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Everything posted by jim

  1. jim

    Do you know your birds?

    I don't know but that would make an awesome pattern for a camo outfit.
  2. jim


    Legal method of take Limited Weapon-Shotgun Shooting Shot Hunt: Any shotgun shooting shot as prescribed in R12-4-318 or crossbow or bow and arrow as prescribed in R12-4-304. Archery-Only Hunt: Bow and arrow as prescribed in R12-4-304 and R12-4- 318 and/or crossbow as allowed under R12-4-216. Centerfire rifles, muzzleloading rifles and handguns are no longer legal methods of take. There are numerous muzzleloading shotguns on the market. They are not muzzzle loading rifles. You have more slug choices for a reg shotgun than a muzzle loader shotgun does to be able to shoot a solid bullet.
  3. jim


    I have a 12ga muzzle loader. I have killed turkey's in AZ and NM with it. Game wardens love it, I have been checked in both states and they thought it was cool that someone was hunting with a muzzl loader shotgun.
  4. jim

    Opening day double

    That's the way to wack and stack. Congrats to the kids.
  5. jim

    Daughter's first deer.

    Great job Grace good shooting.
  6. jim

    Relocating to AZ - New to the forum

    Just take the online class and then sch your field day. You dont need to be a res to take the class so you can get it out of the way when you get down here.
  7. jim

    Relocating to AZ - New to the forum

    It's best to take it so you have the permanent bonus point.
  8. jim

    Kursty's Antelope Buck

    Great story and hunt.
  9. jim

    Wifes First Archery Elk

    Great bull, congrats Renee.
  10. jim

    Tessas patience pays off

    Very nice buck and way to hold out for what you want.
  11. jim

    Opening Day Success for my Daughter!

    Awesome story and Congrats to Sydney.
  12. Please post up the pics and success stories.
  13. jim

    That time again.

    Congrats young lady.
  14. jim

    Good luck to all the youth hunters

    Great job young lady and congrats dad on getting your kids out there.
  15. jim

    How to get a second tag

    Put in for the tag you want and get a left over in the other area you want.
  16. jim

    Jared is Cancer free!!!!

    That is great news.
  17. jim

    Shooting at NAU

    Armed teachers on this one would not have helped. It was a after hours parking lot deal from what the news is reporting. I do agree with armed teachers tho.
  18. jim

    Pray for My Dear MOM

    Prayers for you and your entire family.
  19. jim

    Youth cow 22

    Azruger pm bigbrowns your number he is an excellant resource in the unit.
  20. jim

    31 days till its open "naturebob"

    Good bull, the hunt is what matters anyway. It sounds like you had a blast on this hunt.
  21. jim

    Youth cow 22

    Sent you another pm.
  22. jim

    10 year old Muzzy elk

    Congrats young lady.
  23. jim

    It finally happened

    Great bear look forward to reading your story.
  24. What happened to Naturegirl ? How did her elk hunt end up?
  25. jim

    Girl power!!!

    Nice buck.