The bonus points still mean exactly what they were prior to giving out the loyalty point. If everyone got 1 then the whole system just moved 1 point. However I know several people who had missed a year for 1 reason or other and did not get the point. That put some people ahead of others if they were tied before. It seems around here as guys get closer to max they all start putting in for the early rifle bull hunts so they take the max pool higher than available tags. AZ has what alot of people call fringe units. I think if a guy puts in the time, every unit in this state has the ability to put out huge bulls. I kinda like when everyone puts in for units 1,27,8,9 and 10 it leaves tags almost every year for the ones that hunt the sucky units. The move to archery bull in nov would have made for some excellant hunting if people wanted to actually hunt, but most people don't know how to hunt the bulls after they stop responding to calls or running around chasing cows. The big bulls do not leave the units, they just become less hunter friendly. And if you don't think I'm right about people not knowing how to hunt the bulls if their not talking look at hunter success during years when the elk are not that vocal during the rut. I am not trying to stir the pot either this is just my most humble opionon on how the nov hunt would have increased hunter opputunity.