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Everything posted by jim

  1. jim

    Unit 27 Schedule Change Outcome ?

    You can not keep killing that many bulls and it be healthy. It's big country so a few good bulls will always pop up. However it can not sustain it self for ever. Also when all that burned timber starts falling it's going to open it up even more for glassing and the long range guns.
  2. jim

    Got my buck

    Nice buck, a good taxidermist can fix him up.
  3. jim

    Pear Scat?

    I would guess he knows where some pears are you don't.
  4. jim

    Returned tags?

    According to how it was wrote they had several options on how to redistribute the tag. None of them were very clear and did not allow for how we the public would know.
  5. jim

    Any CWT guys fish the Wild West Bass Trail???

    Do you know if they are launching out of Katherines or Cottonwood?
  6. jim

    Any CWT guys fish the Wild West Bass Trail???

    I don't fish them but several teams from Kingman do and they really enjoy it. The field size and payback make them better than the average circuit.
  7. jim

    Once in a lifetime bull

    Great bull.
  8. jim

    Bye Bye Cabelas

    I guess I'm the odd guy out because I enjoy going to both stores. I also enjoy Sportsman Wharehouse and any mom and pop store I can get into. Living in Kingman there is not a lot of outdoor stores to go to. I do most of my fishing shopping at Tackle Wharehouse anyway, but it's nice to actually see the colors and items at the stores.
  9. jim

    23 lost bull

    That could not be, rifle hunters never loose animals!!!!!!!(lol)
  10. jim

    Lost bull

    Azkiller you might get a different reaction if you had brought all the facts that took 20 something post's to get around to your point. The discussion and reminder about shot placement is never a bad subject to remind hunters of shot placement but for you to imply that all archery hunters are bad shots does not sit well. Now as all the stories get added about hearsay on how many bulls get wounded during archery season you can add just as many for rifle hunters who do not check up on shots because they saw no sign of a hit.Go bird watching after the rifle hunts up around the meadows in unit 1 and see how many cows you can find because rifle hunters just open up on cow herds in the meadows. Or maybe ask how many of us have dug bullets out of animals that we have cleaned. Your rhetoric is old as it hits here every year.
  11. jim

    Lost bull

    So what is your story about all those items and 1 elk? Did you harvest that bull? Some back ground on this would be nice as a learning tool.
  12. jim

    Looking for advice in Unit 10

    Congrats on a nice bull.
  13. jim

    what unit?

    I don't think it comes down to the members on here anyway. It comes down to the 1000 people that just does internet research when it's time to put in. Members on here for the most part have their own units and area's and are not likely to change.
  14. jim

    11M Elk a Nuisance

    They did not make discharging a bow illegal they just made ares within 1/4 of certain housing areas off limits to deer and antelope hunting. If you read the comments sections under deer #46 is a good example.
  15. jim

    11M Elk a Nuisance

    The only places the restrictions you speak of are listed in the game reg's. The commission had to list certain area's not allowed to be bow hunted. They have listed and made the ares in certain communities off limits to bow hunting because humans are not good at regulating them selves.
  16. jim

    11M Elk a Nuisance

    When did bows become considered firearms?
  17. jim

    First bull

    Stalking and killing him in his bed is a tremendous achievement. Congrats.
  18. jim

    Unit 27

    I had not been in the unit since the fire. I do know that there are large chunks of country that there was no sign in that usually hold good numbers of elk. I had to run a lot of spots to help my friends get into elk and was shocked how quiet it was. With that said where we did find them had a lot of sign and with patience they will do fine and hopefully kill a good bull.
  19. I saw a flock of 15 teal on a pond in Clay Springs over the weekend.
  20. I thought we had a good discussion going, and still do.
  21. His point is he will be in camp with his family and friends and still get to hunt how he wants. Besides now he has 70 days of archery deer.
  22. jim

    Shoulder mount Mule deer 260" replicas

    You should try cabelas or bass pro shops they might want it for their displays as that is an impressive looking mount.
  23. Get a pack that has the rifle scabbard inside it and carry your bow. Best of both worlds. Use your bow and if an opportunity arises and you need your rifle you will have it.
  24. jim

    Unit 27

    I was up there this weekend also, you and about 200 hundred others (lol) were hitting the 403 road. I have never seen that much pressure on that road. I think after this storm it will get better along with the full moon is not helping much. As the moon comes up later the morning hunts should get better. Your only on day 3 and already depressed just be happy you have the tag and enjoy the hunt. Bugling is not the only way to kill elk.
  25. jim

    Elk pic

    Great bull