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Everything posted by Hoss50

  1. I feel proud, but hillbilly at the same time. I needed a .257 case trimmer pilot for my hornady case trimmer. No biggy, Sportsmans Warehouse should have...they had a RCBS pilot which has to be the same right? Wrong, it is to skinny. Plan B. Bruno's will have it...Nope only .264 so I grab that since I need one of those too. I call 6 other shops around town...nothing... I am getting desperate...I don't want to spend $8 to ship a $4 item. Now the hillbilly part. Time to improvise. I chucked up the .264 pilot in the cordless drill and break out the air powered die grinder...the cordless gets slammed into full reverse and the die grinder goes forward. 45 seconds later I have a .257 pilot! I feel like a redneck but it worked, and now I have trimmed cases. Conclusion is that RCBS decided it was too cool and had to make their pilots smaller then Hornady, Redding,etc just to make life more of a pain I think...
  2. Hoss50

    I drew 12aw late hunt.

    Congratulations. That was my first choice hunt but I drew my 2nd choice which is fine by me. Scout as much as you can and hunt hard and I think you will be fine. I totally understand the thought of a guide, but it's your choice. I personally would rather gather the Intel I can, scout, and hunt hard. If you get a good one your success will be even sweeter.
  3. Hoss50

    Results out on portal, post up your hunts

    12AE early rifle! It has been a long time since I had a deer hunt. I hope I remember what they look like.
  4. Caliblers: 6.5 Something or 7-08 is what I would choose. For a dedicated deer gun .243 or 6mm are also in the mix. If you plan to have her start elk hunting I would start with something in 6.5 or 7mm just to get a little heavier bullet weight options. Budget is the big factor. For Cheaper rifles: Howa Ruger American Savage If your tastes are a little more expensive Kimber or a nice Remington Model 7 would be sweet. One of the most handy best rifles that I ever felt while I worked in the gun shops years back that I still think about was a Remington Model 7 in 7-08. It might have been a mountain rifle from the custom shop, but it was light, pointed really well, and was just an all around awesome looking and feeling gun.
  5. I don't NEED them, but if it recommended and I have time to develop the loads why not? Only 1 of the 3 rifles I will load for has a 100% dialed in lead bullet load at this point. Might as well shift my efforts for now to copper bullets, and then finish the lead bullet loads later. If you get your all copper bullet coupon and don't need it I will be happy to take it off your hands.
  6. Same problem here. 12AW late rifle first, 12AE early rifle second. I had 5pts which isn't enough to guarantee either tag so I don't know where I am drawn. Both are good hunts so i don't care really. I just know i need to start loading all copper bullets which i am working on!
  7. Hoss50

    Moving a Gun Safe

    what jdown said is 100% spot on. when I worked in the gun store back in the day I moved safes on the side to make extra money. I moved them exactly as he talks about. A-Z Rentals will rent you the 1600lb appliance dolly with the kick back wheels and straps. Get it. It is worth it.
  8. Hoss50

    1965 Marlin 444

    So much want, so little money...
  9. Hoss50

    THe draw

    I know. I am waiting impatiently... I need to know if I got late 12AW or early 12AE...I already started buying copper bullets, but I need to know where to start E-Scouting...
  10. I voted but you are already behind.
  11. Hoss50

    Loading Barnes Bullets?

    I originally bought the 150gr for my buddies 3006 but he has that rifle on loan to a buddy for his first elk hunt. So am going to repurpose them to the 300 win mag and set that up for longer range duty shooting those 150gr like laser beams hopefully. The 257 and 6.5x55 will be our main carry rifles I think.
  12. Hoss50

    Loading Barnes Bullets?

    I printed some of the load info off Friday at work! Hopefully tomorrow I might have some time to start some loads for the 6.5x55 and 300 Win.
  13. Hoss50

    Portal Update?

    How long until the portal is updated? I am chomping at the bit to find out what deer hunt I drew? Harley
  14. Hoss50

    Loading Barnes Bullets?

    I will keep that in mind. I will grab some 100gr TTSX for the 257 this week. Thanks guys.
  15. Hoss50

    Loading Barnes Bullets?

    I am planning on 3 different loads right now. 150gr TTSX for the 300 win mag 127gr LRX for the 6.5x55 115gr TSX for the 257 weatherby I have not bought the .257 yet, is there any reason to use the 100gr TTSX instead of the 115gr TSX? those will probably be the 3 rifles I load for for myself and my buddy. The 300 win mag will be the backup rifle because it is a tank. Probably 12-13lbs.
  16. Hoss50

    Looking for 12 guage Semi Auto

    3" shells should kill a turkey just fine I would think. They did for decades before 3.5" existed. The need for 3.5" shells hurts the chances of finding an auto loader that will cycle dove loads a lot. A good 3" gun like a Rem 1100 or something should cycle dove loads and 3" shells without issue. My buddy picked up a Rem 1100 from Dicks awhile back that was on closeout - brand new for about $300.
  17. Hoss50

    Hitting Cards

    I finally have a rifle deer hunt after 5 years! I am not 100% sure what unit yet, but either hunt is a nice hunt!
  18. Hoss50

    Looking for a good truck for my son

    Find him a decent Chevy 2500 with 6.0l gas motor.
  19. Hoss50

    Colt & Lugar for sale

    If that gun is 22WRF please let me know. I have a buddy who would probably love to have it to match an old 22 WRF rifle he has.
  20. Hoss50

    Colt & Lugar for sale

    Was it 22 WRF Winchester rimfire? That it is an old round longer than 22lr but shorter the 22 mag.that is more likely then 22 mag. It is a cool old round.
  21. Hoss50

    Sturgeon Sawmill Working Museum

    The operator of the log winch kept asking kids to come pull the cord...which was connected to the steam whistle... My 6 year old and a couple other older kids said no. My 3 year old is pretty fearless and went for it. He about pooped himself when he pulled the cord and went running.
  22. Hi All, I thought some of you may enjoy this. We recently went on vacation to NorCal partly to see this sawmill. It is an early 1900's vintage sawmill for cutting redwoods. My 6 year old is into all kinds of big machinery so I thought this would be fun for him and he loved it. If you are ever up this way on a weekend they run the mill you should go. http://www.sturgeonsmill.com
  23. Hoss50

    Suggestions on a Welder for Hobby/Light Duty

    P.S. I also own a Lincoln 215 230v welder and it is nice, but has the A B C D E power settings which can be a pain. Fluxcore isn't as bad as people say if you are doing good welds and cleaning them. Gas is nicer though but makes your welder less portable because now you need a cart and bottle. My Miller 140v is fluxcore so it is more versatile. My big 230v machine is gas because it is to big to move alot.
  24. Hoss50

    Suggestions on a Welder for Hobby/Light Duty

    Miller is my choice. I have the 140amp 120v and love it. Great welder. Get an auto Darkening mask (not harbor freight crap). He should be able to weld plenty with that.the duty cycle on the heavy stuff won't be as good as a bigger 230v machine, but a 115v machine is super useful and capable. Make sure whatever you get has the fully adjustable setting knobs. The ones with A B C D E power settings are not as forgiving for a newer welder. A good power source is a must too. A nice dedicated 20amp outlet for it goes a long way. Something like this is great. Don't overlook Hobart which is owned by Miller and is often starts at a better price point. https://www.weldingsuppliesfromioc.com/miller-millermatic-140-auto-set-mig-welder-907335
  25. I have a set of those on my heavy barrel savage 110 in 300 win mag. They are working well sofar.