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Everything posted by forepaw

  1. forepaw

    Quail Fest

    Yep. 1200 - 1600 hrs. Sonoita Fairgrounds.
  2. forepaw

    Good Morning

    Let me guess who is going to be the gun bearer on your next trip. 😁
  3. forepaw

    WTB or trade for... Rem 788... FOUND

    Left hand or right hand?
  4. forepaw

    2021 Unit 44bn Sheep Hunters

  5. forepaw

    Mule Deer Dew Claws

    Might not be a bad idea to send that photo to the AZGFD veterinarian. There seems to be something wrong with the hard outer layer of hoof-like material that should be on the outside of those hooves and dewclaws. I know we don't have CWD, but there could be some deficiency in the diet that is reducing formation of the horny fingernail-like material that should be on the hooves of a normal critter. Those are really strange dewclaws. That was a super nice buck though.
  6. forepaw

    2021 Unit 44bn Sheep Hunters

    I have been on several sheep captures both NV and AZ. They normally don't bother with class IV rams. Suspect they were trying for (hopefully) pregnant ewes to add some new members to the Harcuvars.
  7. Old post. Next event is Sat. Nov. 20, 1430 hrs. at the country house restaurant. Stop by and have some coffee and visit!
  8. forepaw

    ISO Dog Rattle Snake Training

    saqfweb@gmail.com Southern Arizona Quail Forever can help you.
  9. Gotcha. Another thing to consider (doesn't mean it will work) is snipping one coil off the extractor spring. If it is really throwing cases, possibly a little weaker grip on the rim might give you enough clearance but still keep positive extraction. I don't know if it would be possible to do a little light grinding on the ejector which might change the angle the cases are following. Sounds like your plan should make the problem go away. Nice rifle. Set up right. Bet it is a long-range hammer with a good barrel.
  10. I was thinking why not just remove the windage knob and use the hash marks for hold-off. But with 2fp you can only do that at highest power for true MOA hold. Nice scope however. You must be in shape to lug that outfit up and down the hills. Did you shoot the barrel out on your Sako? How many rounds did that take?
  11. forepaw


    Final price drop - $9,4,00.00 and you provide mattress (designed for queen size, but we have been using full for a little more room). Guys keep in mind that on a fully-guided hunt, you can save a TON of $$ if you provide your own accommodations and grub. And the guide will appreciate a break from the client! This includes WDH and RV cover.
  12. forepaw

    Looking for Win 1200/1300 barrel or WTB O/U

  13. forepaw

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    Give me and Kev a call next time you're down here, we will go get a gut-bomb someplace.
  14. forepaw

    WRB - Thumb trigger release

    Here you go.
  15. forepaw

    WRB - Thumb trigger release

    PM sent.
  16. forepaw

    Fire aftermath

    Thank you AZ ANG. Pack of desk jockeys should have known better. forepaw
  17. forepaw

    ISO Bumper Pull Travel Trailer

    PM sent to OP.
  18. forepaw


    We are all tired of the ammo scalpers by now. Many of them may not realize it, but they have permanently lost business from guys who will remember them when prices finally get back to normal (more or less). PM sent.
  19. forepaw

    AZBGSR 2021 Winners

    Ha ha. Does a bear ______ in the woods?
  20. forepaw


    Still for sale. Note price change.
  21. forepaw

    Older shotgun help

    A good all-around gunsmith could diagnose and fix, but even if you could find one, they probably would not want to do it, as the cost of the work would be high. You might try a shim using credit card material or moleskin or etc. to see if you could ease it open without it seizing up on you. Work through it with different materials. You might be able to find a spacer/shim that will restore most of normal function. Kind of rube-goldberg, but it may work.
  22. forepaw

    My Best Trail Camera Spot

    Thanks for posting this! It is a great hobby. The vid. and sound quality are really good. Just so I understand, to allow high res. capture of the subject at night, the camera is using passive IR, is that correct? Is that easier on your battery than standard visible light? As I understand, there is a dim red glow when using IR, some animals are more attracted to it than others, but it apparently doesn't really bother them. These cams apparently have a photo cell which disables the nighttime IR mode, when enough visible light becomes available, is that correct? Good stuff right there.
  23. forepaw


    Bump for the weekend.
  24. forepaw

    Cats and bear.

    Forget about it.