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About jim

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  1. jim

    What Happened to All the Rain?

    5bs had water running and standing everywhere. Super green.
  2. jim

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    Same thing in kingman keeps blowing right up to town then goes away. But it looks like up towards flag is getting nailed the last couple days.
  3. jim

    Roosevelt report

    You could fish between the trees pretty easy around any of the ramps.
  4. jim

    2021 Deer Regulations Finally Out!

    because 16a is closed all the hunters from there will be in the 15s.
  5. jim

    2021 Deer Regulations Finally Out!

    January archery deer in the 15's are going to be a zoo.
  6. jim

    Elk draw: ( my mistake!)

    They owe you a refund that rule only means if a youth puts in for a general tag they pay the general fee. Call the main office on monday.
  7. jim

    Need Your Spots

    So you turn left at the windmill and you drive about 4 or 5 miles. Get out climb the ridge to the left and glass south. Good luck
  8. jim

    ITS ON!!!!!!

    Congrats Chris
  9. jim

    Wife and I doubled yesterday

    Now get him to shoot a scope mounted one that the eye relief is set up to not shoulder it and see how easy it would be to shoot.
  10. jim

    Rutting 2020

    I saw 2 bucks 2 weeks ago full rut with about 6 does. Full strut chasing the does standing each other off. I was just above desert country and am really hoping they keep going until the first and that no one else finds them.
  11. jim

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    If a game warden suspects me of using a camera of taking wildlife utilizing a game camera would he not have to get a court order to seize the camera to try and build his case?
  12. jim

    2xl badlands pants.

    Items were sold.
  13. jim

    2xl badlands pants.

    3 pair 2xl 75.00. 1 pr insulated style. Pants are in new condition.
  14. jim

    surrendered tag call 2 years in a row

    My phone it shows up as draw I was quick to answer yesterday.