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Everything posted by jim

  1. Great story and the ones with our kids are memories you will never forget.
  2. jim

    2nd Archery Buck

    Thats going to look awesome on the wall.
  3. We did not get to hunt until Christmas day. We had 6 days to get it done. Dave got his on day 2 150 yard shot with his trusty 243. I finally got it done on Monday the 6th day we had to hunt. It was a good hunt. My shot was with Dave's 270 sort mag at 243 yards.
  4. jim

    2014 Elk and Antelope Draw Odds

    Thank you Flatlander.
  5. hoghntr I have hunted this state my entire life as for smart comments I dont know what the game and fish have done to you and azlance but some of us think that there are alot more things in life to worry about than what a tag is made out of. I could care less and just don't understand how it could have any effect on how I'm hunting or other life functions by what my tag is made out of. Obvisiouly you guys have some major deep issues with the game and fish and nothing anyone else says will have any effect. I wish that this issue was the worst thing that I could worry about in my life and I am really happy for you that the rest of your life is so peachy that this has to be the worst thing you are facing. Just go hunt something paper or not. As for being effected no I am not effected by this as I pre planeed and took care of my business ahead of time not wait to the last minute and have a crisis moment.
  6. I think everyone should protest by not putting in for elk. Especially in the units I'm putting in for. I think I can afford a plastic bag so I dont think I will protest.
  7. jim

    Think I made a mistake.....

    I feel better when I have a chance and pass than I do when I shoot one. I think to me I then take the pressure off my self because I know I could have killed.
  8. jim

    2014 Elk and Antelope Draw Odds

    Archery antelope 10 points 18a, 18b and 10. Thank you for the help.
  9. jim

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    Rifle 4 mulies,1 Coues (2013) 1 elk cow (2013), Archery 10 cows 2 bulls and 20 javelina. Shotgun 5 turkeys. Muzzle loader 1 turkey edit I forgot about my archery antelope
  10. jim

    27 rut info

    I saw a lot of rut activity last week.
  11. jim

    2014 pigs?

    I didn't go out, sitting at home hacking up my lungs.
  12. That's an awesome buck. I just spent the last 6 days in 27 and we saw a lot of big muleys. The camps under the rim was showing that there are going to be a lot of hunters there tomorrow.
  13. That is a nice buck, conrats.
  14. Now take your bow on Jan 1 and mount the 3 point beside that one. Awesome buck.
  15. jim

    Unit 27 rut info

    Hopefully the 25th they will be going strong and I will get to open a buck on xmas day.
  16. How is the rut going in 27? Any info out there at all?
  17. jim

    Unit 27 rut info

    Thanks for the info guys I'm headed down on xmas day for 6 days hopefully they will get going where we will be hunting.
  18. jim

    How many points?

    If you went archery you could pick any unit other than 19a.
  19. jim

    How many points?

    Go into the draw section and look up bonus point information. There is a report that breaks down bonus point by unit or numbers.
  20. jim

    How many points?

    If I read it right 21 tags went to bonus point round. So the rest of the tags go to the luck of the draw. I believe there is 156 max bonus point holders left after this year. At the rate they get drawn in the max pass it will take 6 more years to finish out the top points and then the next group will start their turn. I figure at my age points mean nothing for me, I will have to get drawn just by luck.
  21. jim

    Unit 15B bruiser

    Great ram Don. Congrats to your hunter.
  22. jim

    15D North

    Thank god you finally posted this. That was one of the most enjoyable hunts I have ever had the chance to help on. I have a whole new appreciation of sheep hunting. Great ram Jeff and Kolby your a billy goat in your own right. It was great meeting Mike and Drew I hope Mikes ankle healed up ok he rolled it hard on the way out. Now I am hooked I only wish I had been putting in all those years so now i have to pray for the luck of the draw and hope to get a sheep of my own.
  23. jim

    Can we get hoodies made????

    Hoodie = pull over = no zipper.
  24. I have the 27 tag I am not hunting until xmas day. It has been tuff waiting knowing the hunt has been open for 2 weeks. However I'm 6 hours away hard to make it for a weekend hunt. So hopefully I will be opening a buck on xmas morning.