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Everything posted by jim

  1. jim

    Hunts for Heroes: HELP NEEDED!!!

    I sent a pm but would add that if you have any needs for fishing trips down here on the Havasu, Mohave or Mead I would be willing to do some trips for our vets.
  2. jim

    Let your voice be heard

    I attended the last meeting in Kingman about the elk and antelope recommendations. Me and My wife were the only 2 that showed up. Last meeting before that I went to only 7 to 8 folks.
  3. jim

    Tall Tales?

    Talked to a guy on my deer hunt who told us that he had pictures of javelina on one of his cameras and that he knew hogs and this one would go 150 pounds.
  4. jim

    Brittany's first bull

    Awesome, congrats on the bull.
  5. jim

    Work of Art, Osceola is headed home.

    That is awesome. I really like that pose.
  6. More Coues Whitetail awesome members at work.
  7. With that many does there will be bigger bucks there eventually.
  8. jim

    Utah General Rifle Success!!!!!!

    Great buck congrats.
  9. jim

    Vortex Razor HD 12x50 $825 firm

    Which model number are these?
  10. Your opinion's have always been that you are smarter than everyone else. Your political views are just that your views so missing all your all sheep comments will not bother any of us. Have a great life under your tin foil hat and I hope the black helicopters don't pick you up to soon.
  11. jim

    Vortex vulture 15x56

    Hoytman I have a guy who might want them I will let you know. Where are you located at?
  12. jim

    Trailer Service

    You ever end up in the Kingman area?
  13. jim

    Hanging in an area with no trees?

    There should not be any waste on the gutless method unless someone is being real lazy. It should look like a skeleton when your done.
  14. jim

    Unit 27 Schedule Change Outcome ?

    From what I saw up there this year there is going to be a lot more long range access soon. A lot of that burn the trees have not fallen yet. A couple good winters and a heavy wind event is going to open up alot more big glassing area's.
  15. jim

    UPDATED - Youth Javi 37A&37B Success

    Great story, congrats on the pig.
  16. jim

    What would happen if???

    The main factor of the early draw was to provide more time for hunters to prepare for the hunts. This was asked for at the game and fish meetings and the department provided it.
  17. jim

    Some Pics

    Nice pics of mule deer bucks.
  18. jim

    12A West Youth Hunt - Who's going?

    That's awesome, my 10 yr old grand daughter has a dec 16a tag. I'm looking forward to it.
  19. jim

    Hikers found a dead bull

    My bet he was hit bad by another bull. Not all bulls found dead are by hunters.
  20. jim

    Daughter's hunt

    Congrats to the young lady on a great buck.
  21. jim

    Same Unit hunt different times?

    It's differnt hunt numbers not unit. I do the ham and archery in the same unit. Never had any issues.
  22. My 870 does not like the winchester small game stuff.
  23. jim

    Unit 27 Schedule Change Outcome ?

    Just look what a few extra tags have done to 22s. Yes there are few good bulls killed every year but nothing like before the increase in tags. 30 or 40 extra tags in a unit that size does not do well.
  24. jim

    Ground Elk Recipes

    Grind up some bacon ends with it and make hamburgers.