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Everything posted by Hoss50

  1. Hoss50

    I finally got a decent set of bino's

    Will do. If I get drawn for elk I will be doing a lot of glassing soon.
  2. Well my dad decided he wanted to get me a set of bino's for Christmas. I had been planning to get them for myself before my javelina hunt in February but I picked up a set of 8x42 Vortex Diamondback's. I compared the 10x42's and also the Nikon monarch 5's in the same sizes and the 8x42's just felt better and gave me a better field of view. I know they are not great glass but they are a serious upgrade from my little $30 Bushnell 10x25's I normally sport during hunting season. I am pretty excited about getting out and getting to sit and try these things out!!! Harley
  3. Hoss50

    2006 Dodge Megacab 5.9 diesel 4x4 6 speed manual

    That's a bad arse truck. I think your asking price is just right to start with. You should be able to get at least 28k for it all day with the condition, mileage, add ons, and the fact that it is a stick shift mega cab. The 2006 makes it awesome too because you can tune it with EFI Live. I paid 22k for my 2005 6spd long bed dual cab with 141k miles. Put it on cumminsforum and I bet it's gone quick. East coasters would drool all over the condition and options of that truck.
  4. Hoss50

    I finally got a decent set of bino's

    I have learned a fair amount from this website on ways to improve my hunting ability especially on the topic of optics. Even in my hour on the hilltop glassing last weekend it became very apparent that I need some form of rest like a tripod. The advice I have received here is top notch and much appreciated. I want to go hunting and return with a harvest, not go hiking with a gun like I normally do. My father was never a great hunter but he got me outdoors and learning to enjoy it. Now I need to grow and hone my limited skillset so I can teach my son (soon to be sons) to respect and enjoy it too. Thanks guys! Harley
  5. Hoss50

    I finally got a decent set of bino's

    I sent you a PM TJ. Thank you for the awesome offer.
  6. Hoss50

    I finally got a decent set of bino's

    I finally got to use them today on a hunt for the first time. They didn't help with the success but that was mostly due to lack of scouting and lack of preparation. I did get to the top of a big hill and glassed for about an hour. I my old bino's out to compare and holy crap the difference was amazing. Some day I will upgrade to even better glass on my rifle and bino's but these are a huge step up for me for sure. The wild was blowing 10-30mph so I didn't see much in my glassing session but I saw much more than I would have with my old bino's. Harley
  7. Hoss50

    Another kick in the groin...

    I managed to get out this morning and saw squat. My spot that was hot awhile back was pretty darn cold today. I guess that is what I get for stopping scouting because I had my sales meeting. I did manage to get up on a high ridge and glass for awhile with my new bino's and was amazed to see how much clearer they are. I didnt see anything but the wind was blowing 10-30 mph on top of the ridge so I was not surprised. King of the hammers rocked though a couple weeks ago. One of my team drivers finished 4th overall out of 150+ racers and only 17 officially finished. His sister finished outside if the time limit but was the last person to cross the line in 22nd place. She was the only female racer and she is 18 years old in her first bid to race this race.
  8. Hoss50

    Another kick in the groin...

    Today I received a lovely email about our annual sales meeting at work. Guuss what weekend they planned it for...the weekend I have my javelina tag for of course!!! I already had time off and the hunt was planned and now I get to spend at least opening day and Saturday at work! I drew 2 hunts this hunting season and they both are going down the tubes. Best case I get to get out Sunday and maybe tell work to stick it and go out Monday too but I will be hunting alone Sunday afternoon and Monday instead of with my group. Maybe this is my penance for deciding to go to King of the Hammers this year when I hadn't planned on it. My team better win KOH so I can at least party it up after the race. Harley
  9. Hoss50

    "Respect Access is Open Access" Pledge

    There is at least 1 clean up effort out there every year. Typically the offroaders and a few other groups come together to clean up shooters trash and illegal dumping. Every year they fill multiple 40 yard construction dumpsters with trash and that is just cleaning up the tip of the iceberg. Shooter trash at TM has been a problem for over 15 years. Offroaders and other groups have been trying to make cleanup efforts to keep the area and trail system open.
  10. Hoss50

    Best Truck Shocks?

  11. Hoss50

    diesel owners school me please

    The chevy 6.0L is a very good motor. If I was going to a gas truck that would probably be my choice. There is tons of aftermarket support so you can make them do anything you want. If you are hauling heavy and hauling a lot though there is no replacement for a diesel. Anyone who tells you different has never hauled with a good diesel. A buddy of mine's dad was a firm believer in a gas motor was just as good for hauling until I showed him what a real diesel will do. He had a 32' triple slide 5er that he had me haul to Forrest Lakes for him. He followed me and he admitted that his 2008 6.0L chevy that was warmed up would not have towed that trailer as fast or well as my stock 2003 Dodge did. I shut him up once and for all.
  12. Hoss50

