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Everything posted by jim

  1. jim

    Outboard Trouble

    Sounds like a spun prop. They just go out they don't have to hit anything.
  2. jim

    FOX kill with AR

    That story is cool but it has "Hold my sign all over it".
  3. jim


    The anatomy should start at the neck.
  4. Sounds like 1 heck of a friend. Awesome stories it's amazing what we go thru with our buddies.
  5. jim

    Unit 10

    Just drive down the freeway. They were all over the place between seligman and ashfork friday evening.
  6. jim

    My wife's first shed

    Good job Tracy. Hopefully there will be many more.
  7. jim

    Change of the Rules

    Wow it took longer than normal for the we need to change the system thread.
  8. jim

    I guess we are to blame

    Even if they did fix it the same bunch would just find something else to bitch about.
  9. jim

    drew a unit 1 archery tag

    Scout the flats up around big lake. Like Bill said about down by Round Valley however those animals get alot of competition because they are so visible. Make sure you check the tree line areas around the border between 1 and 3b. There are some nice bucks in that broken tree country.
  10. jim

    Muzzle Loader Tag in 15A & 15B

    Glass the flats behind the airport in Kingman. All the way across to the truck stop on the freeway. I live in Kingman right now if you want to come up i can show you what i know about the unit.
  11. jim

    Unit 27 Archery Bull + unit 1 youth

    reg After the dust is settled go to the game and fish office and they can pull up your applications. If they made the mistake they can rectify it. If it was your mistake hunt the bulls and kill the cows and show him a real elk hunt. But if you think cow hunting is easy try and kill the lead cow on a big herd and then get back with us on a real elk hunt.
  12. jim

    Draw results out on phone

    Unit 22 early archery bull tag #6. Should be fun.
  13. jim

    CC Hits

    What would we do for entertainment without all the folks on here talking on how bad the situation is. The next round will be after the draw results are out and the ones that didnt draw start the, we need to change the sytem post.Then there will be the, The game and fish hate me post. Then 2 weeks later the, all the guides are hanging and stealing the water hole post.
  14. jim

    Fall 2012-13' Recommendations

    Well I will agree that the opportunity is good.But 25 tags in the right hands can do some real damage to the big bucks in certain areas. I know there will be some guys really wanting that 27 tag. These tags will put some big bucks on the ground for sure.
  15. jim

    Fall 2012-13' Recommendations

    So they take away the dec archery hunt in 27 but are now going to allow 25 big muleys to be taken by rifle in the rut. The whole reason given to take the dec archery hunt was to protect the big bucks in the rut.
  16. jim

    How to tell if same buck?

    most of the time the pedicle base ring will be almost exact from year to year just a little bigger.
  17. jim

    CC Hits

    I got hit today for elk. First tag in 4 years. Bull tag in 22 either early archery or 22 s rifle. Now the wait to know which one. Good luck to the rest of you.
  18. jim

    caught cheating in tournament

    Not odd at all when you walk past a boat before the start of a tourney and the live well is already running.
  19. jim

    Eberlestock X2

    Interested in trading for a vortex spotting scope. I dont have the details with me but its a older angled 80 power with not alot of use on it.If your interested i will send you the details when i get home.
  20. jim

    Guess the Date and Time Contest

    April 2cd at 11:15
  21. jim

    Ground blind

    Elkaholic your attitude is exactley why we have this problem. If it does not belong to you leave it the ____ alone.
  22. jim

    Late Archery Bull 2011

    Great job on a tuff hunt.
  23. get a leica you will not regret it.
  24. jim

    5b anyone?

    Go down in the cedar country and glass then glass some more. There are some tremendous bucks down on the cedar flats towards winslow.
  25. jim

    Unit 1 & 27

    Moonscape sucks but hopefully it will come back in the the years to come.