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Everything posted by jim

  1. jim

    WTB- snake gaiters

    I don't remember the brand but sportsmans has a pair for around 40 dollars that wear well.
  2. jim

    travel management

    It really has't mattered on any other forest or county. They take comments and then do whatever they are going to do.
  3. jim

    2019 coues

    Great buck congratulations.
  4. The wife got the call last Thursday so she took the tag. We knew we would only have the last 3 days to hunt but it would be fun. We saw 70 antelope the last 2 days after a couple misses she took this buck today. Not the biggest on the mountain but she was super excited with him.
  5. jim

    Tree Stand Recomendations

    I have never had an issue with the gorilla brand hang ons.
  6. jim

    Dove Street Tacos 🌮🌮🌮

    Chris those look really good.
  7. jim

    Never thought i would turn this tag back in

    My wife got her tag last friday morning we are starting are quest tonight to find her a buck she just wants a pretty one she said. If anyone that tagged out already and has any advice I am all ears. Since she took this tag the hunt will be the scouting process(lol).
  8. Congrats on the buck and a great hunting trip.
  9. jim

    Hunter’s Big Chance 2019

    Congratulations Hunter.
  10. My wife is super excited she just went down to the Kingman office and picked up her tag. So next weekend we will be Antelope hunting.
  11. Well my wife called the lady this morning and it so happens the gentleman who they offered it to after her decided this morning not to take it so my wife ended up with the tag after all. So with only 2 points at stake we will be antelope hunting next weekend. We were already leaving today for california on a rock fish trip that I can not change. But i figure any lope I can get her next week will be a blast.
  12. I don't check my phone as I can not have it at work they called me 3 times yesterday for that unit 10 antelope tag for my wife. We would have taken it but didn't see the phone message till after 5 last night. The phone message was at 10:30 and gave us till noon to call back. Oh well better luck next time.
  13. jim

    Rut Activity

    We heard a lot of bulls last week in 27 warming up their pipes.
  14. jim

    Local Paper Buck

    Don Martin still has a lot of articles in the Kingman Dailey Miner up here.
  15. jim

    Walmart ends all handgun ammunition

    Once again a knee jerk reaction. Selling ammo in the stores had no bearing on that shooting or any other shooting.
  16. jim

    Tree Stand

    Sent a PM.
  17. Looking forward to it. Will be down there for Sunday and Monday.
  18. jim

    I-8 dead antelope?

    I have seen lopes between quartzite and yuma several times and they even have signs on the road.
  19. Good luck. I have a itchy trigger finger no matter what I am shooting there are several bucks in your pictures that would have arrows on the way.
  20. I am. We will be packing in 5.5 miles fri morning and staying 6 to 7 days.
  21. jim

    Wyoming Archery Antelope Semi Live Hunt

    Your never going to get there if you keep stopping(lol).
  22. jim

    Wyoming Archery Antelope Semi Live Hunt

    Looking forward to the I hate driving phone call (lol). Good luck wish I was tagging along.
  23. jim

    Snake Gaiter recommendations

    I just got these in yesterday they fit good and feel like they will work well. I'm going to hike with them tomorrow to see how they wear. I'll find out on the deer hunt as the canyon we are hiking into is always good for a few Mojaves. https://www.amazon.com/Foreverlast-Inc-Snake-Guard-Shields
  24. jim

    Arizona Taxidermy Training

    Hurry up and learn Adam then you can do all my stuff for pack out fee's. 😉