    Elk & Antelope Draw Odds

    Can you check this one for me please? 4 hunters, Resident late rifle cow. 7e 3 bp
  13. Hoss50

    diesel owners school me please

    Dodge cummins for the last 10 years for me. I had a 98.5 24 valve that I bought drove the heck out of. I traded it in last year for my current 2005 Dodge cummins. Both trucks were stick shift 3/4 long bed extra cabs. The Cummins motors are tough as heck. The fit and finish of the competitors trucks are probably better but my dodges are workhorses and have been great. If I had to own a ford it would be a 7.3 liter. The 6.0 was junk stock. They were liabilities waiting to happen. Once you fix the EGR problem they are great. I tried to explain this to a good buddy but he had to have a ford. He got a great deal on a stock 2005 6.0l. He paid about 5k under blue book for a really nice truck. 6 months later he spent that $5k on the EGR system and 1 new cylinder head. Now his truck is a great truck, but no longer a good deal. That said, all diesels are potential for expensive repairs. I don't care what brand you buy things can go wrong and they cost more to fix then the same truck with a gas motor. Conversely they have the ability to do more work quicker then a gas motor. My 98.5 was awesome and almost repair free. I did very little other than basic maintenance on that truck for 200,000 miles. I bought my 2005 dodge and 3 months later I had to do $3k worth of injectors. I could have fixed it cheaper but I did it right and replaced all the injectors even though only 1 or 2 were bad. Harley
  14. Hoss50

    Problem with neighbor's dog

    I doubt they can charge you for discharging a firearm in self defense.
  15. I would get one in 10mm, 38 super, or 9x23 first. All are similar or more potent then 357 mag and are already somewhat common 1911 builds. I bought my 38 super 1911 with the intent to modify it to shoot 9x23, but 38 super is pretty potent in its own right so I have left it alone. It's a great and isn't to far behind 357 on ballistics.
  16. Hoss50

    Online draw deadline?

    They are both at fault. The GF is at fault for not enforcing there own rule, and the users are at fault for procrastination. You knew the deadline to be to work. You left just enough time to get to work barring any issues. You were late, because you didn't leave time to account for any issues. Who is to blame for the above scenario? The guy who wrecked? I think it is the word I used to start every sentence in the scenario... Let's change the scenario. You knew the elk deadline date. You knew the online app can be sketchy to get an app in at the deadline. You chose not to apply early or drive or mail the app to GF. You didn't read the disclaimer on the online app saying it doesn't guarantee it will work, or chose to ignore the warning. You missed the draw because of an online glitch with a computer system. You are pissed because you don't get to go hunting. Personal accountability?
  17. Hoss50

    Online draw deadline?

    It's not about the result date, it is about all the extra applicants that now worsen the odds of the draw lottery.
  18. Hoss50

    Online draw deadline?

    No. If you gamble on the worst choice (last minute online app) and lose, you should suffer the consequences and not get to go hunting. Just a small lesson to learn in life. We as a society don't enforce the rules enough anymore and people don't learn lessons they should in life.
  19. Hoss50

    Deadline EXTENDED

    So you don't want anyone to infringe on your percentage chance of getting a tag. And are willing to screw someone that really did nothing wrong, out of their opportunity to draw one. And fish and game wants all the thirteen dollars they can get. Seems like two of the same to me. It appears birds of a feather do flock together.Take care, Willie Apparently you have never read the websites disclaimer on the front page. They extend the draw to not piss people off and make more money. The Department makes no representation or warranties in relation to this website, the operation of the web-based application process or the information or materials provided on the website. By using this website and the web-based application process, you assume all risks associated with the use of the website, and the Department disclaims any liability for damages resulting from use or misuse of the website, including failure to complete or transmit an application prior to the deadline date or any errors in the application or transmission. This disclaimer means the deadline date should be 100% a hard deadline. You have plenty of time to get your online app done or take it to G&F directly. I make sure to give myself at least 1 full day incase there is an online issue so I have time to take the app to g&f in person if I need too. It's not my fault you waited to long and can't read the rules. If you read the rules and still gambled on the worst odds on how to submit your app and lost why is that everyone else's problem? Let's stop changing rules to make everything "fair". Life isn't fair.
  20. Hoss50

    Deadline EXTENDED

    If you wait until the last minute it is your fault. You had plenty of time. Now all the last minuters get to keep applying making my chances of getting drawn worse. AZGFD just wants to make sure they get every $13 possible. They only have X tags to issue so every application above X is just extra money in there pocket. Extending the deadline just means more people to give them $13.
  21. Hoss50

    19a Cow Hunt

    If you get drawn in this unit PM me. I don't know a lot but I will share what I know. I don't plan to hunt there much.
  22. Hoss50

    19a Cow Hunt

    I drew 19a one year by accident. I wrote down the wrong hunt number on the application and got drawn for that hunt. It was a cow hunt and we got skunked. Me and a buddy did get a good 50 yard broadside look at a good size 4x4 bull but of course had cow tags. It is a tough area. Elk are scattered and the areas they are in can be rough. Anything from dense brush to full pine forests. If you are putting in as a lone hunter that might not be a bad area but if you are in a group you lower your draw odds with such a small amount of tags.
  23. Hoss50

    Are there any termite guys in here???

    If you have a service do it read the fine print on the warranty and how they will retreat if they come back. They also need to drill the slab to do the job well. The stupid power washer method the cheap places use doesn't last. Strike force did my house when we bought it and they sucked. They power washed the chemical and when they came back they will only spot treat. Don't use them.
  24. Hoss50

    Are there any termite guys in here???

    I did my house myself. You can buy termidor yourself and mix and apply it. Dig trenches in the dirt and drill the concrete. I have a hammer drill from my construction days so I didn't need that but you can rent them at Home Depot. I bought a paint pot from harbor freight and hooked it up to my air compressor and used that to inject the chemicals with a long air compressor air wand in the holes. My father in law helped me and it took less than a day to do my 1300' house.