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Everything posted by Antmo23

  1. Wow man, wow... I'm sure glad you lived to tell, that's scary stuff right there...
  2. A buddy of mine post a pic on FB of a banded dove he took this year, all I can say is that I want one already!
  3. Antmo23

    Unit 23 Giant

    What a BEAST!
  4. Antmo23

    Today was a good day...

    I told them about that post! Lol! But his battery was pretty dead, I don't think it would have worked. Elkhunter1 = MacGyver
  5. Antmo23

    Today was a good day...

    I took advantage of the weather we had today and went out scouting with a buddy of mine. We found a bunch of new areas that I can't wait to explore in more detail. Glassed up a few deer in the rain, had a run in with a rattle snake, got a little too close for comfort with a scorpion, helped a coule of CWT.com members with their dead battery, and got to interact(and video!) a yearling doe at 10 yards for 7 minutes!
  6. Antmo23

    Today was a good day...

    Not the dangerous one, but I got back to where I wanted to go.
  7. Antmo23

    24b November hunt, any tips?

    Wear hunter orange and bang pots and pan together as you walk, lol. But seriously, I was in your shoes last year, find a good looking hillside or canyon and glass it, you'll find deer. Every place I've thought looked good on a map, held deer.
  8. I soak mine in water for a day, then I dredge them in seasoned flour and brown them in a skillet. When they are all browned, I cover them with water and put them in the oven for and hour. Makes great gravy and the meat falls off the bones!
  9. Antmo23

    Passion or Obsession?

    To us hunters, it's a passion. To everyone else, it's an obsession. They just don't understand what they're missing. And so what if I take my rifle (or bow!) out every few days just to hold her and talk to her for awhile, it's normal, right? Right!?!
  10. I use Federals in 7.5 or 6 shot(although those are getting hard to find...) for my 20 ga side by side.
  11. I shot like crap opening day, I got my limit, plus 2 Eurasians, in 47 shots.
  12. Nice! i myself got a new 20 but have only half experienced due to this 3 week post op shoulder.. so 1 handed i average about 15 shots for 1 bird.. it is the left eye thing that is difficult to train.. think i will wear a patch over right eye tonight so ican try and catch up with you. Way to make us all look silly Hoghntr, lol. 15-1 is some of our averages and we use both arms! I tip my hat to you good sir, and hope you get well soon.
  13. Antmo23

    Another toad hits the dirt

    I thought I was the only one that got a kick out of all the back and forth, lol. Innocent until proven guilty. Congrats to the hunter! That's a heck of a buck! Even though I am crazy for Coues, non-typical mulies hold a special place to me...
  14. Antmo23

    Be CAREFUL people

    HAHAHAHA! I was going to say too soon, but this is just hilarious! I'm glad he's going to recover, and get married to boot!
  15. I have an older Savage Fox double barrel side by side in 20 ga. It is deadly on doves, quail, rabbits, whatever I point it at really. I originally bought it for my Dad and I got it when he passed. Love that gun means a lot to me...
  16. In that case, I get "rained on" every year.
  17. I get peppered every year, without fail. Is that not a common occurrence? heck, we joke about it, I got peppered with my uncle and I turned to him and said "it feels like that guy is using 8 shot", lol.
  18. Antmo23

    Hunting Virgin

    Dude, that is a tough unit. You'd better be in the best shape possible, those canyons don't mess around. Buy the best binos you can afford, and a tripod, and spend as much time as possible behind your binos. And practice with you rifle, A LOT. All of the canyons south of Stoneman Lake Rd have WT's in them, finding them and getting them out is another story! Good luck!
  19. Antmo23

    Dove hunting who went?

    I didnt think it was too crowded. And we had some good guys around us calling out birds and such, was a great morning, been with those dang mosquitos.
  20. its still the law that a shotgun can only hold 3 shells - several times I heard at least 8-10 shots in a row - they were flingin lead fer sure. Yeah, I heard the same thing a bunch of times, 5-6 shots in a row. You gotta figure they spent a small fortune of shells emptying their scatter gun like that for each bird. And what lousey shots!
  21. I wear camo, and whatever you do, DO NOT forget the bug spray.
  22. My party of 3 all limited out this morning, with the added bonus of 5 eurasians. It took us a little longer than normal as well, but we were all done by 1045. Now Im begging and pleading with the Girlfriend to let me go tomorrow! Wish me luck!
  23. Antmo23

    Going out in the a.m.

    Take that you dang bandit cat!
  24. Antmo23

    find the coues

    Where's the third deer?
  25. Antmo23

    Going out in the a.m.

    Heck yeah! Blast those kitties and post pics of your harvest.