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Everything posted by forepaw

  1. forepaw

    Badlands 2200 Backpack

    PM sent. forepaw
  2. forepaw

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    I thought he still was.
  3. One of the posts mentioned employment at Gore. In the event he does go to work, and is able to get hired on there, he should check the benefit on reduced price Sitka clothing for employees. Not sure if this would apply to part-timers. I hunted with some guys in 2014, one of whom worked there, and he talked about the great discounts for Gore employees on Sitka stuff. I decided right then and there, to never pay full price for anything from Sitka. Who knows how many deals there are like that at various companies around the country. Anyway, that may have changed, but if not, it would be pretty nice benefit for employees who are hunters. forepaw
  4. forepaw


    Much as I detest so-called "hipster hunters", I think yotebuster may be right, or at least partially right. However, it doesn't have to be one or the other. There may be a way to have a hunting future, as well as ownership and use of high-cap. magazine semi-auto rifles. However, it will require resurrection of an organization similar to the old U.S. Army Director of Civilian Marksmanship program, and re-enrollment of shooters in civilian rifle clubs to participate in across-the-course style highpower rifle competition - similar to what has occurred among civilian populations in European countries. Although Finland and Sweden have no 2A in their constitution, they are keen on the idea of a trained body of citizens who are already familiar with military-style rifle shooting, who could be available for call-up in times of national emergency. This was the basis for many years of NRA highpower shooting - basically, it served as an understudy to military training, where in the event of a worst case scenario, there would already be a body of citizens who could be proficient in the use of issue-grade small arms with almost no time required for training. I know the concept of ". . . a nation of riflemen . . ." is pretty far-fetched stuff to many shooters and hunters of today, especially younger shooters, but it may be a way, in fact is probably the only way, to legitimize continued use and ownership of so-called assault rifles. I personally don't think it is very likely, due to the difficulty, expense and time commitment involved, and also the fact that across the course events entail a definite military mindset and character, which some would find distasteful; but having participated in NRA highpower as an informal competitor, the associated benefits (competition in timed events, sportsmanship, hand-eye coordination, safety, etc.) apply across many activities, not just in sports but in everyday life as well. Something to think about. forepaw
  5. forepaw

    Draw Odds Question

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vk0Hlpam_ZE Also, Randy explains a little more at about 11:00 on his 2015 vid. Apparently the rule took effect in 2016. Basically, it throws a bone mostly to NR, to encourage applying and hoping to get one of the 5% of reallocated NR tags in the 1-2 pass (from the bonus pass). forepaw
  6. forepaw

    Draw Odds Question

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpI0lLp5Adk&feature=youtu.be Amber explains it at about 6:10 on this vid. It apparently is part of the 10% that would normally be available to NR - 5% can go back in the 1-2 draw, where they are available to everyone (not just NR.) Also correction regarding my statement on availability of tags to NR - I was citing the old rule. Currently it is 10% of all tags (excluding bighorn sheep and buffalo). The old rule was elk, antelope and mule deer north of the CO River. forepaw
  7. forepaw

    Draw Odds Question

    Unless something changed, only for deer N. of the CO River. And the 20% is not just NR, it is total apps. i.e. the bonus pass, followed by the 1-2 pass. 5% of the bonus pass tags go back to the 1-2 (random) draw, but not sure if that is all tags, or if the percentage has changed for some species. Up to 10% of deer, elk and ant. could (not will, could) go to NR, except for sheep. Your sheep statement is correct as I understand it. forepaw
  8. I'll risk going against the conventional wisdom, and advise that it is mostly a bad idea - at least the first two years. How serious is he about academics? Was he in GATE or mostly AP in H.S.? Will he be taking a heavy load of math and science? My recommendation would be for him to be dead serious in getting the core classes out of the way. Bonehead English used to wash out a lot of kids - it can require more mental effort than you would think. If he gets a job after two years, my advice would be some sort of work study or one of the labs at the school, associated with his major. It won't pay as much, but the hours will be more user friendly and he will have the advantage of networking with professors and upper level students, and may get his name on some publications as a co-author. When I went there, before I switched to U of A, the student body was only 12k, but the academic standards were relatively high. Ditto competition for grades. Undergrad. professors were all excellent, but demanded a LOT. There are enough temptations at NAU that can derail the best of intentions if he isn't careful. Best of luck. forepaw
  9. Happy New Year CWT amigos. I would appreciate anyone's recommendation for a neighborhood or independently owned general auto mechanic in the Tempe/Chandler/Awatukee area. Advice on any to stay far away from also welcome! Thanks all. forepaw
  10. forepaw

