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Everything posted by jim

  1. That just lets him get bigger for next year.
  2. jim

    road hunters

    A friend of mine was in 18a driving from glassing spot to glassing spot when he was observed by the game warden in the unit. The game warden stopped him an informed him that he was road hunting and could write him a ticket. He elected not to but did tell him if he observed the behavior again he would cite him for road hunting. I personally do not believe it's road hunting but like alot of game and fish rules it's up to the wardens opionon if you are in violation.
  3. jim

    4 days + 228 deer = 0 bucks!

    It could possibly be the fact that those units get hammered year after year with hundreds of tags. At some point of time they are going to run out of bucks.
  4. jim

    Unit 10 Late Rifle Cow

    Check the country across from the grand canyon caverns. There is useally a herd in that area.
  5. jim

    unit 15a,15b,18a late cow hunt

    Congrats on a tough hunt.
  6. jim

    November Archery Bull

    Awesome great job.
  7. I hope you guys pull it out and keep it on the mountain.
  8. jim

    Unit 22 Bull Elk

    Awesome job nice bull.
  9. Nothing but total respect and humble thanks for his and your service.
  10. jim

    Wife's first Coues

    Awesome story and theres nothing wrong with that buck at all.
  11. What are the must have sounds for fox pro calls.
  12. jim

    Rutting activity already?

    I have seen fresh srapes down on the blue in late october before.
  13. jim

    Birthday Muzzy Coues... Again!

    Great story, those mearns have come close to scaring me to death as they like to come out right at your feet.
  14. jim

    Courtney's 2012 coues

    Awesome story congrats.
  15. Great writeup on your story sorry about the buck.
  16. jim

    GF's First CWT!

    Great story and congrats on her first.
  17. Awesome story congrats.
  18. jim

    Field butchering pack out?

    The only time I break a blade is when boning out the meat and hit bone to hard. I will never go back to any other type knife.
  19. jim

    Sister in laws great buck!

    Great buck.
  20. Just for fun I just read 6 successfull stories on this site and counted 14 missed shots at under 350 yards. The interesting thing is no one said 1 thing about the misses. Why? the shots that guy's say were hi was followed with the comment they readjusted and made a clean kill. Just like the hunter at a longer range yet no comments about the misses.
  21. Wow I guess you all should go back thru the success stories and count how many stories had those guys missing multiple shots before they finally walked one into the deer. This guy missed 1 shot then cleanly dropped his buck no problem. As for having someone between you and a shot I guess they better shut down the 22n elk hunt now as we all know how that zoo unfolds. My guess is you could shoot a 300 hundred yard shot and not know someone was between you and the animal.
  22. jim

    LEO's checking gun serial #'s?

    average joe could you post the statute that allows you the right to take a persons gun without probable cause? And also the the statute that says if you possess a persons gun you have to run the serial number? The statute that makes it a gray area if a person refuses to turn over a gun on a traffic stop would be interesting to read also.