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Everything posted by Hoss50

  1. Hoss50

    SPF: Browning BPS 12ga Camo

    If you find 2 let me know. I would love a 16ga BPS. I love BPS, they are super smooth.
  2. Hoss50

    SPF: Browning BPS 12ga Camo

    BPS are nice because they are ambidextrous. GLWS
  3. Hoss50

    Leupold 4.5-14x40 and Ruger M77 30mm rings

    Are they leupold rings?
  4. Hoss50


    Awesome news
  5. Does anyone have a set they don't need before I go buy a set? Blue or Stainless would be fine.
  6. Hoss50

    Arken Scopes?

    Initial review posted.
  7. Hoss50

    Arken Scopes?

    Initial Review: EPL 4x16x44 MOA The scope showed up yesterday and I unboxed it this morning. Very nice overall on the packaging and feel, fit, finish. I took it with me to the range this morning but it was loose, not mounted to a rifle. I took a rifle with a Burris Veracity 3x15x50 to compare it too since that is about a $750-800 scope right now. I will say that after comparing them I do like the Arken alot and think it offers alot of nice features. I will also say that people who think the Arken is better than a $1200-1500 scope are not being honest with themselves. The Arken feels nice and sturdy and the adjustments are crisp and clean. I really do like the reticle in the scope, it reminds me of the MOA reticle I really liked in the 3x10 Nightforce SHV. The glass is nice and doesn't seem to distort even near the edges. That said the glass was not as good as the glass in the Burris Veracity IMO. The Burris is a 50mm, but the glass in it shows better/brighter colors and had a crisper image to me. The Arken EPL image was fine and I would not have had problems viewing and hitting target I don't think, but it wasn't as good. That said, the Arken EPL is a very nice scope for the price point I paid, and does punch above its price tag. I feel the glass is probably about the same as my Vortex Viper 6x24x50 HSLR roughly. The zero stop is very functional and the the turrets are nice. The reticle was very good was well for what I like which is a useful reticle that isn't to busy. Overall I think it is a very good buy for the money. I think it is probably worth something around the $650-750. Price range. I would love to compare it to a Viper 4x16x44 HSLR. I think they might be very similar. I am planning to put this on a .338 win mag so hopefully I will get a chance to put some rounds through it sooner than later.
  8. Hoss50


    They tried to steal my buddies 7.3 SD about 5 years ago. The only reason they didn't get it was it was a stick and I don't think they knew how to drive it. That sucks OP. Sorry to hear they got it.
  9. Hoss50

    Silencer wait time???

    Healy's does lay-away for them. 50% down and 50% on pickup. They have 1 in jail for me. Probably need to fo another ASAP.
  10. Hoss50

    Lookin for a lefthanded youth rifle.

    Sportsmans north Phoenix had a ruger American in 6.5 creedmoor the other day if you dont find something here.
  11. Hoss50

    Silencer wait time???

    I am hearing about 8 months. 240ish days.
  12. My 10yr old has a Javelina tag in about a month. I am looking for a good day pack type pack for him. He is very large for a 10yr old 5'4" and 150lbs but I don't want a full blown frame style pack for him yet. Something along the lines of a Badlands Super Day Pack. Anyone have anything for a reasonable price? Thanks Harley
  13. Hoss50

    Changing out the signs

    Most of the merch they sell seems to be there garbage Redhead house brand chinese crap. The price of most things is more than other retailers selling the same stuff. You pay extra for the experience of shopping at the store. I would rather go to sportsmans warehouse and pay less for the same thing and have brands other than Redhead. I cannot wait for Scheels to open here in AZ. Scheels is better than both of them.
  14. Hoss50

    Shipping container garage

    We had one at a construction yard when I used to work construction. It was nice because you could work under it out of the sun/rain/etc. You could park under it, keep materials under it, etc. You could secure you tools and more valuable materials in the connex boxes, and if you really wanted you might be able to park in one of the boxes. The roof was built with leftover purlins and metal roofing. It wasn't as fancy as your picture, but it got the job done for us.
  15. Hoss50


    A good workhorse. If it was 20ga I would buy it for sure.
  16. Phoenix Rod & Gun Club. Weekend days on the main range that is open to the public is a zoo, but the members only side ranges are usually pretty good. Just have to check the calendar before you go to see if the range you want is open, or booked for a match.
  17. Hoss50

    Changing out the signs

    I haven't shopped at either store in years because they are garbage. 2 years ago I went in to check out some camo for an upcoming trip. The only thing they had was Redhead trash or Sitka for baller money. Sorry, I can buy trash at walmart, and I am not paying for Sitka. Have something in the middle.
  18. I can't believe I missed the lab radar by 1 minute because I went back to see where you live. 🤮
  19. Hoss50

    Tripod Rifle Mount?

    My son is going on his first hunt in about a month. I am interested in trying to find a tripod mount for a rifle to help him steady if he gets and opportunity and time to setup. What are your experiences with different products? Thanks
  20. Hoss50

    Arken Scopes?

    Not yet. They had a shipping delay according to the email. I am waiting patiently.
  21. Hoss50

    Jeep Modifications/Lift Recommendation

    Matt at Modern Offroad can help you. Tell him Harley sent you.
  22. Hoss50

    Gold purchase info

    I buy silver at The Coin Gallery on Dunlap and 43rd ave. They sell gold and such too.
  23. Hoss50

    22 Cricket Rifle

    I have a small cricket style 22lr rifle that is to small for my boys. I believe it needs a little work on the extractor and firing spring. Free to good home. Obviously you must be over 18 and not prohibited. You must also have a kid you will fix this and give it to.