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Everything posted by shurtzgarret

  1. shurtzgarret

    Remington 1100 12 gauge w/adj choke $300!!

    what is the lowest youll take for the vortexs?????
  2. shurtzgarret

    Elk shed buyer

    I have a shed I found about two years ago that is in pretty good shape! It has a couple broken tines but has some character
  3. shurtzgarret


    it has been pretty common with me this year......i have been chasing a whitetail buck out in 28 that is running with 15 mule deer doe and he is the only whitetail, let alone buck!
  4. Went out saturday morning for a little calling before frolic (our winter formal dance). had a lot of fun i called in one and she called in the other. each took two shots, she finished them off with a good shot! let me know if you have any pointers on some good spots near unit 31. thanks!
  5. shurtzgarret

    December archery opening date?

    thank you! i just didnt know if it started the 9th or the 16th. i go every year and never remember the starting date.
  6. i was wondering if anyone could tell me the date the december bow hunt starts. i would greatly appreciate it thanks!!
  7. shurtzgarret

    A little day date fun before frolic

    Thanks! Idk if my .17 will really put a big coyote down but thank you for the info
  8. shurtzgarret

    Brothers biggest coues

    Shot this buck open morning of the 2011 youth season. What do you think he scores? Pictures are not very good sorry.
  9. shurtzgarret

    Brother's biggest coues

    Sorry about the blood! put a smack down on this buck around 3:00 opening day. nice 140 yard 4th shot did the trick and the buck dropped where he stood