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Everything posted by Hoss50

  1. Hoss50

    Doubled Up - Cows Down

    those are from blackovis.com If you watch camofire.com (blackovis owns camofire) you can catch them on sale sometimes. I bought the larger XL elk size bags and LOVE them. We used them last year on our deer hunt. Got them bloody and washed them out in a bucket. They cleaned up great, and we used them on another deer that hunt. Those are going in the washing machine tonight when the wife isn't looking.
  2. Hoss50

    Looking for Retumbo

    I have a pound or two. I am in NW Glendale near Arrowhead Mall. I bought it during the last shortages thinking I would use it, or trade it for something I needed. I know I have at least 1 sealed pound, maybe 2. I will check when I get home.
  3. Hoss50

    Amanda's Elk Hunt - Humbled

    Everyone has tough hunts. Those are some of the best in terms of learning about being humble and learning about yourself. I know you haven't mentioned the unit number on purpose, but I am sure if you draw it again someone from here will be willing to share some insight and info.
  4. Hoss50

    Doubled Up - Cows Down

    This made it all worth it though. We turned in about 400lbs of meat to the processor. It will be Traeger time in a few weeks.
  5. Hoss50

    Looking for Retumbo

    Where are you?
  6. Hoss50

    Tell us about your elk rifle, and cartridge?

    My CZ 550 with full Mannlicher style stock in 6.5x55 got it done for me this year. My best buddy used his Howa 1500 in 6.5x55, and got it done too.
  7. Hoss50

    Doubled Up - Cows Down

    Yes it is.
  8. Hoss50

    Are the bulls still vocal !

    I spent Friday morning in 23 yelling back and forth with 5 different bulls. It was freakin awesome.
  9. Hoss50

    3 for 3 One day at a time

    Awesomeness! Great work to all involved, and I am sure it was an amazing experience for the ladies. I am headed to 23 on Thursday for the next cow hunt. I hope to have some success like you had.
  10. Hoss50

    Muzzleloader question

    The nipple on the YouTube video for the 209 primer looks larger. Sound like you need a different nipple possibly.
  11. Hoss50

    Muzzleloader question

    The Traditions® Tracker™ 209 Muzzleloader offers accuracy and performance at an affordable price. Built to be compatible with both 209 primers and percussion musket caps, for https://www.muzzle-loaders.com/rifles/traditions-tracker-209-muzzleloader-r44003470.html
  12. Hoss50

    Muzzleloader question

    The Traditions® Tracker™ 209 Muzzleloader offers accuracy and performance at an affordable price. Built to be compatible with both 209 primers and percussion musket caps, for
  13. Hoss50

    Muzzleloader question

    209 primer?
  14. Hoss50

    More 12AW success!

    Last year the squirrels were hanging out in the pines mostly, and you would get into pockets of them. You would see 1 or 2 here or there, and then see multiple all in 1 area.
  15. Hoss50

    3C Rodeo

    It's bad timing, and maybe a little better planning on their part would be nice. That is what can happen when hunting public, mixed use land. It is a small price to pay for having public land to access. Hopefully they take hunting into account after your email for next year, but the land belongs to everyone, not just hunters.
  16. Hoss50

    SXS security

    Kill switch is pretty easy on most things. Or a valve on the fuel line to kill the fuel.
  17. Hoss50

    Done. Close please

    Call Randall's and Legendary and see. They seem to have a wide variety of different hard to find stuff.
  18. Hoss50


    For your late hunt dont worry to much about scouting early other than to get the lay of the land. Spend as much time up there though as you can the 2 weeks before the season. That will be way more beneficial. Find the water, the food, and travel routes. Get away from the roads, and get some elevation to glass.
  19. Hoss50


    I should have worded it better. I know they still have a peaks hunt or 2, but they used to have like 5 or something silly because they were trying to reduce the elk herds up there for awhile. They also lowered the number of tags on the late rifle hunts which will help a little. I like 7E, but the last hunt up there a few years ago was tough, and opportunity was pretty was scarce for us. If they keep the tags lowered and the herds start coming back I might start putting in for it again.
  20. Hoss50


    Be prepared to hike. Some of those cones are tall.
  21. Hoss50


    The late rifle can be very different than the October hunt. Weather and water have alot to do with what to expect on the December hunt. In December you won't have any bugles to chase. It will be more spot and stalk, ambush, or sit water kind of a hunt. 7E holds elk from top to bottom depending on the weather, water, pressure etc. 7E isn't an easy hunt. In fact it can be quite challenging, so don't expect an easy hunt, especially if the weather sucks. I stopped hunting 7E because the amount of elk seemed to be dropping alot. They have stopped issuing all the peaks tags though and reduced the overall amount of tags so hopefully it will pick back up.
  22. Hoss50


    Listen for bugles. Chase the bugles. That time of year I would expect most elk to still be up in the middle to high elevations. I would personally start my hunt up near the base of the peaks and chase bugles. Bugles will lead you to bulls who are still chasing cows.
  23. Blackovis.com had some nice bags. I used them last year for my deer and they worked great. I bought the XL size. https://www.blackovis.com/ovis-sacks-lightweight-game-bags
  24. Hoss50

    Last Minute Elk Hunt in Camp Navajo

    People have been killing elk with core-lokt ammo for years. Would it be my first choice, no. Will it work with a good shot and shot placement, yes.
  25. Hoss50

    Last Minute Elk Hunt in Camp Navajo

    See and elk, shoot an elk...that's what my 4 year old would advise. If you can take the time off, take the tag, and get up there asap. Listen for bugles and head toward them, and take the wind into account. If you know how to bugle or cow call try it. A 270 will take an elk without issue with good shot placement. What round is the gun sited in for?