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Everything posted by forepaw

  1. forepaw

    What am I doing wrong?

    An anode should last a lot longer than 2 yrs. Just a guess, but I would suspect either your fresh water holding tank has been mistreated in the past, in terms of attempts to disinfect/sanitize, or else you topped off at some point with drinking water high in sulfates (SO4). In a warm, moist environment, sulfate - reducing bacteria can convert sulfates in water basically to weak sulfuric acid (H2SO4). The sewer smell you mention might be due to the H2 component (H2S, hydrogen sulfide). The acidic nature of the converted sulfate is what destroyed your anode. If anyone on the forum is a chemist or sanitary engineer they can correct or clarify. You might want to contact RV Magazine (used to be Trailer Life) and I'll bet they can easily diagnose and get you fixed up.
  2. Most of us probably don’t realize it at the time, but once in a while we meet someone who is an example of the best our country can produce; someone who is a gift – the kind of person who changes lives in a positive way. That was my impression of John Petrello. I arrived in Sierra Vista too late to get to know him, but after a couple of visits I could tell what kind of man he was. Humble, soft-spoken, intelligent – someone most of us would not think of as a no-foolin’ black-ops professional. But he was. And he was proud of it, as he should have been. I never heard any details, and John wouldn't have talked about it anyway, but I suspect he helped arrange Judgement Day for some of the worst, most evil souls to ever threaten our country or our allies. We were both suckers for blued steel and walnut – classic rifles and calibers, especially Winchesters, Brownings, Sakos. Also Remington’s depending on model and caliber. The obituary states that John was a good man, who feared and loved the Lord. To me, and I am sure many others, he was absolutely that, and more. He was the kind of man you wanted to be as a kid growing up, and the kind you would want your son to have as a role model. He was intensely interested in hunting, shooting and conservation, and represented our community very well. His church and the military no doubt the same. As requested, donations in John’s Memory have gone to Gun Owners of America and National Wild Turkey Federation. I know John’s daughter is a hunter, and hopefully she and the rest of the family will find comfort in the sights and sounds and memories of a favorite hunting or glassing or calling spot.
  3. forepaw

    Dead Head

    They might be rutting in that country. If so, look out for whacky behavior. When I was at Lake Mead, it was not common, but not unheard of, for rams during rut (August - Sept.) to launch themselves at a vehicle moving on 2-lane blacktop. Sometimes they just shook their head and took off, sometimes not. Vehicle damage always.
  4. forepaw

    Arizona Hunting Regulations

    Good advice here. One last thing that sometimes gets overlooked - the tag stays with the meat. Do not leave at the taxidermist. Technically, it's supposed to stay with the meat until it is consumed or given away.
  5. forepaw

    Garmin Inreach Explorer+

    What do you like about this vs. some of the others SPOT, other In-reach, PLB, etc. Looks pretty nice.
  6. forepaw


    Try again, nothing received. Text to listed phone # also works.
  7. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2832-Sun-Crest-Dr-Sierra-Vista-AZ-85650/7397069_zpid/ This foreclosure just sold. May be a good time to drop off a couple business cards on the door. It will need some work.
  8. https://www.arizonamold.net/ https://aztotalhome.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=gmb-listing
  9. https://www.google.com/search?q=usepa+guidance+manual+interior+mold+restoration&oq=usepa+guidance+manual+interior+mold+restoration&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBDTEwOTU3MjgyajBqMTWoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 This might be a start. Depending on how these manuals are put together you might only need to skim the headlines. Without knowing much about it, I would be thinking tyvek head to toe, respirators, UV lamps, fans, chlorine spray, etc. Decon at end of shift before jumping in vehicles and going home. I don't believe biohazard handling needed, but might check w landfill. Would also be mindful of possible asbestos depending on year of construction. If something looks suspicious, pretty easy to sample and get to lab with results in a couple days. Hopefully someone on the forum with recent experience in AZ can weigh in.
  10. What kind of remed. Not in the business but might have some sources.
  11. forepaw


    Not sure, have some shopping to do. Having a 1/2 ton for a tow vehicle limits you. Thanks for the bump!
  12. forepaw


    To be clear, these photos are not from OEM date. They are from Nov. 2017 when I bought the camper in as-new condition. I do have photos of the minor scuffs and scratches that accumulate over time, but they are minor, and what is shown is representative of actual condition (except for awning). Thanks for looking.
  13. forepaw


    Post or PM phone # and I will route them over. Loc. is Sierra Vista.
  14. forepaw


    Price lowered.
  15. forepaw

    Early winchester 101 value?

    You really need to have that appraised by someone who knows shotguns, especially trap guns. Win. 101s are VERY good shotguns. I am guessing somewhere around $6k. Take it to a club with an established membership, and BOLO for low-ballers. This, and blue book of gun values (any gun show) will give a starting point. That is an heirloom right there.
  16. forepaw

    SOLD Bowtech Allegiance bow

    The Allegiance is a great bow - even one from the early years. Believe Bowtech still has limbs available if you want to reduce draw weight. You can also swap out modules right in your living room if you want a smoother, or faster, more aggressive draw cycle and speed. They last forever. Very rugged bow, but still lightweight. Quiet. Easy to tune. No hand shock to speak of. Today's bows are overpriced because all that marketing and advertising hype has to be paid for. GLWS.
  17. forepaw

    308 powder Update

    If you can find it, Accurate 2520 is excellent in the .308. I have mostly used it w/ 168 SMK in an M14 for NRA high power, including 1k. You could load a bolt gun hotter of course. Nowadays I just use it for mid-range in cal. '06 with 150 gr. bullets. Very mild and accurate.
  18. forepaw


    Maybe I missed it, but did not see or hear age mentioned. Looks like maybe a 9 y.o.? Those reddish-stained horns show a lot of character. Congratulations on a great hunt. You guys did everything right. How did you handle water drops? Air charter? Mules? Crazy to be so far back in designated wilderness and see roads all over.
  19. forepaw

    Sold***1990 Silverado 4x4 for sale

    Always liked that classic body style, and no console to block the front floor. GLWS.
  20. forepaw


    They wouldn't even need to cross the border. Cartel bosses are living right here in the US these days.
  21. forepaw


    I doubt if that kind of hardware is going to any pawn shop. Cartel big-wigs would be my first guess.
  22. forepaw

    .308 mauser

    PM sent.
  23. Can't remember exact year, believe 2014 or 2015 but there was a 400 class bull killed right next to the res. Bulls used to be occasionally spotted in some of that country that is about as un-elk like as you could imagine - mostly young ones on the prowl. One year a friend sent me a photo of a spike bull on the Temple Bar road - crazy.