    ISO auto repair shop in Tempe

    Appreciate the suggestions. Just shopping for a new auto tech. for general maint. & routine repairs. Nothing exciting, but honest and reliable goes a long way! Thanks. forepaw
  11. forepaw

    ND in Montana - Very Sobering

    http://www.monstermuleys.info/dcforum/DCForumID11/22588.html https://www.facebook.com/jay.maisano.5/videos/pcb.1111992622295523/1111986868962765/?type=3&theater This may be the least cheerful thing you watch over the holidays, but maybe it will serve as a valuable heads up. Sad to see a grown man or anyone else in this much distress, but hopefully by routing to the various forums and BBs it will make us all re-think our gun handling and safety fundamentals. Years ago a friend's dad (after he corrected my muzzle direction) told me " . . . you can't be too careful . . ." That mild reprimand has stayed with me ever since. forepaw
  12. Just curious, why the change to 30mm vs. 1"? forepaw
  13. https://www.24hourcampfire.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/4512477/Searchpage/1/Main/339051/Words/6.5x55ai/Search/true/New_build_ladder_test#Post4512477 This guy has built at least one, and seems to have a lot of know-how. His call sign is clark98ut. If you research his posts, I think you will find some current info. The 6.5x55 does need a long action. forepaw
  14. Rebarrel to 6.5x55 AI. Buy excellent bulk Lapua brass (I am on 19th firing 6.5x55 with no incipient case head sep. and no neck cracking) at better prices than other calibers to fireform. Post your progress here so we can all learn something! forepaw
  15. forepaw

    iPhone 6S Plus 64GB. Verizon

    Sent e-mail to confirm. forepaw
  16. forepaw

    iPhone 6S Plus 64GB. Verizon

    Never mind. Should have read the post. forepaw
  17. forepaw

    iPhone 6S Plus 64GB. Verizon

    What carrier? forepaw
  18. The main advantage to using the grooves milled in the top of the receiver is it allows you to mount your scope as low as possible, thus contributing to a positive cheek weld. I used Warne rings, and they clamp on with a bulldog grip, they look good, are lightweight, and don't have anything sticking out to catch on stuff. If you plan to wear your barrel out and rebarrel right away, you can always get the quick-release option for easy return to zero. Warne's are great rings. I understand Talley's are also topnotch. I can't imagine a rail on a 6 1/2 # rifle, but all the Chris Kyle wannabes seem to love those things. Pretty useful I guess if you want to shoot targets the size of a Volkswagen at 1200 yds. forepaw
  19. forepaw

    Stolen Model 70 Varmint 223

    Also recommend you start an account on www.hotgunz.com This is free stolen guns database, with many many pairs of eyes on it. Tough break. Just makes you sick to have a gun stolen. forepaw
  20. forepaw

    How is YOUR coldbore?

    Man, you have it figured out! I shoot all the dam time, and seems like all I do is wear out barrels and turn money into noise. I have tried Leupold's CDS and like it, it is just too tough to match shooting conditions with those laser-cut dials (unless you do your zeroing and hunting in the same spot). Using Strelok now, and it seems pretty good. forepaw
  21. forepaw

    Super Bonus Point

    Well good question. The real hurdle is, and has been, public perception, and allowing the masses to be manipulated by a very clever animal rights PR campaign, that so far, has had no means of providing for effective, informed opposition. I don't know exactly how AZGFD will go about it, assuming they are successful in landing one of the funding sources. It will be uphill work, that's for sure. Much of the younger generation has no frame of reference for the natural world, wildlife, or even livestock and agricultural settings. Some of the mature generations are just as woefully ignorant, as they come from urban backgrounds, and have been subjected to years of propaganda by leftist professors, Hollywood, the media, and all the sierra club types, and have firm convictions (that are mostly wrong) about wildlife, hunting as a wildlife mgmt. tool, animal populations, natural boom and bust cycles, predator-prey relationships, etc. forepaw
  22. forepaw

    Super Bonus Point

    No. The idea is to cultivate a better informed electorate and public at large. And to inoculate the public in general against the disingenuous, frivolous, and deceptive campaigns by the animal rights extremists and eco-whackos, that result in misinformation being perpetuated as scientific fact, and making the job of professional wildlife people and scientists much harder. forepaw
  23. forepaw

    WTS Reloading Items

    PM sent. forepaw
  24. forepaw

    AXIS build 6.5x284

    Very nice rifle and performance. What length barrel and twist? What overall weight? forepaw