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Everything posted by jim

  1. jim


    What units and dates?
  2. jim

    What's the big deal

    I dont think I'm important at all but I know several folks on this site and myself get numerous request from folks every year thru pm's for information about past hunts based on us posting what unit we hunted. I had a request for info about a hunt this year that I posted originaly in 2009 about unit 27. Your thought process about how many use just the unit info for where to put in is flawed.
  3. jim

    Jared blessing

    Congrats on a great bull. It's a blessing that sportsman like these live in our great state and do the work they do.
  4. jim

    5BN Bull limping?/

    Most likely a pass thru on just his front shoulder. Angles at last light can be deceiving. Bull is probaly still alive, hopefully will heal up with a bad limp.
  5. jim

    Peaks Hunt 2014

    That's some classic Elk hunting and camp.
  6. jim


    Nice bull.
  7. jim

    Anyone have the 22 early archery hunt

    Wow Big Browns, I hope you haven't been scouting the wrong stuff.
  8. jim

    Az Bull

    Great bull. Whats the story?
  9. jim

    Unit 1 Bull tag filled

    Great story and congrats on a great bull.
  10. jim

    440 bull

    Saw it on face book the other day. Great bull
  11. jim

    Camera Etiquitte

    I found a camera in 27 near a salt lick that had been knocked off a tree by a bear or something. I picked it up and rehung it. A couple weeks later at a trail head we were talking to a couple who happened to own that camera. When I told them the story she started laughing and said they had wondered what had happened as their camera showed a bear and then straight up at the sky and then the pics were back on the tree of the salt lick.
  12. jim

    Son's First Archery Bull

    Congrats on a great bull and the memories you two will share forever.
  13. jim

    Where's the elk in 2b?

    Glass the flats above the fields along the power plant road. You can glass alot of that country from the highway and see into the ridges that run up from the river then you just have to figure out how to come into where you see them at.
  14. That's awesome congrats to the young man.
  15. Ok I keep checking but no pics. water mark or not I dont care just want pics. By the way congrats to your boy either way.
  16. Good luck to you lucky few that have the tags.
  17. I have not hunted rabbits in years but now that my grandkids are getting big enough I'm going to start again. I have recently found a spot that has alot of cottontails and when it cools down I am taking the grandkids.
  18. Me and a buddy ended up with 9 birds up around Kingman. Not alot of birds up here this year but we did find a small pocket of birds.
  19. jim

    It finally happened!!!

    Nice story and an awesome buck.
  20. jim

    Gwen Hughes

    RIP that is the generation that I like best. This world is going to suck alot worse when they are all gone.
  21. jim

    Unit 22N

    Find a bull scouting on thursday be sitting ready to shoot him at first light on friday morning. Don't hesitate you will most likely not be the only person looking at that bull. Pray for lots of snow up top. It will make 2 things happen there will not be 100 shooters lined up across the top of the rim and it will push down alot better bulls.
  22. jim

    Washing hunting packs

    Car wash and scrub in some detergent. Hang it on the mat hook and spray away. Let it dry and then use scentless deodorant after it dry's.
  23. jim

    More Desert Bucks

    Wow deffitnatley some real nice bucks.
  24. Great job. Urban camos. Thats how I hunted sat afternoon as well it was to dam hot to put on camos. I did have tennis shoes.
  25. jim

    First Archery Buck

    Congrats on a great buck.