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Everything posted by TOBY

  1. TOBY


    And keyhole sink is across the road. Worth the the little walk.
  2. TOBY

    Regs are out

    Anybody denied point guard applying. I have my portal account(since it started). Applying directly thru my portal acct and no box to click just not allowed. Elk or antelope. Wifes worked fine. Will be calling in the morning for sure. Not that my 11 goat points are worth much but just in case.
  3. TOBY

    Keying padlocks

    The larger padlocks can be rekeyed. They have to be bought that way. We have Schlage Cylinders in ours. Pinned to 4 different key cuts. Just order a case of long throated master locks that can lock trailer tongues and such and call it good. Keep extra in your truck with your bolt cutters just in case someone has an illegally locked gate you want to add your lock to.
  4. After five days with a rookie, my niece closed the deal on a little spike the last day. Managed to see a total of 6 dink bucks. Was a great learning-teaching hunt for her. A big thanks to G&F for ruining a good unit with more "opportunity".
  5. TOBY

    Tessa's first archery kill

    Congrats to the young lady. I got the story first hand last night from your friend that was with you. Archery kill in a general season to boot.
  6. Pretty sure stock and stocking are there already. And not for fishing terms like it should be.
  7. saleing : verb meaning to sell Then and than are also interchangeable when ever needed.
  8. We were coming for the free pig meat since you couldn't get it. But you looked so helpless on the ground we just couldn't leave you. Always be prepared and let someone know where you are going to be. You never know.....
  9. TOBY

    Any suggestions on running boards

    Not sure of the brand I have on my ram but they go past the rear door allowing you to step up and reach in the bed. That extra 18" is nice.
  10. TOBY

    Plumber for gas dryer installation needed

    75-100 per hour for a licensed plumber. 5 minute job. Hook up new line, turn it on, soapy water in a spray bottle to check for leaks. Done.
  11. TOBY

    Women's Camo

    Willing to ship?
  12. It deflected off the scapula or you hit the "T" of the scapula. They dont make a broadhead that will go thru that.
  13. My wife glassed up my pig I killed. Then bare eyed 3 pigs sleeping, put the stalk on and shot her pig at 40 yards yesterday. So theres some salt in your wound.
  14. TOBY

    The cream is slowly rising...

    Soccer fan for life....the real futbol.........
  15. TOBY

    1/1/2018 broken 6x6

    Your shot could of been perfect. He could of jumped the string. I missed a pig at 35 yards last week. He was 2 feet in front of the arrow by the time it got there. I shot at a javelina sleeping once. On video from 35 yards he was up and past my arrow. How do you adjust for that? Congrats on finding him.
  16. TOBY

    Commercial Refrigerator/Cooler

    Poor mans walk in there. hang a whole elk in there if you do it right..
  17. TOBY

    Do those blood finding lights work?

    So if a bow is not a fire arm as prescribed in whatever regs do you still have to step off the road? That step might have made the difference.
  18. TOBY

    2017 butchering completed

    Double wrapped freezer paper is bulletproof for 3 years. Plus a walk-in is so nice to have at home. Best investment ever if you have a hunting family. http://aclegg.com/our-products/old-plantation-seasonings/ I use these seasonings. I buy them local from a processor. Every flavor you want. congrats on the kill and saving hundreds of $$$
  19. TOBY

    Why do we love to hunt?

    I think you have it or don't. My son wants nothing to do with it other than eating it.Loves the outdoors just doesnt have the bug. My girl only hunts big game when drawn. Neither care to fish but love to eat it. Must be the free food college thing. Just like sports.. show it to them and if they like it great and if not accept it and love them the same and don't shove it down their throat like some idiot redneck jock.
  20. TOBY

    How bout them Devils!

    How is this still going. I have 2 kids at UofA and they have never watched a game. Once a jock always a jock I guess. To each their own...
  21. TOBY

    Spot light opinions

    If I read correct your vehicle can not support your spotlight while in use correct? Not to change the subject but something to consider.
  22. There are 2 local gun shops in town. The Gun Trader(928-684-2149) and some new one where the rancher bar used to be. Give them a call they might have guys trying to pawn it or turn it in. Call WPD(928-684-5411) just in case a good samaritan turned it in. It could happen...
  23. TOBY

    thoughts on "X-mas"

    To each their own.
  24. TOBY

    Nothing is Sacred anymore

    Freedom of the press.
  25. TOBY

    WTF is up with some hunters

    This gives a whole new meaning to "backpack" hunting.