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Everything posted by jim

  1. jim

    First Turkey Hunt, Unit 1 Fall

    Find the area's that have oaks and look for dropping acorns. Water holes in these area's will show you the tracks. Try calling in the best acorn area's early in the morning. But for a big tom your best bet is water.
  2. jim

    1st coues tag! 6A

    Nov they should still be be in bachelor groups and feeding up for the rut. Find the best food source in the area you intend to hunt.
  3. Greens peak area use to have a good population all my other areas burned in the fire in unit 27. I don't know if any of the area's are good as I have not been back since the fire. I have always just ran into them doing other things.
  4. I plan on coming down and letting Adam clean all my birds.
  5. jim

    20c youth

    That will be a great Dec hunt. Congrats on your boys drawing.
  6. jim

    Big Horn Viewing

    You can also launch on the river at I40 az/cal border and go towards havasu usally lots of sheep in the first big backwater at the start of the no wake area.
  7. jim

    Big Horn Viewing

    I think Canyon lake has some boat tours for the sheep. If you have a boat go up in the canyon.
  8. jim

    Leftover deer tags

    I just put in my leave slips if not drawn I cancel the leave.
  9. jim

    Free Hunting Maps for your 2016 Tag!

    How often do you update your Ariel views? I signed up but the stuff i looked at in 15 was way out of date.
  10. jim

    Kaibab 12A East tag secured

    This is the muledeer section?
  11. jim

    Talkalai Lake

    If it wasn't such a long pull from kingman I would love to fish that lake again. It use to be a blast.
  12. Better yet why didn't you put your wife in for it????
  13. jim

    Arizona glass for mulies?

    I would just stick with the 10's. I have an older pair of 10 x 50 swaro's and recently bought the 15's slc I think I am going to sell them and just keep doing what I have been doing. There are few times I feel I need the bigger glass.
  14. jim

    Guns for muleys 2016

    It will be muzzle loader for 4 tags this year.
  15. jim

    Portal Results

    My grandkids drew the December 16a Muzzy hunt. My grandson drew it last year and now him and his sister. Looking forward to this one. Forgot to add I will be picking them up both companion Javelina tags also.
  16. jim

    Portal Results

    Congrats Lance you and your daughter are making some really great memories. Now she can knock down a great deer with your Father in laws gun.
  17. jim

    Portal Results

    I got 1179 15a muzzle loader nov tag for the wife and I. Should be interesting. Tags 5 and 6.
  18. jim

    Talkalai Lake

    How is it for getting a boat to the launch? Can you launch a full size bass boat?
  19. jim

    Coues Gunz!

    Od family parker and hale 270. Nothing custom but it keeps killing things.
  20. jim

    Card Got Hit

    I had both adult and youth and they hit the same time.
  21. jim


    My luck has never been good at wallows unless they were the edge of a pond. I know where numerous wallows in 27 were and it just never paid off sitting them.
  22. jim

    Any missing

    Grab yourself a beer and some chips and then search stolen cameras on here. It should keep you entertained for awhile.
  23. jim

    Bighorn Tag

    Congrats either way.
  24. jim

    Desert Bighorn Tag

    Congrats on a great tag.