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Everything posted by jim

  1. jim

    RMEF petition

  2. jim

    Javelina Hunting Questions

    I have seen Javelina on the 25 road in Unit 27 by the fire lookout tower in January.
  3. jim

    Bummed out

    I hope you heal up and can redraw a elk tag next year. That tag is not that hard to draw so you will be back in the game soon. I'm friends with Big Browns so he told me the story.
  4. jim

    Javelina Hunting Questions

    If you will search the posts on the Javelina section there is great deal of information on all your questions. There is probably answers to questions you have not even thought of. Basic info will include for January would be sun facing slopes first thing in the morning. Most units have pigs thru out so hike the wash's looking for sign. Fresh sign means pigs live there and are somewhere within a small circle of the area. Good glass and high spots are your friend. Game care is use a different knife to skin and keep your hands off the meet while skinning. Most guys make charizo or sausage with the meat. Lot's of recipes work with the back strap just depends on your own taste buds. Herds away from the roads are less spooky than the herds that get bumped a lot. Good luck on your quest to arrow a pig it really is a fun hunt.
  5. jim

    Bear with pistol?

    Check the past bear post's I believe someone in here did it this year.
  6. jim

    Back to back records

    That is a beast, congrats.
  7. jim

    Promise to Jeff

    Great buck. These type of events always make me miss my Dad and all the great memories we made together.
  8. jim

    Tag in the mail today

    We got two of three pig tags yesterday but mine still didn't make it yet.
  9. jim

    I have to vent

    I don't remember the particulars but I believe when you drive into alpine there is a sign saying the alpine valley is closed to hunting with muzzle loaders and rifles and tells the boundaries. this is the comments listed in the regs for unit 27 rifle bull hunt and muzzle loader hunts all rifle 27 and 1 have this comment. 18. Portions of Units 1 and 27 are closed to elk hunting during firearms seasons. Hunting is not permitted in the Alpine Valley in the following areas of Units 1 and 27: all lands in Section 12, Township 5 North, Range 30 East; all lands, other than USFS lands, in Sections 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 13, and 14, Township 5 North, Range 30 East; and all lands, other than USFS lands, in Sections 7, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20, Township 5 North, Range 31 East.
  10. jim

    WTB .22 rifle with scope

    I believe bass pro shops has a good deal on a bolt action 22. It might have been cabelas also check both their flyers.
  11. Congrats Carlton. Carlton was the cook in Unit 9 for our hunt, his breakfast burritos were awesome as well as everything else he cooked.
  12. jim

    Lions Club Scholarship Denied

    If they are providing the scholarship they should be able to set the rules.
  13. jim


    If still available I will take it all. I will be down in phx this weekend. I will paypal you the money.Is the tri clawps still included ?
  14. jim

    First Fox of the Season

    Are there any good videos out there on the way to skin them to save the hides?
  15. jim

    Draw results on Portal

    We were drawn for the 18b multi area archery. My wife Grandson and I will be slinging arrows. This will be my Grandsons first Archery hunt.
  16. jim

    Youth Javelina 22 &23

    In addition to what 208 said. There are Javelina all thru out that unit. Walk just about any desert wash find the tracks and find a high point and glass. If you have fresh tracks they will be within the area unless pushed out. Use your maps to find bigger roadless areas.
  17. jim

    Blocking FS Road !!!

    So what was the outcome? Did you end up getting in there? Did law enforcement get involved?
  18. jim

    WTB Binos

    I'm lost how is this your post? It was started by someone else. The 10 x 56 swaros would be my choice of what has been offered in your price range.
  19. jim

    My 11 yr. Old son's first buck

    Wow that is a great buck. He is spoiled for life now.
  20. jim

    Draysen's Mule Deer Hunt

    Awesome buck Congrats Draysen.
  21. jim

    November Archery Scouting

    If I still lived in Round Valley the late archery November tag would be my choice every year.
  22. The only one we killed up in 27 was excellent eating. We cooked it in foil with butter over the fire.