you guys, but I gotta point out they they misspelled coues on their website. A few times actually. Our little deer deserve respect!
  19. Antmo23

    Fuel for the Fire...Cats vs. Devils

    Boom. But seriously, that's something to be proud of, I mean, UA scored higher than Stanford. That's kind of a big deal. I am a Devil, but I'll give praise when it's due.
  20. Antmo23

    What do Coues deer taste like?

    Not that I'm aware of, though you might be able to find someone to donate some steaks.
  21. Antmo23

    Bear broad head advice

    ^^Or this, if I didn't already have 2 dozen Muzzys and replacement blades for them all, I'd be trying these.
  22. Antmo23

    Bear broad head advice

    100 gr muzzy's brought down the 3 elk in my avitar. Just put it in the boiler room, it'll take care of the rest.
  23. Antmo23

    What do Coues deer taste like?

    Some of the best coues I've had was a piece of tender loin right outta my still warm, just field dressed buck. Coues tartar! It was super sweet and tender, but it absolutely horrified my hunting buddies...
  24. Antmo23

    Savage Axis 308 with Camo stock

    Is this still available?
  25. Antmo23

    This sounds familiar

    Nailed it!