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Everything posted by TOBY

  1. I trapped you breaking the law? If you speed and get caught it's your fault not a trap. I wish they could process the pics in house and make money enuf to serve all the speeders who get caught. Just my opinion but slow the f#$k down....
  2. TOBY

    George Strait Tickets-SOLD

    My son doubled his money using stub hub after the fees.
  3. TOBY

    torn rotator cuff

    Well you might be shooting a crossbow if you draw archery antelope...
  4. Says the guy who gets drawn every year for elk.....
  5. TOBY

    Evening Javelina areas

    I shot a boar mounted at 12 yards years back. Gave him plenty of time for some fun first then game over.
  6. TOBY

    Elk pose

    http://www.mckenziesp.com/Elk-90-Degree-Turn-C1163.aspx Extra 250? The most expensive is $236
  7. TOBY

    Wickenburg rocks

    Bring on the heat. I know the restaurants and grocery stores like them but between them and the snowbirds our little town sucks right now. But its better than the valley of the scum anyday... But wait Gold Rush days is next weekend FML and I'm stuck in town. This rant is worthless unless your a local but I feel better now.
  8. TOBY

    Wickenburg rocks

    best service in town.^^^^^^ Local press is good if someone else is buying. If anyone knows a pied piper who can make ropers follow him and go away please contact me.
  9. TOBY

    Wickenburg rocks

    Took down down Star Wars for that? Wickenburg the wanna be roper roping capital of the world. Stinks of horse sh!t and stuck up rich ropers. Can't wait for this fad to move somewhere else. I want my quiet town back.
  10. TOBY

    new bow?

    Never knew they had an IBO for women. L I B Still like the old AMO rating, much closer to the real deal.
  11. same product different size
  12. TOBY

    new bow?

    I f your wife has a 30" draw length and pulls 70 pounds it does.
  13. TOBY

    new bow?

    My wife shoots the Elite Spirit. Not cheap but a really nice set up. I would get a draw specific bow for her and not a one size fits all. Have her shoot a lot of bows to decide what fits her best. Make those pro shops do their job and set them up for her. If they won't move on to one that will. Don't fall for the this is the best one for her line. Shoot shoot shoot until you find the one that will draw the smoothest and she can consistently shoot accurate with. A lot of guys wives shoot. They would be happy to let you shoot theirs as well if needed to compare. Good luck...
  14. TOBY

    NFL Superbowl prediction

  15. TOBY

    Fred Bear Razorheads with bleeders

    I would use them. Don't need that many but for the right price.
  16. TOBY

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    sorry you didnt get laid in high school. My fast car got me more than any stinking jersey ever would of. Its cool that no one picks you in pick up games...lol Oh I got picked and fast, just hated jocks so I wouldn't play on a name game school team. Skill came second to your name at my school. I appreciate the humor though.
  17. TOBY

    2017 archery coues buck

    You forgot the A3 stamp on the second picture.....
  18. TOBY

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    sorry you didnt get laid in high school. My fast car got me more than any stinking jersey ever would of.
  19. TOBY

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    That would make him the 600 million dollar man...the new Steve Austin. You young kids can look it up.
  20. TOBY

    that is the rut.....

    We have a spike in 20c roaming around with a red bandana that people have been feeding forever. Idiots...
  21. TOBY

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    ^^^^^^Tom Brady^^^^^
  22. TOBY

    Broadhead weight, spine

    3 pounds of draw weight loss is more stretch than break-in in imo.
  23. TOBY

    NFL Superbowl prediction

    None of it matters to me anyway...I just know everyone hates him so Its just fun to throw his name out. I had free lower level tickets to Cards game once and went to see what the hype is all about... You football fans are Freaks! Impressive dedication to say the least. Is it "jock" mentality that does it? I played and enjoyed sports in school but never on a team because of "jocks". Maybe the reason I can't get into it.