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Everything posted by TOBY

  1. TOBY

    Archery OTC Future?

    Ban cow elk tags. Those bytches aint got horns.
  2. TOBY

    Crossbow permit repeal

    If all you against this blew out your shoulder after a lifetime of archery hunting and knew of a monster buck You'd have a xbow permit and would be using it. Its bullshit that a career archer or disabled person has to sacrifice a velvet or rut hunt if there is a way to make it happen still. I think prohibition should come back plus a tobacco ban as well. See how you guys handle that. You same xbow haters would be the same guys buying bootleg booze and tobacco.
  3. TOBY

    Wheres our Point guy for elk?

    7 archery antelope resident?
  4. TOBY

    Elite Spirit

    25 inch draw 50 to 60 pounds No 3d use only used each January Comes with all things pictured. Dozen arrows,scott fox release,soft case,hip quiver,arrow case, sight is just reg 5 pin, qad rest.Have field points and some practice 100 grain slick tricks. Strings and cable have good life in them still.Wife shoulder is kaput. 300 dollars. In Wickenburg. Willing to meet west side area.
  5. TOBY

    Bear Cruzer

    Bought from a member here for finlaw to shoot when visiting. Never happened. Very versatile starter bow from 15 to 30 inch draw. Whisker biscuit and trophy ridge 4 pin sight.75 bucks ? Located in Wickenburg. Some kid needs this. I'll throw some arrows in as well
  6. TOBY

    How much meat?

    Bone in or bone out processing? Males weight yield different Brother shot a fat cow elk.neck shot . Hang 4 quarters 280 pounds. Boneless meat 165 b4 trimming. Every person trims different so could be 20 pounds to 40 pounds of wasted meat. Let's say 140 usable. You pay for the bone at the processor fyi. Hanging weight includes bone. I've put thousands of pounds thru my cabelas grinder with the 32 mm head. Desert mule deer.. average young buck skinned is gonna hang 120 if your lucky. Boneless ÷2 60 pounds of meat if it's all clean (never). Be lucky to get 35 pounds of processed meat. 150 fee is 430 a pound. Ish I assume elk is 120 a pound? Do the math. Are deer150 per or buy the pound anymore? Out of the loop as I'll never pay to get someone else's or half my shoot back.
  7. Got in trade never gonna use it. Unsure if string is correct. 65 obo. Located in Wickenburg.
  8. TOBY

    Elite hunter

    29 draw 70 pound Strings and cables in great shape. Sureloc lethal weapon sight Quiver and bag included. Very forgiving bow to shoot if you flinch like me. 250 dollars. That sight cost more than that when I bought it. Located in Wickenburg.
  9. Blue widow with all accessories. Great condition $100 Easton in good condition. Very light and versatile.very underated pack. $60 Located in Wickenburg Come up for good Mexican food and get these packs please.
  10. TOBY

    Weird observation? Or lucky?

    roll deoderized manure over it. makes happy grass and a good deterrent for animals. We overseed first week in october.
  11. TOBY


    Thats why I have 6.5 and a 7mag. no way to confuse them.
  12. TOBY

    Eberlestock Just One J34

    And already knows. +1 for the newbie
  13. TOBY

    Fishing guide

    Not to be confused with trphyhntr the stripper guide.
  14. TOBY

    Fishing guide

    Isnt there a striper guide here? Don Martin or something....?
  15. TOBY

    Ravin R20 Crossbow

  16. TOBY

    Velvet Preservation in the field

    Velvalok for the DIY folk. I am trying it today.
  17. TOBY

    Big herd of bucks all in velvet .

    I had the pleasure of watching that prick forman take down the illegal no trespassing signs on a specific road they had illegally posted that I Turned into GnF. Pompous butt tried to tell me where I could hunt. I ONXed his butt and offered to call Yavapai Sherriff for him. The owner passed away. See what the heirs do with it.
  18. TOBY

    New Rules starting 8-10-24

    So you cant dump remains after you process at home. So is the gutless method now illegal? Same parts being left....Prohibit a person from disposing of any remaining unused cervid tissue that is a byproduct of processing on public or private property. Am I reading this wrong?
  19. TOBY

    BYE BYE Biden

    michelle for pres and barack for vp. Legal and scary af.