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Everything posted by jim

  1. jim

    2017 deer hunt!!

    Looks like really good hunt. congrats
  2. jim

    Draw results

    3 pig tags for us.
  3. Great job by your daughter and yourself getting her out there. Incredible exit wound on the deer.
  4. jim

    First a muzzleloader

    Everything we have ever killed with a muzzle loader has bled just fine. We use the Hornady sst(I think this is right I would have to look at the box when I get home) 50 caliber.
  5. You are a coyote killing machine. Keep up the good work.
  6. jim

    Wyoming Bonus Points.

    I think I have 4 for antelope and 3 for elk.
  7. jim

    Grab bag of stuff for sale

    PM me your paypal info.
  8. jim

    Grab bag of stuff for sale

    I would like one of the unit 9 flat line maps. I will have Adam pick it up from you when he helps you on your hunt if that is ok.
  9. jim

    Hershey Surprise

    You are the Bear Whisperer.
  10. Great buck. Congrats to the Young man and a well deserved nap.
  11. jim

    They are getting trickier

    Neither, if it was one of those they would not be visible for the picture.
  12. Got them Brian thank you for the info hopefully I can put it to good use.
  13. I can help saturday and sunday if someone is willing to tell me where to go in unit 9 I have never hunted there. I would also be willing to help anyone else that is willing to help that knows 9.
  14. jim

    6 Day Growth

    His ears are spread more in the first pic. But who cares that is a great buck I would say 28.
  15. jim

    My Son's First Big Game Hunt

    Awesome story Chris. Great cow Thomas congrats on your first elk.
  16. jim

    Swarovski 15s

    Mine don't go close enough together with the thickness of the rubber rings.
  17. jim

    Swarovski 15s

    Tell her to take the front lens caps off and close them down then try them for fit.
  18. Those are two really nice bucks.
  19. jim

    What broadhead brotherhood member is this?

    All websites are what you make of them. If your involved with drama on any of them you need to look at your own responses first.
  20. jim

    How old?

    For us guys that don't understand the aging thing is there anyway one of you guys could take the pic and draw a line at what would be considered each year ring?
  21. jim

    Practice much?

    Find someone with the cow tag hunts coming up and see if they will harvest her.
  22. jim

    unit 8 muzzleloader cow hunt

    Did you hear any bugling bulls every morning?
  23. jim

    Elk Heart

    Love a good fried heart sandwich. Elk liver is really good also.
  24. jim

    How many days are you archery elk hunting for??

    I have from this Thursday thru the end of the hunt off. In for the long haul.