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Everything posted by jim

  1. jim


    Unit 22 you might as well just hand them to somebody and walk away it will save you the frustration of going back and finding them gone. (LOL)
  2. jim

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    There was nothing fishy at all about the story besides in the minds of the ones that guy's that think that way. I know some hunters that would not even realize what they had killed a giant because they don't get into scores at all. However if you hang around drama and think your opinion matters I guess everything is questionable.
  3. jim

    100% on-line applications

    Ghost hunter you should try a little more reading comprehension before throwing stones that someone doesn't know what they are doing.
  4. jim

    a bigun

    We met a hualapai guide at a gas station in kingman who showed us a picture of this bull from another angle the mass is just incredible on that bull.
  5. If housing areas make sheep leave how come there are so many sheep that live in boulder, nev?
  6. jim

    Unit 22N

    You will have alot longer to wait than next weekend to get to the tail end of the rut.
  7. jim

    T-minus 169 hours

    It's my wifes tag but this last 2 hours of work is killing me. We are headed up at 3 in the morning, thursday final scout and hopefully she wacks one on friday.
  8. jim

    Another toad hits the dirt

    Go up in the Hualapai's they feed the muledeer cookies and crackers along the road by hand all the time.
  9. jim

    GOOD LUCK to all should be a great rut

    Speedygoss I had that tag last year you should have a blast that was some of the best rut hunting I ever got to play in.
  10. jim

    Utah Elk hunter gored

    Now come on Adam were not that bad (lo). I'm sure after a couple years we would fail to mention it.
  11. jim

    Utah Elk hunter gored

    I could see that happening very easy. Especially if he wwas on a steep incline and jerked the horns. I about knocked myself out once when I jerked on a cows leg when trying to load it and the hoof came up and hit me square in the forehead.
  12. jim

    Correction period eliminated

    Make sure you buy all your over the counter tags for next year before the end of this year as the new prices do not go into effect until after the first.
  13. jim

    Camera Theft in the Payson Area

    If you really know this for fact and have done nothing about it you are as guilty as he is.
  14. jim

    First Time Elk Shed Hunting, Need Help

    Yeh they are tough to find however once in awhile you still find a little patch. Me and my son picked up 13 sheds in 2 days in a 1/2 mile patch of ridges about 2 miles in from any roads. If you want them in numbers get awy from the roads.
  15. I totally agree about the rain thing. It's one thing to have some shot fall around you but a whole nother issue when it comes in hot from idiots shooting at low flyers. A dove field can be shared by hunters if common sense is used, however now days that doesn't seem to be the case. When I was a kid my dad would make me carry a empty shotgun around all day if I made a questionable shot. I figured out real quick if I wanted to shoot to pay attention to my surroundings.
  16. jim

    Big Buck Down!!!

    Thats doing your homework. Congrats to the shooter.
  17. jim

    find the coues

    This is the tuffest one yet he seems to blend in well with the tan background.
  18. jim


    The crap about before the internet nobody shared info is bull crap. I grew up in payson and I remember the info about certain deer and areas spread at the bars,football games ect... You could find out info at gas stations or anywhere groups of guys met for coffee. Same info just a differnt delivery system. If you like helping people go for it. I have helped out alot of guys and have had alot returned over the years and will continue to help out others. I like meeting others and will help out total strangers out in the field. I would suggest to the guys out in the field that act like they are some kind of hunting god is to chill out and maybe you might meet some all right new friends that won't mind helping you pack out a critter.
  19. jim

    First Rubs ???

    All the bigger bulls I glassed on sat were rubbed clean.
  20. jim

    Couple A Bucks

    That was well written. Congrats on doing it that way.
  21. jim

    Flagstaff Meat processing

    Is there anyone in williams or the Seligman area that does it?
  22. jim

    Starting to panic... Lots of questions!

    Just take big browns with you he loves gutting ang cutting up critters.
  23. jim

    11m archery bull sept27\oct10

    Last year on the second hunt they were vocal the first couple days and the pressure shuts them down fast. Lots of hunters if you can scout away from people the bulls will move to those areas as the hunt unfolds. We did see some big bulls however.
  24. jim

    First Rubs ???

    We saw 1 in 10 last weekend that was aleady rubbed clean. .
  25. jim

    6A Early Archery Hunt....!

    Back before the sub units the tag numbers were the same. Our group had the hunt between cow and bull tags for 6 yrs. We never felt over run with hunters. The elk in those units are use to moving around people more so than other units. There are people in that unit year round. Look on your maps and find stretch's that have chunks of ground in between roads. The elk will be there.