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Everything posted by Hoss50

  1. Hoss50

    WTB Kodiak canvas tent

    I employ this tactic whenever possible. If I am going to home depot or lowes to spend some decent money I stop by Fry's first and load up on some gift cards. Saving a dollar a gallon on fuel is a big deal to me. I even do this with places I go out to eat at. I know I will eat at BJ's, Whataburger, Little Caesars, etc again so I grab gift cards there too. Fuel points = $.
  2. Hoss50

    Yeti or canyon cooler

    I have a grizzly and like it alot.
  3. Hoss50

    WTB 45LC revolver

    I love my ruger Blackhawk in 45lc. It will do anything a 44 mag will for sure.
  4. Hoss50

    WTB Kodiak canvas tent

    I bought mine on amaZon from kodiak themselves. I went to frys before hand though and bought amazon gift cards to rack up a bunch of fuel points. I think I got 2400 fuel points which saved me $70+ in diesel fuel as I can max out the 35 gallon limit at $1 off a gallon.
  5. Hoss50

    3 phase power and VFD's..who knows about them?

    Support is key for sure. That is the way I try to make myself better than my competition. I sell commercial hvac products. Alot of people have products that are pretty similar in price and quality. Service is they way to stand out.
  6. Hoss50

    3 phase power and VFD's..who knows about them?

    We buy drives from butch occasionally for projects. I also rep schneider (square d) and can order drives from them. Abb is a good drive.
  7. Hoss50

    3 phase power and VFD's..who knows about them?

    Variable Frequency Drive = VFD.
  8. Hoss50

    Memorial Day Camping Suggestions

    Avoid the mess, stay home.... I refuse to go out of town on those holiday weekends.
  9. Hoss50

    Good Tag? 7 East Peaks Hunt Area 10/21-10/27 Any Elk..

    The peaks is a motor vehicle restricted area so your boots are the main travel source un less you have horses. It is a tough hunt for sure.
  10. Hoss50

    Late rifle elk

    Tough hunt. There are alot of roads so alot of road hunters. Find water and get away from roads. I had the late rifle cow hunt there last year which is a week after the bull hunt. I saw 0 bull elk on my hunt. It can be done but you better get deep and know your rifle. We took 2 cow elk last year. The shortest shot was 260 yards.
  11. Hoss50

    Jeep Guys

    If you are looking for a shop to do it talk to Jeremy at fly-n-hi. Tell him Harley Sent you.
  12. Hoss50

    AC condenser motor

    It is a really odd condenser motor, that is the problem. Most condenser motors are much smaller HP. 3/4HP is more typical of a blower motor.
  13. Hoss50


    They don't have enough pop to kill a cat. A pellet gun has way more pop.
  14. Hoss50

    Any north valley AC guys????

    If it is a Carrier and you need parts let me know too. I can probably help out with that too. If the other guys don't work out let me know and I will get you my a/c guys number.
  15. Hoss50

    Any north valley AC guys????

    I have a good guy who will do north valley. If you want his name let me know. I sell a/c units wholesale to contractors so if it is to far gone and you need a new system get ahold of me.
  16. Hoss50

    Multiple item clean out!!

    I am interested in the spotting scope. Is it scope only or does it have any accessories with it?
  17. I will let you know. I need to get time to load the rounds and get it on paper well first. Once I get that dialed I will probably enlist your help to fine tune it. Thanks Lance.
  18. I drew another cow elk tag which is awesome. I took my 257 weatherby last year and it did well for me, but I am thinking about stepping up a little in size since I have an excuse to upgrade another rifle. My dad was the king of cheap scopes so I have alot of rifles that need upgraded. Scope, muzzle brakes, potentially triggers, etc. Accurizing. I have a Ruger M77 with the switch safety in 7mm Rem. Mag and a weatherby vanguard in 300 weatherby sitting in the safe. Both need new scopes and some load development at minimum , and the 300 will need a muzzle break. Which way would you lean? The 7mm was my dad's first rifle, but the weatherby is the rifle he shot his only elk with. I am looking to build 1 for more of a medium range hunting rifle say to about 500-600 yards but have a little more energy out at that range than my 257 weatherby has. I love my 257 and I will shoot it to 500 with no issue but not on and elk, even a cow elk. It did great at 300yds on my cow last year but I wouldnt shoot it on an animal that big past about 300. Harley
  19. Hoss50

    Lion darted in Wittman

    It is a good thing that cat wasn't a few miles north where my buddy lives. It probably would have been darted with a broadhead.
  20. Hoss50

    7E last Season

    Up on the peaks that late in the year?
  21. Hoss50

    Cabela's army cot

    If it doesn't work out let me know please. Thanks Harley
  22. I picked up some 168gr berger hvlds the other day and I picked up a grind to fit recoil pad today. I spent some time this afternoon fitting it up. It is a limbsaver small grind to fit. It just needed thinned out on each side. It wasn't really hard. The angle grinder with a flap wheel did pretty well at thinning it out without butchering it to much. It isn't a pro quality job but turned out pretty well. The brass is in the tumbler now getting clean and hopefully tomorrow I might be able to load some sight in rounds and a ladder test with h1000 and the bergers. Then it's off to the range soon. I even went semi-Kenyon and weighed all the brass to get the 50pcs. am going to load within about 2 grs.
  23. Hoss50

    Ruger M77 7mm Remington Mag. $375

    Very nice price on a good gun. I have been rehabbing my dad's that is exactly like this one.
  24. Hoss50

    7E last Season

    On my late cow hunt there last year we didn't see a single bull. Saw cows almost every day but no bulls. That hunt is a week after the bull hunt though so they are probably in deep hiding still. The weather can play a big role in that hunt. Scout hard and have fun. I will be on the same cow hunt this year too.
  25. Hoss50

    7E last Season

    Did the elk wonder into their camp? Why would the gut piles be in camp?Not sure. We dumped my cows gut pile with there's. I didnt gut mine onsite because I was in a place we hoped to hunt more and didn't want the pile there and it was getting dark quick so we opted to load her up and do everything in camp. We caught the gut pile in a big plastic tote and dumped it off in the same place the other guys did.