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Everything posted by jim

  1. jim

    Guess they really are in AZ.

    They will not let you hunt them on the refuge I have asked the officers on there many times. They do not want them but will not allow hunting them. I can hunt rabbits and other stuff during seasons but no pigs.
  2. Awesome deer pic. That's more quail than I even saw this year.
  3. jim

    The Graduation Bull

    Great story, super bull.
  4. jim


    Get a 18a archery tag next year and come up here. Plenty of pigs to whack where we hunt.
  5. jim

    Drawing Question

    It can always happen with the 80% part of the draw. These guys are talking about guy's putting in for hunts that have enough points to draw in the 20% bonus round.
  6. Wow sounds like a real adventure.
  7. jim

    Big Tom Bobcat

    Great cat and love the scale jokes after the last cat weight was posted.
  8. jim

    Son's first Javelina

    Great job in perserverance.
  9. jim

    Elk & Antelope Draw Odds

    If info is available. What units does the non resident numbers get met in the bonus pass for early archery bull? Thank you
  10. You can still use it. You just have to pay out of state tag fee's and the bonus is the 10% cap for non residents does not apply to you.
  11. jim

    hunter ed field day in the wht mtns

    kd300wsm can I take my 10 year old grandson to the bagdad field day. Information?
  12. jim

    Daughters first finds

    Just to dang cute, congrats to the young lady.
  13. jim

    A Big Thank You to Jim

    It was a blast meeting you guys. We will have to try again next year.
  14. jim

    "Impossible" hunts to draw

    I would bet if he was to draw any tag, that fear and want would change.
  15. jim

    18b one more weekend!

    Thats cool I understand the fishing thing. I will be on Havasu on sat. I know there are alot of pigs along the big sandy we have hunted them on the 18a side. You can walk the river and look for fresh pig track crossing the river and follow into the brush or call the thickets with alot of track.
  16. jim

    18b one more weekend!

    You could always pick up a 18a tag and hunt with me on friday. I am bored hunting alone. I dont know 18b at all but have several herds in 18a.
  17. jim

    Son's First Big Game With a Bow

    Nice Javelina congrats.
  18. jim

    Elk & Antelope Draw Odds

    11 bp res archery antelope unit 19a, 18a, 10 and 6b Thank you for your time and effort.
  19. jim

    is 18pts any good?

    Maybe you should try to get all the guys with the 23 points toghether and do your own draw so you all dont kill each other out and you all draw a tag you want(lol).
  20. jim

    Whats up with Unit 9?

    I figured either a commisioner has alot of points or a good buddy. Someone either wants first crack at the bulls muzzleloader or wanted archery later for the rut.
  21. Prayers and thoughts sent for this young man to beat this and recover strong.
  22. jim

    Elk hunting

    If you do your homework it will be a target rich enviroment.
  23. jim

    got it done opening day

    Havasuhunter what tag do you have? I live in Kingman we got my boy's pig in 18a the 2cd day.
  24. jim

    GET 'R' DONE

    Pic of trophy room?