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Everything posted by kazpilot25

  1. kazpilot25

    Coues Gunz!

    Just built this bad boy towards the end of last year. It's shoots dime sized groups at 200 yards with little to no recoil. 6.5 Creedmoor topped with Vortex Viper PST 6-24x50.
  2. kazpilot25

    A question about the Point Guard

    Yes. But that'a dang good question.
  3. kazpilot25

    Duwane Adams glassing

    Yep. It's well worth the time and money. You'll learn a lot.
  4. kazpilot25


    That is so awesome!
  5. kazpilot25

    Recommendations on a mid range pair of bino's

    Has anybody had a chance to test out the Sig Sauer Zulu line? I got one of their Kilo rangefinders and it smokes everything else in that price range out of the water. I love it.
  6. kazpilot25

    Current Draw Status

    That's pretty cool. Although pretty generic, still cool.
  7. kazpilot25

    Death waits at the water hole

    That's pretty cool.
  8. kazpilot25

    Spare tires

    Half? I think you're being pretty generous there.
  9. kazpilot25

    Alaska Fishing Trip

    That's awesome! One day I'll make that trip.
  10. kazpilot25


  11. kazpilot25

    Tombstone Tactical

    Well first off, there is no law stating the gun must be paid for before a background check can be performed. That was a lie. What I do is if I order something for someone I charge them a 10% non-refundable deposit. When they show up to pick it up, I do the background check, then collect the balance after they pass. If they fail, they go on their way but I keep the deposit. If it's a gun I have in stock and they fail, no big deal they just go on their way without the gun and no charge. If they pass, I collect payment after the background check is complete. For transfers, I charge $30 which they pay before the background check is completed. If they fail, there is no refund on the $30. They're paying for my time in that situation and it's the same, if not more work for me if they fail. If they fail, I have to worry about sending the gun back to where it came from (on the customers dime of course).
  12. kazpilot25


    There was a mountain biker that died as well. Who in their right mind goes on a 3 hour mountain bike ride in this kind of heat?
  13. kazpilot25

    A strange one

  14. kazpilot25

    Faught Ridge

  15. kazpilot25

    Faught Ridge

    I have a bunch of family up in Pinetop and Show Low. Prayers for everyone up there.
  16. kazpilot25

    2015 Muley on the Wall

    Very nice!
  17. kazpilot25

    Lasik eye surgery - $1400

    Oh how I wish...
  18. kazpilot25

    Things That Piss Me Off

  19. kazpilot25

    Things That Piss Me Off

    The "homeless" thing is a hard one. I go by the following saying: "What you do with your money is between you and God. What they do with the money you give them is between them and God." At the same time, I don't ever give to the street corner pan handlers. It seems that those are the people faking it. To be honest, I prefer to help the people you find in the back corners of parking lots under a tree taking a rest next to their shopping cart of belongings. They seem to be the real homeless people and the ones that actually need the help. Back when Manzanita Speedway was still around (I grew up there as my grandfather owned the place), I was there all the time. There was a guy that would pan handle the corners all up and down 35th Ave. and would come to that gas station there just off where the parking lot used to be. I'd talk to him a bunch and finally he told me his whole story. He drove a new F250, had a big newer home off 67th and Happy Valley, and took in 60-100k cash and paid no taxes while only "working" 4-6 hours a day. It's just crazy that people make a living doing this. It pisses me off.
  20. kazpilot25

    7E Scout Trip

    7E for archery Is awful. People everywhere, road hunters galore, dust and dirt all over your camp, and other hunters spooking deer all over. I'd avoid 7E for archery if I were you. As for elk, should be a pretty easy hunt. There are a ton of elk in that unit, and finding a cow should be pretty easy. If I were you I'd be scouting a bit more north of the white horse hills. Especially for the December hunt.
  21. kazpilot25

    Had to rescue some Trail Cams from Wildfire

    Exactly. And by X amount of time, you mean as soon as it's left it's considered abandoned and ripe for the taking. Hide them well, secure them well, and you're good.
  22. kazpilot25

    Bear claws man by Cherry Creek

    I dang near ran over a bear last weekend up on the big lake - Alpine road. It was a good looking black and faint brown bear of pretty good size.
  23. kazpilot25

    Taking Kids for First Popup Camping

    East Fork Black River. A bit longer of a drive but it's pretty, right on the river, and it's possible you may have a campground to yourself.
  24. kazpilot25

    Black River
