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Everything posted by jim

  1. jim

    Updated ** My Scouted 6x6

    Great bull on any hunts congrats.
  2. jim

    350 bull down

    Great bull.
  3. jim

    Woman stinks up Market in Pine....what the???

    You have not been to the Kingman walmart then. They have a walmart fashion show everyday here.
  4. Does anyone in the queen creek, mesa or chandler area have any 4 or 5 shot lead they would sale a pound of ? Big Browns is needing to reload some 28 ga for his son's pheasnat hunt this weekend.
  5. jim

    WTB 28 gauge 4 or 5 shot ammo

    Big browns can reload does anyone in queen creek, chandler, or mesa area have a pound of 4 or 5 shot lead they can sell him.
  6. jim

    Arizona elk hunters

    Good luck to all the lucky ones that have tags. Sitting out this year feels strange it's been awhile since I will not be on a hunt. I will just have to take it out on the bass this weekend.
  7. Nothing about crickets I don't live on the computer. I will research your post and form my opinons based on that. The only thing you can change with politicians is to not vote for any that are in office now.
  8. jim

    Spring Hunts

    Hunter orange has never been required in AZ.
  9. jim

    we lost a good one today.

    Sorry for your loss Casey.
  10. I like your thoughts Willie but those states are not the ones that will be voting in Az. I remember the old days in payson it was awesome to watch all the deer and elk in the trucks headed back to phx.( we use to laugh at what those folks thought vinison should taste like with the hides still on) We however do not live in that day and age anymore. As I mentioned round valley it is still small town. I think everyone that kills still drives thru town and ends up at booga reds(spelling) showing off their kill.
  11. I support as much as I can. The only thing I was trying to get across is that it's all part of the fight. If I can stop one person from not voting anti by not putting bad images in their head that saves one vote we don't have to spend money to get. I don't believe that mulepackers message was delivered very well but he was just trying to get to the same end as you and I are saying. It's a big fight saving what we all are passionate about and every little piece will help in the end. In the end we are not going to change the radicles but you are correct it's the ones that are sitting on the fence we need to sway whether it be with money or our actions.
  12. Wow thats classy Uncle Snick (not)
  13. jim


    Looks like you needed to be there taking pics when some of those items were making it into the tree.
  14. Well Shane in round valley I would not worry so much about covering them up but these guys that travel back and forth to phx is where the exposure is troublesome. I don't mean tarps anyway A head wrapped in a game bag does the same thing. Willie you can have all the money you want but if these things get to a vote we do not have the numbers to fight the non hunting vote. The numbers are just not there so out side of money, pr is very important in the fight that is coming.
  15. Greyghost you are correct and I totally understand both sides. But if you think you do not have to worry about the non hunting community at some point voting out your hunting rights you might want to research what is happening in California. The voters are taking there rights one by one. I understand your issue about where you have to put your elk, all these guys are saying is cover up the blood and gore.Theres nothing wrong in wrapping up the head so others driving down the highway dont pass a bloody head with the tounge hanging out. The next time a vote is needed to save some hunting issue that will be the view that person votes with. As was proved with trapping if the end hunting groups get the right backing rural az can not out vote the cities we just don't have enough votes.
  16. Can you redo a mount using the same hide?
  17. Great buck way to stick with it.
  18. jim

    Patience pays off!!

    Great buck and congrats on waiting it out. There's not alot of hunters that could accomplish what you did.
  19. Completely fricken awesome goat. Congrats.
  20. I was at Topock marsh for a cast and blast. The dove never showed up but we did manage to catch around 30 frog fish. Only shot 1 dove.
  21. find a pond in 6a that has oaks on it and you should find some. Acorns are the ticket extremely fast birds.
  22. jim

    Bonus points

    Just had a thought and was wondering is there point that a person stops putting in for archery and starts holding out for rifle/muzzle loader?
  23. jim

    Trailcam Pics

    That last day bull will sure eat nice.
  24. jim

    Unit 7 Archery Hunt

    I don't know about the hunger games but every hunting show on tv is now almost archery. Over the counter and you get to hunt as rifle tags decrease and the technology of bows being what they are nowdays, just makes archey a better choice,
  25. Thanks nick. Once again Rage nice buck and really like the sheds.