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Everything posted by Hoss50

  1. Hoss50

    PHX area transmission shop?

    Randy's has built alot of good transmissions for friends of mine.
  2. I shot this bird yesterday, and as I walked up on it I saw this big growth. It was crazy looking. Apparently it is called avionpox and is highly transmissible in birds. It was a big soft tumor like growth.
  3. Hoss50

    Benchmade Nimravus

    I am looking to trade mostly or possibly sell this. It is brand new in the box. New Retail was about $180, so that is a starting point. It is a cool knife I really like, but doesn't fit my hunting needs. Possible Trades, cash on whichever side of the deal is necessary. Quality Hunting Knife small skinner preferred 20ga youth size auto shotgun 22LR rifle Lefthand hunting rifle, kid friendly caliber What else you have? I am in north glendale.
  4. Hoss50

    Benchmade Nimravus

    Top. Everything is negotiable. I would also be interested in a red dot or similar for an AR style platform or possibly AR parts.
  5. Hoss50

    Bison Hunting for Youth?

    I will start him building points on the next hunt, and try and get him 2 points a year. He says he wants to do this, but I think he needs to kill something before I have to eat a $1000 bison tag because he can't pull the trigger. I am going to try and get him a doe hunt asap to try and get him going once he is 10. Thank you for the advice everyone.
  6. Hoss50


    Awesome rifle. My dad had one in 22-250 and that gun made anyone shooting it look like a hero. Great rifle in a wicked caliber.
  7. Hoss50

    Not Cool!

    Today was alot slower. The rain moved through that area last night and it messed up the birds I think. Yesterday was way better.
  8. Hoss50

    Not Cool!

    The morning and whitewing where small. I started targeting the euros and pigeons because they are way fatter.
  9. Hoss50

    Not Cool!

    I shot 30 birds this morning. Mostly Euros and pigeons. Totally glad I woke up at 3am to check the weather.
  10. Hoss50

    Free Camo Pants

    I will take the men's smalls too if they are available. That is the size he is wearing right now. Or spread it around if you have others interested.
  11. Hoss50

    Free Camo Pants

    I can use the men's stuff for my older son. You gonna be out there on Wednesday for the dove opener? I can grab that brass from you too. I also found 11 more blackjacks in cases if you want to pull them.
  12. Hoss50

    Hunter safety

    I just signed my 9 year old up for online. It didn't show any in person classes or field days near Phoenix, so he will do it online.
  13. Hoss50

    Auto Mechanics

    Does anyone on here run a shop or a professional mechanic? I need a clutch done in my 2005 Dodge Cummins sooner than later. I just need someone to provide labor, I will be getting a Southbend clutch for the truck. This truck is 4x4 and has the NV5600 6 speed. Let me know. West/North side I preferred, but let me know. I have a buddy in Coolidge who will do it, but then I have to figure out how to get it to Coolidge and back.
  14. Hoss50

    Winter range

    The elk are still up in the mountains. They won't come down til it gets colder and later in the year. The best scouting will be the week or two before season.
  15. Hoss50

    Shotgun shells (dove season)

    I used the link for Federal on page 1. Better hurry. They say standard shipping is 15-20 days so you better order soon to get here by the 1st.
  16. Hoss50

    Shotgun shells (dove season)

    Anyone seeing shells around? Preferably 7.5 shot or even 6. I got enough to get through part of the season, but I have to dip into my reserve to do it.
  17. Hoss50

    Hard core round up.

    Ortho ground clear is my go to when I can find it, in concentrate and mixed in a sprayer. It kills everything pretty fast. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Ortho-GroundClear-Year-Long-Vegetation-Killer-1-Gal-Concentrate-0433610/311484062#overlay
  18. Hoss50

    SOLD- .303 SMLE Lee Enfield #4 (SOLD)

    To cheap. It is worth more than that as a parts gun.
  19. Hoss50

    2004 Dodge 3500 Cummins 4WD

    If the paint and truck are good, you can get more than 20k with a stick if you hold out.
  20. Hoss50

    7E - Early Archery

    Water and feed is what you need. With as dry as it has been I would bet most of the tanks out in the PJ's are dry. I would be up closer to the base of the mountain or as far up the mountain as your tag allows.
  21. Hoss50

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    Missed us in arrowhead
  22. Hoss50

    Mathews Switchback

    I can meet you next week sometime when I am on that side of town. If you can't wait til then let one of the others get it.
  23. Hoss50

    Mathews Switchback

    Location? I will take the kids bow if you are half way close to me.
  24. Hoss50

    4th Food! Whatchagot?

    Yesterday was 4 racks of baby back ribs, today is brisket.
  25. Hoss50

    Check out this muzzle loader

    Muzzleloader hunts should be limited IMO. Or make them just draw rifle tags and do away with the muzzy hunts. I think a reasonable limit for muzzleloader hunts should be no optics on the gun. This rifle in question is super cool, but it is just that a rifle, not a "muzzleloader". It is a caseless single shot high power rifle that happens to load from the muzzle. Might as well just turn muzzleloader hunts into single shot rifle hunts with technology like this.