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Everything posted by Hoss50

  1. Hoss50

    5BS- First scout

    If you go to scout more in unit 7E (which I know you are going to) stay off of road 419. It isn't worth the effort unless you are in a SxS or quad or something with good suspension and a decent driver.
  2. Any info or pictures on the 550b?
  3. Hoss50

    Remington 700 in 257 Weatherby mag

    This is a darn nice rifle in an amazing caliber. If you are looking for a long range deer gun look no further. I ♡ 257 weatherby, and this is a fine example of a nice one.
  4. This is an awesome deal. If i wasnt already so invested in my 300 win mag that I have now, I would be all over this deal.
  5. Hoss50

    Fishin for a Glock

    Quit fishing the phoenix canals, or that is all you will catch. You need to start fishing in better waters for better hardware.
  6. Hoss50

    Toll road Colorado

    They use to have booths that you could go pay cash at. I have not been on E470 in many years though.
  7. Hoss50

    Fishin for a Glock

    I bet it would work fine after a little cleaning and lube, but the question is how many bodies are on that gun. Guns don't typically end up in the lake for no reason...
  8. Hoss50

    Show low one night trailer parking spot

    I have a buddy in springerville with an RV park if you are out that far.
  9. Hoss50

    How do I "Pattern" Elk

    What unit?
  10. I will go with open sights for my official target. I will probably copy the target so I can shoot it scoped for fun, and my buddy will want to take a crack at this too. Harley Smith - Open Sights - Winchester 69A
  11. Hoss50

    Looking for an AC guy on here

    Since you are on the westside I would call Martin - Grand Canyon Refrigeration. He is an honest dude. 602-326-8936 You are lucky it is R410A. The price of R22 is CRAZY right now, and will be for a long time.
  12. Hoss50

    General Purpose/ Back up Rifle

    If you have a 6.5 I would skip to at least 7mm or 30 caliber. I would buy a boomer and put a brake on it. Tikka or similar in 300 win mag. Light weight and has plenty of punch. With the brake you shouldn't have issues with recoil. Ammo is readily available most places. If you do a light rifle in 3006 you are probably still going to have to brake it to make it fun to shoot, so you might as well jump to 300 mag and get some thump at more range.
  13. Hoss50

    General Purpose/ Back up Rifle

    Something in 6.5 cal. There are alot of good rifles in alot of good calibers out there.
  14. Hoss50

    Any CW members a Dodge Salesmen????

    A few buddies of mine went to new Mexico to buy there new dodge. Some dealer in a tiny town was giving killer prices.
  15. Hoss50

    First trip with the new tent

    I have the hose to hook it up to a bbq propane tank and that is awesome. No more waking up to change green cylinders in the middle of the night.
  16. Hoss50

    First trip with the new tent

    I love my 10x14. It is a great tent. I have the model with the top vents, but I really wish I had the model with the bid side windows. That would be nice when it is hotter out. I spent a night in it during the December elk hunts last year and it was not bad at all with a tent heater. It was probably in the teens outside, and the buddy heater on high kept it more than manageable in the tent.
  17. I really like the berger 115gr in my 257 weatherby. The rifle is stock accept for a timney trigger and redfield 3x9x40 scope. Sub-moa from a basic vanguard and they performed well on my cow elk a couple years ago at +/- 275 yards. The picture is 3 rounds at 500 yards with a basic 3x9 scope. The bullet strikes are at 1", 2", and 4.75" on the tape.
  18. Hoss50

    Fishing with Kids Tip?

    It was pretty fun to watch. He was excited. He didn't really know what to make of it when we got it up, but I made him touch it and he came around more to touching it after this pic was taken.
  19. Hoss50

    Fishing with Kids Tip?

    My 5 year old is bugging me to take him fishing which is why I am posting this. I live in the west valley and have been trying to figure out what the best place to take him would be. I live near Pioneer park, but it has no shade which sucks. I am thinking Rio Vista Park would be better. Does anyone else have any recommendations? Also, I am pretty novice at fishing. I know some of the basics, but what are the best baits and such to be using in the urban lakes? What is the best fish to target? I don't care what we catch, I just would like to catch something. Thanks Harley
  20. Hoss50

    Fishing Pole/Reel for kids

    I bought a small spinning combo from sportman's for my 5 year old. It was $20 and has worked well sofar. It can with some 6lb line that casts ok. He is learning how cast it still but he is doing ok. The line is pretty strong. We have snagged it a couple times, and all but once we have got it free without snapping the line. I was pulling pretty hard to snap the line. The fishing manager at the avondale sportsman's begged me not to get him a push button. I said why not give it a shot. So far so good.
  21. Hoss50


    I think I have some 180gr old school 30 caliber silver tips too if anyone has an old school load that uses them.
  22. Hoss50


    .338 250gr barnes x bullets. Roughly 50pcs. These are the old school barnes x not tsx or similar.
  23. Hoss50

    Fishing with Kids Tip?

    We went to the G&F event today at Cortez Park this morning. It was a nice little event. I was thinking they might be offering a little more instrution, but it was more an event to offer an opportunity. Still it was a good event, and I am glad we went. We didn't have much luck, but we did manage to land 1 fish which is my son's first real fish.
  24. Hoss50

    Timmey triggers ?

    The weatherby wasn't terrible but it had creep even when adjusted. The timney has no creep, and even at the factory setting of 3lb is alot better than the adjusted weatherby.