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Everything posted by Hoss50

  1. Hoss50


    I received my leftover tag yesterday.
  2. If you decide you want to hunt low let me know and I will put you on a couple spots we have seen success on in recent years. It's hard hunting with the need to know your rifle but good deer come out of there. Shots are often in the 350+ yard area if your willing to take the shot. Last year the only shot I had was at about 700 yards. I passed on that because I wasn't on my rifle at that time and even then I am sure I had run out of talent at least 100 yards prior.
  3. The best place to start is buying a Prescott National Forest map and take a drive for a few weekends and start checking it out. The lower areas are nasty thick brush and big hills. Higher up is pine forests. 2 years ago we checked out some of the area near the burn from the fire near Crown King and the deer were gone, they may be working there way back that way now. If you like to hike and like long shots, and like nasty brush stay low. There are some big mulies in there, but you will have to work for them and get lucky. Higher is denser forests and more deer, but also more hunters. If you are going to stay low get some good bino's and sit on water holes and deer trails. That is where you will typically catch the movement and action.